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Английский язык с Э. Хемингуэем. Старик и море - Илья Франк

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The old man held the line delicately, and softly (старик держал лесу нежно/осторожно и мягко), with his left hand unleashed it from the stick (левой рукой отвязывая ее от палки; to unleash — развязывать, высвобождать). Now he could let it run through his fingers without the fish feeling any tension (теперь он мог позволить ей скользить сквозь его пальцы так, чтобы рыба пр этом не почувствовала никакого напряжения).

This far out, he must be huge in this month (/раз/ так далеко /от берега/, она /рыба/, должно быть, огромная в этом месяце), he thought. Eat them, fish (ешь их, рыба). Eat them. Please eat them.

bump [bAmp], tentative ['tentqtIv], delicately ['delIkqtlI]

"Yes," he said. "Yes," and shipped his oars without bumping the boat. He reached out for the line and held it softly between the thumb and forefinger of his right hand. He felt no strain nor weight and he held the line lightly. Then it came again. This time it was a tentative pull, not solid nor heavy, and he knew exactly what it was. One hundred fathoms down a marlin was eating the sardines that covered the point and the shank of the hook where the hand-forged hook projected from the head of the small tuna.

The old man held the line delicately, and softly, with his left hand, unleashed it from the stick. Now he could let it run through his fingers without the fish feeling any tension.

This far out, he must be huge in this month, he thought. Eat them, fish. Eat them. Please eat them.

How fresh they are (какие они свежие) and you down there six hundred feet in that cold water in the dark (а ты там внизу на глубине шестьсот футов в такой холодной воде, в темноте). Make another turn in the dark and come back and eat them (сделай еще один разворот в темноте, вернись и поешь их).

He felt the light delicate pulling (он почувствовал легкое нежное/осторожное потягивание) and then a harder pull (а затем рывок посильнее) when a sardine's head must have been more difficult to break from the hook (когда, должно быть, голову сардины было сложнее сорвать с крючка). Then there was nothing (а затем ничего).

"Come on (давай же)," the old man said aloud. "Make another turn (сделай еще один разворот). Just smell them (только понюхай их). Aren't they lovely (разве они не прелесть)? Eat them good now and then there is the tuna (хорошенько их поешь, а затем тебя ждет тунец). Hard and cold and lovely (твердый, холодный и восхитительный). Don't be shy, fish (не стесняйся, рыба). Eat them."

He waited with the line between his thumb and his finger (он ждал, держа лесу между большим и указательным пальцами), watching it and the other lines at the same time (следя за этой и другими лесами в одно и тоже время/одновременно) for the fish might have swum up or down (потому что рыба могла плавать вверх и вниз; to swim). Then came the same delicate pulling touch again (затем снова такое же осторожное подергивание).

lovely ['lAvlI], thumb [TAm], touch [tAC]

How fresh they are and you down there six hundred feet in that cold water in the dark. Make another turn in the dark and come back and eat them.

He felt the light delicate pulling and then a harder pull when a sardine's head must have been more difficult to break from the hook. Then there was nothing.

"Come on," the old man said aloud. "Make another turn. Just smell them. Aren't they lovely? Eat them good now and then there is the tuna. Hard and cold and lovely. Don't be shy, fish. Eat them."

He waited with the line between his thumb and his finger, watching it and the other lines at the same time for the fish might have swum up or down. Then came the same delicate pulling touch again.

"He'll take it (он возьмет его = заглотит крючок/клюнет)," the old man said aloud. "God help him to take it (Господи, пусть клюнет: «Господь помоги ему клюнуть)."

He did not take it though (однако он не клюнул). He was gone and the old man felt nothing (он ушел, и старик ничего не чувствовал).

"He can't have gone (он не мог уйти)," he said. "Christ knows he can't have gone (Христос знает = видит Бог, он не мог уйти). He's making a turn (он разворачивается). Maybe he has been hooked before and he remembers something of it (возможно, он попадался на крючок раньше, и он помнит кое-что об этом).

Then he felt the gentle touch on the line and he was happy (затем он почувствовал нежное прикосновение к лесе, и он был счастлив = обрадовался).

"It was only his turn (это был всего лишь разворот)," he said. "He'll take it (он клюнет)."

gentle [Gentl], Christ [kraIst], though [Dqu]

"He'll take it," the old man said aloud. "God help him to take it."

He did not take it though. He was gone and the old man felt nothing.

"He can't have gone," he said. "Christ knows he can't have gone. He's making a turn. Maybe he has been hooked before and he remembers something of it.

Then he felt the gentle touch on the line and he was happy.

"It was only his turn," he said. "He'll take it."

He was happy feeling the gentle pulling (он был счастлив чувствовать мягкие подергивания) and then he felt something hard and unbelievably heavy (а затем он почувствовал нечто грубое и невероятно тяжелое). It was the weight of the fish (это был вес рыбы) and he let the line slip down, down, down (и он позволил лесе скользить вниз, вниз, вниз), unrolling off the first of the two reserve coils (разматывая первые два запасных мотка). As it went down, slipping lightly through the old man's fingers (пока она шла вниз, легко скользя между пальцами старика), he still could feel the great weight (он все еще чувствовал большой вес), though the pressure of his thumb and finger were almost imperceptible (хотя нажим его большого и указательного пальцев был почти незаметен; imperceptible — незаметный, незначительный).

"What a fish (что за рыба!)," he said. "He has it sideways in his mouth now (он сейчас зацепил крючок губой: «боком своего рта») and he is moving off with it (и удирает с ним; to move off — удаляться)."

Then he will turn and swallow it (затем он развернется и проглотит его), he thought. He did not say that because he knew that if you said a good thing it might not happen (он не сказал это вслух, потому что знал, что если говоришь хорошую вещь, она может не произойти). He knew what a huge fish this was (он знал, что за огромная это была рыба) and he thought of him moving away in the darkness with the tuna held crosswise in his mouth (и он думал о ней /о марлини/, удирающей в темноту с тунцом, застрявшим поперек пасти). At that moment he felt him stop moving but the weight was still there (в тот момент он почувствовал, что рыба прекратила двигаться = остановилась, но вес все еще был там). Then the weight increased and he gave more line (затем вес увеличился, и он дал = отпустил еще больше лесы). He tightened the pressure of his thumb and finger for a moment (на мгновенье он усилил нажим большого и указательного пальцев; to tighten — сжимать; tight — сжатый, тугой, плотный) and the weight increased (и вес = напряжение увеличилось) and was going straight down (и уходило прямо вниз).

imperceptible ["Impq'septqbl], swallow ['swOlqu], tighten [taItn]

He was happy feeling the gentle pulling and then he felt something hard and unbelievably heavy. It was the weight of the fish and he let the line slip down, down, down, unrolling off the first of the two reserve coils. As it went down, slipping lightly through the old man's fingers, he still could feel the great weight, though the pressure of his thumb and finger were almost imperceptible.

"What a fish," he said. "He has it sideways in his mouth now and he is moving off with it."

Then he will turn and swallow it, he thought. He did not say that because he knew that if you said a good thing it might not happen. He knew what a huge fish this was and be thought of him moving away in the darkness with the tuna held crosswise in his mouth. At that moment he felt him stop moving but the weight was still there. Then the weight increased and he gave more line. He tightened the pressure of his thumb and finger for a moment and the weight increased and was going straight down.

"He's taken it (клюнул)," he said. "Now I'll let him eat it well (теперь я позволю ей поесть хорошенько)."

He let the line slip through his fingers (он позволил лесе скользить сквозь его пальцы) while he reached down with his left hand and made fast the free end of the two reserve coils (одновременно он дотянулся своей левой рукой и прикрепил свободный конец двух запасных мотков) to the loop of the two reserve coils of the next line (к петле двух запасных мотков другой лесы). Now he was ready (теперь он был готов). He had three forty-fathom coils of line in reserve now (у него в запасе было три сорокасаженных мотка лесы), as well as the coil he was using (а также моток, который он использовал /сейчас/).

"Eat it a little more (поешь еще немного)," he said. "Eat it well (кушай хорошо)."

Eat it so that the point of the hook goes into your heart and kills you (ешь так, чтобы острие крючка воткнулось тебе в сердце и убило тебя), he thought. Come up easy and let me put the harpoon into you (всплыви легко и позволь мне воткнуть в тебя гарпун). All right (хорошо). Are you ready (ты готова)? Have you been long enough at table (ты достаточна была у стола = насытилась вволю)?

"Now!" he said aloud and struck hard with both hands (и резко дернул обеими руками), gained a yard of line and then struck again and again (вытащив целый ярд лесы, а затем дернул снова и снова; to gain — добывать, зарабатывать), swinging with each arm alternately on the cord (поочередно меняя руки на леске) with all the strength of his arms (со всей силой своих рук) and the pivoted weight of his body (и всем весом своего упершегося в одну точку/сохраняющего равновесие тела; pivot — стержень; to pivot — надевать на стержень, закреплять на оси; вертеться, поворачиваться /вокруг своей оси/).

reserve [rI'zWv], alternately [Ll'tWnqtlI], pivot ['pIvqt]

"He's taken it," he said. "Now I'll let him eat it well."

He let the line slip through his fingers while he reached down with his left hand and made fast the free end of the two reserve coils to the loop of the two reserve coils of the next line. Now he was ready. He had three forty-fathom coils of line in reserve now, as well as the coil he was using.

"Eat it a little more," he said. "Eat it well."

Eat it so that the point of the hook goes into your heart and kills you, he thought. Come up easy and let me put the harpoon into you. All right. Are you ready? Have you been long enough at table?

"Now!" he said aloud and struck hard with both hands, gained a yard of line and then struck again and again, swinging with each arm alternately on the cord with all the strength of his arms and the pivoted weight of his body.

Nothing happened (ничего не произошло). The fish just moved away slowly (рыба просто медленно уплывала) and the old man could not raise him an inch (и старик не мог поднять ее и на дюйм). His line was strong and made for heavy fish (его леса была прочной: «сильной», и была сделана для тяжелой рыбы) and he held it against his back until it was so taut (он держал ее на спине, пока она не натянулась так туго; against — против; на /указывает на опору, контакт, соприкосновение с чем-л./) that beads of water were jumping from it (что капельки/бусинки воды прыгали с нее; bead — бусина; капля). Then it began to make a slow hissing sound in the water (затем она начала издавать низкий шипящий звук в воде) and he still held it (а он все еще держал ее), bracing himself against the thwart and leaning back against the pull (опираясь на банку лодки и подаваясь в противоположную сторону натяжения; to lean — наклоняться). The boat began to move slowly off toward the north-west (лодка начала медленно двигаться на северо-запад).

The fish moved steadily (рыба двигалась равномерно/неуклонно; steady — устойчивый; прочный, твердый; равномерный) and they travelled slowly on the calm water (и они передвигались медленно по спокойной воде). The other baits were still in the water (другие наживки все еще были в воде) but there was nothing to be done (но ничего нельзя было сделать).

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