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Английский язык с Агатой Кристи. Убийства по алфавиту (ASCII-IPA) - Agatha Christie

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dare [[email protected]], insulting [In'sVltIN], comment ['[email protected]]

The girl sprang up. "How dare you ask me such a question. It's — it's insulting!"

"Perhaps. But you have sworn to speak the troth. Eh bien — yes or no?"

"Sir Carmichael was wonderfully kind to me. He treated me almost like a daughter. And that's how I felt to him — just affectionate and grateful."

"Pardon me, but that is not answering yes or no, mademoiselle."

She hesitated. "The answer, of course, is no!"

He made no comment. "Thank you, mademoiselle."

He turned to Megan Barnard (он повернулся к Меган Барнард). The girl's face was very pale (лицо девушки было очень бледным). She was breathing hard (она тяжело дышала) as though braced up for an ordeal (как будто готовилась к суровому испытанию; to brace up — быть готовым к трудностям; ordeal — суровое испытание; средневековые ордалии /испытание огнем или водой: ordeal by fire, ordeal by water/).

Poirot's voice came out like the crack of a whiplash (голос Пуаро прозвучал как удар кнута). "Mademoiselle (мадемуазель), what do you hope (каким, вы надеетесь) will be the result of my investigations (будет результат моих расследований)? Do you want me to find out the truth (вы хотите, чтобы я узнал правду) — or not (или нет)?"

Her head went back proudly (ее голова гордо откинулась назад). I was fairly sure of her answer (я был вполне уверен в ее ответе). Megan, I knew (я знал), had a fanatical passion for truth (имела фанатическую страсть к правде).

Her answer came clearly (ее ответ вышел четким) — and it stupefied me (и он поразил меня; to stupefy — притуплять; приводить в оцепенение).

ordeal [O:'di:l], whiplash ['wIpl&S], stupefy ['stju:pIfaI]

He turned to Megan Barnard. The girl's face was very pale. She was breathing hard as though braced up for an ordeal.

Poirot's voice came out like the crack of a whiplash. "Mademoiselle, what do you hope will be the result of my investigations? Do you want me to find out the truth — or not?"

Her head went back proudly. I was fairly sure of her answer. Megan, I knew, had a fanatical passion for truth.

Her answer came clearly — and it stupefied me.


We all jumped (мы все подпрыгнули). Poirot leaned forward (Пуаро наклонился вперед), studying her face (изучая ее лицо). "Mademoiselle Megan," he said (мадемуазель Меган), "you may not want the truth but (вы, возможно, не хотите правды, но)ma foi (фр. клянусь честью: «мое слово») — you can speak it (вы можете сказать ее)!"

He turned towards the door (он повернулся к двери), then (затем), recollecting (вспомнив), went to Mary Drower (пошел к Мэри Дроуер).

"Tell me, mon enfant (скажите мне, дитя мое), have you a young man (есть ли у вас молодой человек)?"

Mary, who had been looking apprehensive (которая выглядела настороженной; to apprehend — понимать, предчувствовать /что-л. дурное/), looked startled and blushed (вздрогнула и покраснела: «выглядела пораженной и покрасневшей»).

"Oh, Mr. Poirot (о, мистер Пуаро), I — I — well, I'm not sure (я не уверена)."

young [jVN], apprehensive [,&[email protected]'sensIv], startle [stA:tl]


We all jumped. Poirot leaned forward, studying her face. "Mademoiselle Megan," he said, "you may not want the truth but — ma foi — you can speak it!"

He turned towards the door, then, recollecting, went to Mary Drower.

"Tell me, mon enfant, have you a young man?"

Mary, who had been looking apprehensive, looked startled and blushed.

"Oh, Mr. Poirot, I — I — well, I'm not sure."

He smiled (он улыбнулся). "Alors c'est bien (ну, хорошо), mon enfant (дитя мое)."

He looked round for me (он оглянулся в /поисках/ меня). "Come, Hastings (идемте, Гастингс), we must start for Eastbourne (мы должны отправляться в Истборн)."

The car was waiting (машина ждала) and soon we were driving along the coast road (и вскоре мы ехали по дороге вдоль побережья) that leads through Pevensey to Eastbourne (которая ведет через Певенси в Истборн).

"Is it any use asking you anything, Poirot (стоит ли спрашивать вас о чем-либо, Пуаро; use — употребление; польза; is there any use? — стоит ли?)?"

"Not at this moment (не сейчас: «не в этот момент»). Draw your own conclusions as to what I am doing (делайте свои собственные выводы относительно того, что я делаю)."

I relapsed into silence (я вновь погрузился в молчание).

coast [[email protected]], road [[email protected]], conclusion [[email protected]'klu:Z(@)n]

He smiled. "Alors c'est bien, mon enfant."

He looked round for me. "Come, Hastings, we must start for Eastbourne."

The car was waiting and soon we were driving along the coast road that leads through Pevensey to Eastbourne.

"Is it any use asking you anything, Poirot?"

"Not at this moment. Draw your own conclusions as to what I am doing."

I relapsed into silence.

Poirot, who seemed pleased with himself (который казался довольным собой), hummed a little tune (мурлыкал песенку: «маленький напев»). As we passed through Pevensey (когда мы проезжали через Певенси) he suggested that we stop (он предложил, чтобы мы остановились) and have a look over the castle (и осмотрели замок).

As we were returning towards the car (когда мы возвращались к машине), we paused a moment to watch a ring of children (мы остановись посмотреть на круг детей) — Brownies (девочек-скаутов; brownie — девочка-скаут младшего возраста), I guessed (как я догадался), by their getup (по их экипировке) — who were singing a ditty in shrill (которые пели песенку резкими), untuneful voices (нестройными голосами)

"What is it that they say, Hastings (что это, что они говорят, Гастингс)? I cannot catch the words (я не могу уловить слова)."

I listened (я слушал) — till I caught one refrain (пока я не уловил один припев).

castle [kA:sl], brownie ['braUnI], refrain [rI'freIn]

Poirot, who seemed pleased with himself, hummed a little tune. As we passed through Pevensey he suggested that we stop and have a look over the castle.

As we were returning towards the car, we paused a moment to watch a ring of children — Brownies, I guessed, by their getup — who were singing a ditty in shrill, untuneful voices …

"What is it that they say, Hastings? I cannot catch the words."

I listened — till I caught one refrain.

" — And catch a fox (и поймать лиса)

And put him in a box (и посадить его в ящик)

And never let him go (и никогда его не выпускать: «и никогда не позволять ему уйти») ."

"And catch a fox and put him in a box and never let him go!" repeated Poirot (повторил Пуаро).

His face had gone suddenly grave and stern (его лицо неожиданно стало серьезным и строгим). "It is very terrible that, Hastings (очень ужасно это, Гастингс)." He was silent a minute (он молчал: «он был молчалив» с минуту). "You hunt the fox here (вы охотитесь на лис здесь)?"

"I don't (я нет). I've never been able to afford to hunt (я никогда не был в состоянии позволить себе охотиться). And I don't think (и я не думаю) there's much hunting in this part of the world (здесь много возможностей для охоты: «там есть много /возможностей/ для охоты в этой части мира»)."

fox [fOks], stern [[email protected]:n], afford [@'fO:d]

" — And catch a fox

And put him in a box

And never let him go."

"And catch a fox and put him in a box and never let him go!" repeated Poirot.

His face had gone suddenly grave and stern. "It is very terrible that, Hastings." He was silent a minute. "You hunt the fox here?"

"I don't. I've never been able to afford to hunt. And I don't think there's much hunting in this part of the world."

"I meant in England generally (я имел в виду в Англии в общем). A strange sport (странный спорт). The waiting at the covert side (ожидание в засаде: «скрытой стороне») — then they sound the tally-ho (затем они кричат /собакам/ «ату!»), do they not (не так ли)? — and the run begins (и погоня начинается) — across the country (по всей местности) — over the hedges and ditches (по горам по долам: «через преграды и ямки») — and the fox he runs (а лис, он бежит) — and sometimes he doubles back (и иногда он запутыват след; to double — удваивать; double back — запутывать след /о преследуемом звере/) — but the dogs (но собаки) — "

"Hounds (гончие)!"

" — hounds are on his trail (гончие идут по его следу: «гончие на его следе»), and at last they catch him (и наконец они ловят его) and he dies (и он умирает) — quickly and horribly (быстро и ужасно)."

"I suppose (я полагаю) it does sound cruel (это действительно звучит жестоко), but really (но на самом деле) — "

covert ['k[email protected]@:t], tally-ho ['t&lI'[email protected]], hound [haUnd]

"I meant in England generally. A strange sport. The waiting at the covert side — then they sound the tally-ho, do they not? — and the run begins — across the country — over the hedges and ditches — and the fox he runs — and sometimes he doubles back — but the dogs — "


" — hounds are on his trail, and at last they catch him and he dies — quickly and horribly."

"I suppose it does sound cruel, but really — "

"The fox enjoys it (лис получает от этого удовольствие: «наслаждается этим»)? Do not say les bêtises, my friend (не говорите фр. глупостей, мой друг). Tout de même (фр. все равно) — it is better that (лучше эта) — the quick (быстрая), cruel death (жестокая смерть) than what those children were singing (чем то, что те дети пели) … To be shut away (быть закрытым) — in a box (в ящике) — for ever (навсегда) … No, it is not good (это нехорошо), that (это)."

He shook his head (он покачал головой). Then he said (затем он сказал), with a change of tone (с переменой в тоне): "Tomorrow (завтра), I am to visit the man Cust (я должен посетить этого человека, Каста)," and he added to the chauffeur (и он добавил шоферу): "Back to London (назад в Лондон)."

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