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Exercise 4. Translate into English.

1. Киев — более древний город, чем Москва; это один из древнейших городов России. 2. В XVI веке Испания была самой могущественной державой мира. 3. Волга длиннее Днепра; это самая длинная река Европы. 4. Ватикан — самое маленькое государство в Европе. 5. Одной из важнейших проблем сегодняшнего дня является установление прочного и длительного мира. 6. Условия жизни трудящихся в странах социалистического лагеря значительно лучше, чем в странах капиталистического лагеря. 7. Можно надеяться, что в ближайшем будущем культурные связи с Англией будут еще более тесными. 8. Точка кипения (the boiling point) спирта ниже точки кипения воды. 9. Платина тяжелее золота; это один из самых тяжелых металлов. 10. Утро было прекрасное, но к вечеру погода стала хуже, ветер усилился, и темные тучи покрыли небо.

Exercise 5. Point out all the substantivised adjectives and state whether they are wholly or partially substantivised.

1. He basked in the company of the young. (Snow)2. We must take the bitter along with the sweet. (Reade)3. She warned the domestics not to touch the child, as Mrs. Osborne might be offended. (Thackeray)4. It was a surprise to the optimistic: but it was even more of a surprise to the experienced. (Snow)5. Oh, I know he is a right good fellow, but it belongs to the rank of the impossible. (Meade)6. Imogen turning her luscious glance from one to the other of the "old dears", only smiled. (Galsworthy)7. How do I know what's gone on between you? The rights and the wrongs of it. I don't want to know. (A. Wilson)8. Willoughby was wearing greens, garrison hat, and all his ribbons. (Heym)9. They were like poor savages confronted with a beautiful white girl. (Murdoch)10. This year I covered half the world and saw people in such numbers — it seems to me I saw everybody but the dead. (Bellow)11. But they had been such innocents then I (Galsworthy)12. He was, as they saw it, part of the rich and superior class and every poor man knew what that meant. The poor must stand together everywhere. (Dreiser)13. I was soon to discover that Gevaert was never interested in what "inferiors" had to say. (Clark)


Exercise 1. Point out the pronouns in the following sentences and define the class each belongs to.

1. There's nothing for any of us to do. (Snow)2. Both these people were resolved to treat Mr. Polly very well, and to help his exceptional incompetence in every possible way. (Wells)3. Tom presented himself before Aunt Polly, who was sitting by an open window in a pleasant rearward apartment, which was bed-room, break fast-room, dining-room, and library combined. (Twain)4. Such were the reflections of Felix before the brass tablet. (Galsworthy)5. It was the sort of solemn warning that a sanguine man gives to others, because he ought to give it to himself. (Snow)6. Elizabeth and George talked and found each other delightful. (Aldington)7. What we need is a higher and purer political morality. (Dreiser)8. She hesitated a moment, and then sat down beside me, and laid her hand on mine. (Dickens)9. The uniform had been cut for a stouter person than myself, but one, fortunately, of approximately the same height. (Clark)10. "I didn't know anything about it," cried Charlie indignantly. "I came to see you about something else." (Priestley) 11. What about this coal strike? Will it ruin the country as the papers say? Isn't it a foolish thing on both sides? (Galsworthy)12. She sat in a state of irresponsible exaltation, watching him, with that strange passive cruelty which is natural and proper in her sex and age. (Wells)13. None of us except Collingwood knew what the Prime Minister thought of Roger or his policy. (Snow)14. There were. some aviators in the compartment who did not think much of me. (Hemingway)15. Then a guarded voice said, "Who goes there?" (Twain)16. Husbands and wives never listen when they talk to each other, only when the other is talking to somebody else. (Fowler) 17. Let me tell you something. (Priestley) 18. There was at least one person in the world who knew that he was alive and attached some importance to the fact. (Saroyan)19. What are you talking about? (Snow)20. I can only say what I think. (Hemingway)21. He seemed to get prouder and prouder over each item of his own deficiency. (Leacock) 22. We said good-bye to one another and arranged to meet in the autumn. (Maugham)23. What was it in this girl that reminded turn of that one with whom he had lived but two years, and mourned fifteen? (Galsworthy)-

Exercise 2. Use the appropriate form of the possessive pronoun.

1. She put out __ hand and took out __ (her, hers; my, mine). (Hemingway)2. "Let me see your passports," I gave him __ and Catherine got __ out of __ handbag (my, mine; her, hers; her, hers). (Hemingway)3. Mind __ own business and I'll mind __ (your, yours; my, mine). (Lindsay)4. Diitcher put his hand gently on _ — to calm her (her, hers). (/. Shaw)5. The next voice to speak up was not the Lieutenant's but __ (my, mine). (Salinger) 6. That, at least, is my opinion of him; and I see it is not very far removed from __ (your, yours). (Dickens)7. __ was not a marriage that could last (their, theirs). (Bellow)8. __ nerves are as bad as __ (your, yours; my, mine). (Greene)9. His eyes were as bright as __ (her, hers). (Snow)10. After all, this is __ home just as much as __ (your, yours; my, mine). (Maugham)11. "Go with Lucy," said Mrs. Bretton. "I would rather keep __ seat." Willingly would I have kept __ also, but Graham's desire must take precedence of my own; I accompanied him (my, mine; my, mine). (Ch. Bronte)12. His own hand shook as he accepted a rose or two from — and thanked her (her, hers). (Dickens)

Exercise 3. Point out the reflexive pronouns and define their function.

1. Much more than most politicians Gave knew himself. (Snow)2. Meanwhile, he paraded himself gloriously before this young man. (Priestley) 3. Of course, I myself used to be very wealthy... (Clark)4. He was not doubting the logic, he realized suddenly; what he was doubting was himself. (Jones) 5. Still, he must be thankful that she had been too young to do anything in that war itself. (Galsworthy)6. Simon calmed himself with an effort. (Sheckley) 7. But you might remember that one respects oneself more afterwards -if one pays one's way. (Galsworthy)8. Miss Adele Gerry opened the door herself. (I. Shaw) 9. He sunned himself in Chanton's admiring gaze. (Priestley) 10. What was the use even of loving, if love itself had to yield to death? (Galsworthy)11. This is where we wash ourselves, Eliza, and where I am going to wash you. (Shaw)12. Gevaert cleared his throat and addressed himself to me. (Clark)13. They blamed themselves for this unlucky marriage. (Hardy)14. The theatre manager himself... came to shake hands with them. (Priestley) 15. I have made myself perfectly pleasant here. (Shaw)16. Several times he reminded himself that he had not rung up Shuckleworth yet. (Priestley) 17. He could talk races with Hurstwood, tell interesting incidents concerning himself. (Dreiser)18. I want to be kept in constant touch with his progress myself. (Clark)19. Anne's terror of being discovered in London or its neighbourhood, whenever they ventured to walk out, had gradually communicated itself to Mrs. Clements. (Collins)20. Soames added: "Well, I hope, you'll both enjoy yourselves" (Galsworthy)21. Cave might have concealed from others, but not from himself, that he profoundly envied Roger. (Snow)

Exercise 4. Supply some or any.

1. She had __ children of her own family in her house, and : __ children of other people. (Dickens)2. I don't want __ money. (Hemingway)3. He sat there, like __ 1 unhappy little animal. (Galsworthy)4. A few had gone beyond the gate. __ were shouting hoarsely, and waving. (Heym)5. "Do you want __ water?" "No, I don't want __ water." (Maltz)6. The wounded were coming into the post, __ were carried on stretchers, __ were walking and __ were brought on the backs of men that came across the field. (Hemingway) 7. In the town there were... __ new hospitals. (Hemingway) 8. Well, if you want to know, I have no money and never had __. (Shaw)9. "Couldn't you find tomato sauce, Barto?" — "There wasn't __," Aymo said. (Hemingway)10. Don't let us have __ nonsense about this job. (Shaw)

Exercise 5. Supply somebody or anybody, someone or anyone.

1. You are __ now, and don't let __ forget it. (Priestley) 2. How can __ who has travelled so much be so appallingly juvenile, he wondered? (Murdoch)3. In a town of a sensible size you had a good chance of meeting __ you were looking for... (Priestley) 4. He was wearing a dinner-jacket, unlike __ at the supper-party. (Snow)5. "You've no business to say such a thing!" she exclaimed. "Why not? __ can see it." (Galsworthy) 6. There was a light tap on the door. And __ came in. (Priestley) 7. Once upon a time Clennam had sat at that table taking no heed of __ but Flora... (Dickens)8. Here was __ to remember, to think about. (Priestley) 9. "Look here," said Hunter at last, "have you shown that picture to __ ?" (Murdoch)10. There is __ nice, anyway, who likes being out instead of in that stuffy drawing-room, playing bridge and talking, talking. (Galsworthy)

Exercise 6. Supply something or anything.

1. The. word Germans was __ to be frightened at. We did not want to have __ to do with the Germans. (Hemingway) 2. But I can't do __ for him. (Galsworthy)3. He was a rather small man, but there was __ naturally commanding about him. (Priestley) 4. Everyone said he could turn __ into money. (Saroyan)5. I do not know what I expected to see, but 1 did not see __ except the fields and the bare mulberry trees and the rain falling. (Hemingway) 6. __ is wrong somewhere. (Hemingway)7. She looked at me with violence, with __ like hate. (Snow)8. The room was far more splendid than __ Little Dorrit had ever imagined, and would have been splendid and costly in someone's eyes. (Dickens)9. I can bear __ but that. (Galsworthy)10. When he read those books __ happened to him. (Galsworthy)11. It was __ he didn't want to remember. (Cusack) 12. Even when she talks nonsense in that slightly affected way she seems to be saying __ valuable... (Aldington)

Exercise 7. Point out conjunctive, relative, and interrogative pronouns.

1. She was heartily sick of London fog and cold and soot and niessy open fires which fill the room with dust but don't warm it. (Aldington) 2. "Who is that girl with yellow hair and dark eyes," he asked. (Galsworthy)3. You see, Hushabye, you are what women consider a good-looking man. (Shaw)4. Who could tell what his son's circumstances really were? (Galsworthy)5. You don't want to do anything that you'll be sorry for. (Dreiser)6. A man is mostly what you want to see in him. (Heym)7. What do you expect me to believe? (Snow)8. She rises with an air of one who waits and is almost at the end of her patience. (Shaw)9. It was evident, indeed, that she wished me to drop the subject, which I did accordingly. (Ch. Bronte)10. Several times their eyes accidentally met, and then there poured into hers such a flood of feeling as she had never experienced. (Dreiser)11. Would she go with them or stay here and write to William. Which, which should it be? (Mansfield)12. He mentioned things in the play which she most approved of, things which swayed her deeply. (Dreiser)13. I do so wonder what Jolyon's boy is like. (Galsworthy)14. What hurt him most was the fact that he was being pursued as a thief. (Dreiser)


Exercise 1. Point out the words denoting state. Translate into Russian.

1. The afternoon was full of transfiguring sunshine, some Judas trees were abloom in the villa gardens... (Wells) 2. I did not mind for myself. I should not have cared if had been alone. (Du Maurier)3....his soul was all ablaze with bliss... (Twain)4. We are not afraid of the truth. (Gow and D’Usseau)5. The rest of his costurne... were the things he had worn at the funeral of his father. So nearly akin are human joy and sorrow. (Wells)6. The lieutenant... Jay asleep on the other bed. (Hemingway)7. He lit a pool of paraffin on the scullery floor and instantly a nest of wavering blue flame became agog for prey. (Wells)8, He [Mr. Polly] rattled and stormed and felt the parlour already ablaze behind him. (Wells)9. But Mr. Polly's establishment looked more like a house afire than most houses on fire contrive to look from start to finish. (Wells)10. You know- everything there is to know about me. There's not much, because I have not been alive for wery long. (Du Maurier)П. He did not answer. I was aware again of that feeling of discomfort. (Du Maurier)

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