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Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка - В. Каушанская

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I. I'm not going to Bertha; I'm going to Craddock direct anc I mean to give.him a piece of my mind. (Maugham)2. Pearl, be quick and go. Minnie will be wondering why you don't come. (Maugham)3. "Dr. Ramsay is coming to luncheon tomorrow," she said. "I shall tell them both that I'm going to be married to you." (Maugham)4. I'm terribly sorry not to be able to ask you to lunch, but we're having it early in rather a rush and leaving immediately after. (Murdoch)5. I am not going to play at all, I must see to the tea, and I daresay some more people will be coming in presently. (Maugham)6. "Well, so long, anyway, Gretta," Royd called to her. He waved his hand in her direction. "I'll be seeing you again, too. Maybe I'll be seeing you at the Roundabout some night soon." (Caldwell)7. I hope you're going to enjoy staying in the house. Nobody will bother you there. And if you yell in the night, I'll probably hear and I'll rush in to wake you. (Hilton) 8, I shall be having a quiet day with Antonia. We're staying in London this time. Rosemary will be at Rembers with Alexander. (Murdoch)9. You'll be sorry for what you've said when you've calmed down and then you'll want me to forgive you. (Maugham)10. "Are you going out again, Miss Jane?" "Not me, I'm «ff to bed soon with a good book." (Hilton)

Exercise 17. Insert one of the tenses expressing future actions or states (Future Indefinite, Future Continuous, Future Perfect, Present Indefinite, Present Continuous or to be going+ infinitive).(A)

1. I have not visited the place yet. I __ there to-morrow. (to go) 2. Our train __ at 8 p. m. to-morrow, so if you __ at 5 o'clock we __ still __ (to start, to come, to pack) 3. At 4 o'clock tomorrow we __ packing and by 6 we __ with ease, (to begin, to finish) 4. __ you __ dinner by the time I come back? (to have) 5. Ring me up at II, I __ yet. (to sleep—negative)


1. I __ on my round by the time you go, so I'll say good-bye to you now. (to start out) (Maugham) 2. "I think you __ him," said Elinor, "when you know more of him." (to like) (Austen)3. "Shall we go downstairs and meet the man?" "Let us stay here; he __ at our door in a moment, you will see," said Sylvi- ane. (to knock) (Bennett)4. As a number of episodes from this novel __ the public through their wireless sets before it is published, a few words of explanation are necessary, (to reach) (Priestley) 5. I suppose everyone __ me questions and it's so awkward. (to ask) (Christie)6. But you __ I won't let you. (to.go — negative) (Murdoch and Priestley) 7. "When __ I __ your brother?" said Georgie. (to meet) (Murdoch)8. What __ you __ this afternoon? (to do) (Galsworthy)

Exercise 18. Translate into English.(A)

1. Они начнут строительство клуба в ближайшие дни и закончат его к концу года. 2. Не звоните ей в одиннадцать часов. Она уже будет спать. 3. Позвоните в семь часов. Я думаю, что к этому времени машинистка уже напечатает ваши документы. 4. Я еще буду работать, когда вы вернетесь.


1. Я тебе вечером позвоню, часов в восемь. (Слепухин)2. В субботу вечером я вас жду. (Достоевский) 3. На днях я буду у вас. (Достоевский) 4. Надеюсь, вы поймете меня. (Достоевский) 5. Доктор, я жду вас завтра в четыре часа. (Лермонтов)6. Я тоже еду в МильЕенский завод. (Пермяк)7. В котором часу ты будешь дома? (Слепухин)8. Приходите завтра на турнир часа в два... Я буду вас ждать. (Котов)9. Запомни: завтра в пять. К этому времени, надеюсь, у тебя настроение изменится. (Тендряков)10. Зина и Настасья Ильинична уезжают?.. Куда они уезжают? (Слепухин)11....вы завтра идете в цирк? (Слепухин)12....что ты собираешься делать? — Не знаю. (Чаковский)

Exercise 19. Insert the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous.

1. I __ him since he came back from the East, (to see — negative) (Greene)2. "Ever since I was a young girl," said Miss Ley, "I __ not to take things seriously..." (to try) (Maugham) 3. I will be your friend: I __ always __ you. (to like) (Ch. Bronte)4. Your wife flies into a temper and stabs a man you __ with for over a year, (to work) (Hilton) 5. I __ for a long time to make you a little present, Bertha, (to want) (Maugham)6. Lord Caversham __ some time in the library for Sir Robert, (to wait) (Wilde)7. I __ to England for sixteen years, (to be — negative) (Maugham)8. I suppose you know, Peggy dear, I __ awfully fond of you for quite a long time, (to be) (W. Locke) 9. It is highly probable you __ with him for the last three weeks... (to correspond) (James)10. They __ the news in the streets since two o'clock, (to yell) (Conrad) 11. "How about playing a little something for me?" he said. "Oh, Lonnie! I __ for ages. And I'll wake the children." (to play — negative) (Benson)12. The house __ in my charge for more than a year, (to be) (Du Maurier)13. "I can't remember my aunt's address. We __ from her for years, (to hear — negative) (Christie)

Exercise 20. Translate into English.(A)

1. Сколько времени вы меня ждете? 2. Я знаю ее уже два года. 3. Я всегда предпочитала трагедию комедии. 4. Они пишут изложение уже два часа. 5. Сколько времени-вы занимаетесь музыкой? 6. Мне уже давно хочется прочесть эту книгу. 7. Я не имею от него писем с августа. 8. Я не видела словаря с тех пор, как вы его взяли из шкафа. 9. Я чувствую себя очень одиноким с тех пор, как брат уехал. 10. Я очень устала. Я готовилась к экзамену по политической экономии. 11. “Он рассказывал мне ужасные истории», — сказала она, когда Олег вышел. 12. Почему вы все так смотрите на меня? Нина вам говорила что-нибудь обо мне?


1. Лена сказала: — Я ищу тебя весь вечер. (Чаковский)2. Я не ел с утра... (Тендряков)3. Вы действительно знаете меня шесть лет. (Котов)4. Я прожила с ним [Ващенковым] много лет и хорошо его знаю. (Тендряков)5. Я не видел ее уже два месяца. (Чаковский)6. Я тебя ждала три дня. (Достоевский) 7. Катерину Федоровну я знал еще с прошлого года. (Достоевский) 8. Они живут поблизости, на улице Жак Колло, около тридцати лет — с тех пор, как приехали в Париж. (Сухомлин)

Exercise 21. Insert the Present Continuous or the Present Perfect Continuous.

I. "Oh, Mr. Craddock, let me come near you," cried Mrs. Branderton, "I __ to get at you for twenty minutes." (to try) (Maugham)2. I __ here all the morning to see either her or Robert. (to wait) (tilde) 3. "What's the matter?" "The matter? The girl's ill. She __ " (to die) (Christie) 4. My dear girl, what __ you __ about now? (to think) (Beresford) 5. I __ so much about it since I received your letter, (to think) (Marryat)6. I __ the streets of the city for you for two years and this is the first time I've admitted it even to myself, (to search) (/. Shaw) 7. I hear you __ for a new house, (to look) (Lindsay)8. Of course, we have problems, but we __ to handle them, and I must say, quite successfully, (to learn) (Gow and D’Usseau)9. When her voice ceased, he moved uneasily and said, "I __ well for the last ten days." (to feel — negative) (Conrad) 10. She __ extraordinary well to-night (to feel) (Wells)11. What else have I to live for but my children? It's you and the rest of them that I __ and __ for all these years, (to work, to plan) (Dreiser)

Exercise 22. Translate into English.

1. Зачем вы на меня так внимательно смотрите? (Достоевский) 2. Пойдем, Виктор... Бабушка Броня нас ждет. (Семенихин)3. А я вас давно жду, товарищ Елена... (Пермяк)4. Вы меня оскорбляете... извольте выйти вон. (Тургенев)5. Вот уже два года, как я живу с ней в одном доме. (Тургенев)6. Что вы тут делаете?.. Букет вяжете? (Тургенев) 7. Она, верно, давно уже наблюдает за мной, ждет, когда я обернусь и замечу ее. (Тендряков)8. Я уже три дня об этом думаю. (Достоевский)

Exercise 23. Insert the Past Indefinite, Past Perfect, or Past Perfect Continuous.

1. After some desultory conversation, the Director inquired how long he __ Montanelli. (to know) (Voynich) 2. It was almost dinner-time by then, and we __ no food all day, but neither of us was hungry, (to have) (Hilton) 3. We __ in silence for some time when Ah-Yen spoke, (to smoke) (Leacock) 4. The party __ already __ for a week before I could get away from London, (to sail) (Snow)5. Breakfast __ long __ on the table, when Arthur came tearing into the room, (to be — negative) (Voynich)6. Me. Morrough, who __ my doctor for some years and __ also my friend, came at once, (to be, to be) (Hansford Johnson) 7....since his arrival in April he __ simply __ round the house, helping Ann with the washing up, running errands, (to hang) (Murdoch)8. She __ there more than two months when she fell down a flight of steps and hurt her spine, (te be — negative) (Mansfield)9. He found that he __ stockstill for over half an hour, wrestling with his thoughts, (to stand) (Lindsay)10. Bertha __ at her husband since he came into the room, unable in astonishment to avert her eyes, (to look) (Maugham)11. For a week the Gadfly __ in a fearful state, (to lie) (Voynich)12. After he __ about three hours, he arrived at the Doctor's house, (to walk) (Wilde)13. The Carrier expected that Tackleton would pay him an early visit, and he was right. He __ to and fro before his open door many minutes when he saw the toy merchant coming in his chaise along the road, (to walk — negative) (Dickens)14. They __ from noon till sunset, (to journey) (Ch. Bronte)15. Marian broke up their talk, and told Mr. Townsend to run away to her mother, who __ for the last half hour to introduce him to Mr. Almond, (to wish) (James)16. I went into a fish-and-chip shop in a poor street near the station. I __.since lunch and I ordered myself a twopenny portion of chips, (to eat — negative) (Cronin)17. The feeling of an overhanging disaster, which __ ever since his father's stroke, settled down over his mind, (to grow) (Lindsay)

Exercise 24. Translate into English.(A)

1. Я две недели гостила у приятельницы. 2. Я уже две недели гостила у приятельницы, когда получила ваше письмо. 3. Он вчера два часа играл на скрипке. 4. Он уже целый час играл на скрипке, когда мы пришли. 5. Девушка долго играла на рояле, и мы слушали ее с большим удовольствием. 6. Сестра была больна уже несколько дней, когда я узнал об этом. 7. Мересьев долго лежал без сознания, когда его заметили мальчики из ближайшей деревни. 8. Мальчик начал работать на заводе, где его отец проработал двадцать лет.


1. Лемм долго сидел на своей кровати с нотной тетрадкой на коленях. (Тургенев)2. К вечеру им уже казалось, что они знают друг друга всю жизнь. (Чаковский)3. Она [Таня] долго стояла перед черной доской в вестибюле. (Слепухин)4. Ему [Волынцеву] было тяжело. Он давно любил Наталью. (Тургенев)5. Анна Акимовна была голодна, так как с самого утра ничего не ела. (Чехов)6. Забежала Раечка — уже три дня она не работала. (Слепухин) 7. Более часу провел он у ней. (Тургенев) 8... Прошло два года с тех пор, как он [Завьялов] видел его [Виктора] в последний раз. (Чаковский)

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