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Google. Прошлое. Настоящее. Будущее - Джанет Лау

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18. Там же.

19. Там же.

20. Letter to Shareholders. Google 2005 Annual Report.

21. Emilie Dugan. Google Once Reviled Computer Superpowers But Domination Is Just What It Is Achieving // The Independent. – September 7. – 2008.

22. Zusha Elinson. Boring Couple Sues Google for Street View // The Recorder. – 2008. – April 9.

23. Restatement of Torts // American Law Institute legal guideline; Cade Metz, Google: Even in the Desert, Privacy Does Not Exist // www.theregister.co.uk. – 2008. – July 15.

24. Julia Bonstein. Marcel Rosenbach, and Hilmar Schmundt, Data Mining You to Death.

25. Yoko Kubota. Japanese Group Asks Google to Stop Map Service // Reuters. – 2008. – December 19.

26. Elinor Mills. Google Balances Privacy, Reach // CNET News. – 2005. – July 14.

27. Беседа Эрика Шмидта с Кеном Аулеттой. Сан-Франциско, 11.06.2008.

28. Drake Bennett. Stopping Google // Boston Globe. – www.Boston.com. – 2008. – June 5.

29. Там же.

30. Ellen Nakashima. Web Firms Acknowledge Tracking Behavior without Consent // Los Angeles Times. – 2008. – August 12.

31. Chris Williams. Berlusconi Plans to Use G8 Presidency to «Regulate the Internet» // The Register (UK) – 2008. – December 3.

32. David Smith. The Observer // The Guardian. – 2008. – August 17.

33. Adam L. Penenberg. Is Google Evil? It Knows More than the National Agency Ever Will. And Don't Assume for a Minute that It Can Keep a Secret // Mother Jones. – 2006. – November-December. – С 67

34. Ken Auletta. Search and Destroy // The New Yorker. – 2008. – January 14. – С 30.

35. Thomas Claburn. Google Told to Reveal Gmail 'Spybox' Account Info in CTO Espionage Case // InformationWeek. – 2008. – October 20.

36. Там же.

37. Vint Cerf. The Internet is for Everyone // Memo to the Internet Society. – 2002. – April.

38. Janine Zacharia. Google Inc. Navigates Foreign Laws // Bloomberg News. – 2008. – June 6.

39. Google Committed to Staying in China // PC Magazine. – 2006. – June 9.

40. David Smith. Google Defiant Over Censorship in China //The Observer. – 2006.– October 29.

41. Google Committed to Staying in China.

42. Microsoft news release. – 2008. – October 29.

43. Там же.

44. Roy Blount Jr. $125 Million Settlement in Authors Guild v. Google II www.authorsguild.org/advocacy – 2008. – October 28.

45. Jonathan V. Last. Google and Its Enemies: The Much-Hyped Project to Digitize 32 Million Books Sounds Like a Good Idea. Why Are So Many People Taking Shots at It?" // Weekly Standard. – 2007. – December 10.

46. Там же.

47. Jefferson Graham. Google to Sell Books to Be Read Only Online // USA Today. – 2008. – October 29.

48. Сайт Google, The Library Project.

49. Jonathan V. Last. Google and Its Enemies.

50. Ken Auletta. Search and Destroy.

51. Robin Jeweler. The Google Book Search Project: Is Online Indexing a Fair Use Under Copyright Law? Congressional Research Services (CRS) Reports and Issue Briefs. – 2005. – December.

52. More Digitized Books on Internet as Google Settles Lawsuit // www.enews20.com. – 2008. – October 28.

53. Там же.

54. Reyhan Harmanci. Google, Book Trade Groups Settle Lawsuits // San Francisco Chronicle. – 2008. – October 29. – С. C-l.

55. http://jobline.acc.com, Google Legal Opportunities.

56. Emily Steel. Google Search Ads Rile Its Big Customers // Wall Street Journal. – 2008. – June 4.

57. Там же.

58. Google Says Viacom Lawsuit a Threat to Internet Users // Reuters. – 2007. – May 1.

59. Kenneth Li. Google Takes a Swipe at Viacom // Reuters. – 2007. – July 13.

60. Mediaset Sues Google, You Tube; Seeks $780 million // Reuters. – 2008.– July 50.

61. Knol, Google's information source: Google Ordered to Reveal Blogger Identity in Defamation Suit in India.

62. Steven Ellis. High Court to Rule on Age Discrimination Suit Against Google // Metropolitan News-Enterprise. – 2008. – January 31.

63. John Battelle. The Search: How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture. – New York: Penguin Group, 2005. – C. 234.

64. The Packet Rat. Net Neutrality Doesn't Get Google's First-Class Treatment // Government Computer News. – 2006. – July 24.

65. Там же.

66. Корпоративный сайт www.google.com.

67. Там же.

10. Google в роли достойного гражданина

1. Материалы CNBC: Джим Крамер берет интервью у Эрика Шмидта в передаче Mad Money with Jim Cramer. – 2008. – November 7

2. John Reid Blackwell. Google Chief: Invest in Energy Independence: Schmidt Urges Focus on Wind, Solar, Other Renewable Sources // Richmond Times-Dispatch. – 2008. – October 31.

3. Joe Truini. Feeling Lucky: Google to Spend Tens of Millions on Green Energy// Waste News. – 2007. – December 10. – С 1.

4. Stephen Shankland. Google Execs Cheery about Silicon Valley Economy // http://news.cnet.com. – 2008. – September 18.

5. Google to Spend Millions to Develop Renewable Energy Business: Google's Goal Is to Work with Other Developing Technologies that Can Harness Solar, Geothermal, Wind, or Other Renewable Energy Sources // Information Week. – 2007. – November 27.

6. Jim Offner. After Their Tech Empires Are Built // E-Commerce Times. – 2008. – November 20.

7. Stephen Shankland. Google Execs Cheery about Silicon Valley Economy.

8. Joe Truini. Feeling Lucky. – С 1.

9. Google to Spend Millions to Develop Renewable Energy Business.

11. Будущее Google

1. Stephen E. Arnold. The Summer of Transparency // KM World. – www. kmworld.com. – 2008. – August 31.

2. Elizabeth Motalbano. Growing Pains for Google // ComputerWorld. – 2008.– October 20.

3. Ren Auletta. Search and Destroy // The New Yorker. – 2008. – January 14. – С 30.

4. www.google.com/corporate/history.html.

5. Chris Taylor. Imagining the Google Future: Top Experts Help Us Plot Four Scenarios that Show Where the Company's Geniuses May Be Leading It… and Perhaps All of Us // Business 2.0, Time. – 2006. – January-February.

6. www.skynews.com. – 2008. – September 5.

7. Беседа Эрика Шмидта с Кеном Аулеттой. Сан-Франциско, 11.06.2008.

8. Nicholas Carlson. RIP Google Good Times: Slowing Hiring, Deals and Travel // www.alleyinsider.com. – 2008. – October 21.

9. Michael Liedtke. Google Stock Soars on 26 pet Jump in 3Q Earnings //AP Business Writer. – 2008. – November 14.

10. Там же.

11. Prabudev Konana. Sensible Capitalism Needed // The Hindu. – 2008. – December 2.

12. Saul Hansell. Google Wants to Dominate Madison Avenue, Too // New York Times. – 2005. – October 30.

13. Larry Page. Speaking at the American Association for the Advancement of Science, San Francisco. – www.blogoscope.com. – 2007. – February 16.

14. Там же.

15. Saul Hansell. Google Wants to Dominate Madison Avenue, Too.

16. http://www.youtube.com/userAgnoranceIsntBliss. – 2000. – October 28.

17. www.law.com/jsp/legaltechnology/pubArticleLT – 2007. – August 20.

18. Andy Greenberg. Google Grows Up // BusinessWeek. – 2008. – January 11.

19. Там же.

20. Jaso Szep. Technology Reshapes America's Classrooms // Reuters. – 2008.– July 7.

21. Gregory M. Lamb. With New Web Services, More Companies Are Working in the «Cloud» // www.features.csmonitor.com/innova-tion. – 2008. – November 11.

22. Technology Will Continue to Drive the Working lives of Young People // Kalamazoo Gazette. – www.kzgazette/2008/06/google. – 2008. – June 4.

23. Там же.

24. Jaso Szep. Technology Reshapes America's Classrooms.

25. Jeremy Caplan. Google's Chief Looks Ahead // Time. – 2006. – October 2.

26. Gregory M. Lamb. With New Web Services, More Companies Are Working in the «Cloud».

27. Tim O'Reilly. My Commencement Speech at SIMS // O'Reilly Radar, http://radar.oreilly.com. – 2006. – May 14.

28. Google Inc., Form S1 Registration Statement, Securities and Exchange Commission. – 2004. – April 29. – С 15.

29. Mad Money, CNBC. – 2008. – August 13.

30. Lawrence Donegan. You Tube Live: Stars of Online Video Take a Real World Bow // The Guardian. – 2008. – November 24.

31. Michael Liedtke. You Tube Flips Switch on New Sales Channel // Associated Press. – 2008.– October 6.

32. John Battelle interview with Eric Schmidt, Web 2.0 Expo. – 2007. – April 17.

33. www.google.com.

34. Betsy Schiffman. Eric Schmidt: Google Mission Is to «Change the World» // Wired.com. – 2008. – June 11.

35. From the Official Google Blog, The First Android-Powered Phone // Ackerman. – 2008. – September 23.

36. Elise Ackerman. Look Out I, Here's G // San Jose Mercury News. – 2008.– September 24.

37. Juan Carlos Perez. Google Releases Android SDK II Australian PC World. – Summer 2008. – С 16.

38. New York Times weblog. – 2008. – June 23.

39. Leslie Cauley. Google Vaults into Global Wireless Ring with Gl Phone // USA Today. – 2008. – September 24. – С 3B.

40. Marguerite Reardon. FCC Opens Free 'White Space' Spectrum // CNET News, – 2008. – November 4.

41. Nate Anderson. Google White Space Petition: 13,000 Signatures and Counting // Arstechnica.com/news. – 2008. – September 2.

42. Wireless Communications Association Conference, San Jose, 6.11.2008.

43. Andrew LaVallee. A Second Look at Citiwide Wi-Fi // Wall Street Journal. – 2008. – December 8.

44. Larry Page. Google's White Space Blog, and IDG News Service. – 2008. – November 5.

12. Доминирующая сила в отрасли?

1. Robert Hof. Is Google Too Powerful? // BusinessWeek. – 2007. – April 9.

2. David Smith. The Observer // The Guardian. – 2008. – August 17

3. Matt Hartley and Grant Robertson. [email protected] // The Globe and Mail. – 2008. – September 6. Перепечатано с разрешения The Globe and Mail.

4. Ben Oliver. The Battery-Powered Supercar that's Electrifying the World // www.dailymail.co.uk. – 2008. – November 11.

5. Robert Hof. Is Google Too Powerful?

6. Esther Dyson. Google Meets Its Motto – for Now // Taipai Times. – 2008. – December 22. – С 9.

7. Ren Auletta. The Search Party // New Yorker. – 2008. – January 14.

8. Robert Hof. Google's Mayer: Staying Innovative in a Downturn // BusinessWeek. – 2008. – December 14.

9. Esther Dyson, Google Meets Its Motto – for Now.

10. Josh Reynolds. Google, eBay Battling Over Payment Service // Associated Press. – 2007. – June 15.

11. Там же.

12. Там же.

13. Matt Hartley and Grant Robertson. [email protected]

14. Jeremy Caplan. Google's Chief Looks Ahead // Time. – 2006. – October 2.

15. Elinor Mills. Microsoft Won't Make a Netscape of Us // CNET News. – 2006. – May 11.

16. Цит. по: David A. Vise and Mark Malseed. The Google Story.

17. Mad Money// CNBC. – 2008. – August 12.

18. Terry McCrann. Rupert Murdoch's New World Order // Herald Sun (Australia). – 2008. – November 1.

19. http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/12.03, google_pr.html.

20. Jeffrey Herron. Schmidt: Independent Yahoo! Better for Competition // Associated Press. – 2008. – June 12.

21. Там же.

22. Richard Waters. Why Google Should Heed the DoJ's Wake-up Call // blogs.ft.com/techblog/2008. – 2008. – November 5.

23. Google Bails Out of Yahoo! Ad Deal // AOL Money & Finance, money.aol. com/news. – 2008. – November 5.

24. Microsoft CEO: No Interest in Buying Yahoo! // Associated Press (Sydney, Australia). – 2008. – November 7

25. David Lyons. Tough Customers // Forbes Global. – 2008. – April 7. – С 69.

26. Clayton Harrison. Yahoo!'s Yang Faces Sagging Profit After Icahn Row // Bloomberg.com. – 2008. – July 22.

27. Michael Helft. Google Ends Microsoft's Yahoo! Search // New York Times. —2008.– May 6.

28. Jason Kottke. Playboy Interview: Google Guys // Playboy. – 2004. – September 24.

29. Цит. по: David A. Vise and Mark Malseed. The Google Story. – С 250.

30. Дискуссия автора и Билла Гейтса, Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting. – 2008. – May 2.

31. Adam L. Penenberg. Is Google Evil? It Knows More than the National Agency Ever Will. And Don't Assume for a Minute that It Can Keep a Secret // Mother Jones. – 2006. – November-December. – С 67.


1. http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/12.03.google_pr.html.

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