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Английский язык с Агатой Кристи. Убийства по алфавиту (ASCII-IPA) - Agatha Christie

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enchanting [In'tSA:ntIN], sapphire [s&'[email protected]], Riviera [,rIvI'[email protected]@]

We went on down the lane. At the foot of it a path led between brambles and bracken down to the sea. Suddenly we came out on a grassy ridge overlooking the sea and a beach of glistening white stones. All round dark green trees ran down to the sea. It was an enchanting spot — white, deep green and sapphire blue.

"How beautiful!" I exclaimed.

Clarke turned to me eagerly. "Isn't it? Why people want to go abroad to the Riviera when they've got this! I've wandered all over the world in my time and, honest to God, I've never seen anything as beautiful."

Then, as though ashamed of his eagerness (затем, словно устыдившись своей пылкости), he said in a more matter-of-fact tone (он сказал более сухим тоном): "This was my brother's evening walk (это была вечерняя прогулка моего брата). He came as far as here (он доходил до этого места: «так далеко, как здесь»), then back up the path (затем назад вверх по тропинке), and turning to the right instead of the left (и поворачивал направо вместо налево), went past the farm (шел вдоль фермы) and across the fields back to the house (и через поля назад к дому)."

We proceeded on our way (мы продолжали наш путь; to proceed — продолжать; идти) till we came to a spot near the hedge (пока мы /не/ вышли к месту рядом с живой изгородью), halfway across the field (на посередине пути через поле) where the body had been found (где было обнаружено тело).

Crome nodded (Кроум кивнул). "Easy enough (достаточно просто). The man stood here in the shadow (человек стоял здесь в тени). Your brother would have noticed nothing (ваш брат ничего не замечал) till the blow fell (пока /не/ последовал удар: «пока упал удар»)." The girl at my side gave a quick shiver (девушка рядом со мной слегка вздрогнула: «девушка с моей стороны издала быстрое вздрагивание»).

Franklin Clarke said (Франклин Кларк сказал): "Hold up, Thora (держитесь, Тора). It's pretty beastly (это весьма ужасно; pretty — миловидный; значительный, изрядный), but it's no use shirking facts (но бесполезно уклоняться от фактов; to shirk — красться, подкрадываться; увиливать, уклоняться, избегать)."

proceed [[email protected]'si:d], hedge [hedZ], shirking ['[email protected]:kIN]

Then, as though ashamed of his eagerness, he said in a more matter-of-fact tone: "This was my brother's evening walk. He came as far as here, then back up the path, and turning to the right instead of the left, went past the farm and across the fields back to the house."

We proceeded on our way till we came to a spot near the hedge, halfway across the field where the body had been found.

Crome nodded. "Easy enough. The man stood here in the shadow. Your brother would have noticed nothing till the blow fell." The girl at my side gave a quick shiver.

Franklin Clarke said: "Hold up, Thora. It's pretty beastly, but it's no use shirking facts."

Thora[27] Grey (Тора Грей) — the name suited her (имя подходило ей).

We went back to the house (мы пошли назад в дом) where the body had been taken (куда доставили тело) after being photographed (после того как сфотографировали).

As we mounted the wide staircase (пока мы поднимались по широкой лестнице) the doctor came out of a room (доктор вышел из одной комнаты), black bag in hand (/с/ черной сумкой в руке).

"Anything to tell us, doctor?" inquired Clarke (что-нибудь скажете нам, доктор? — осведомился Кларк).

The doctor shook his head (доктор покачал головой). "Perfectly simple case (совершенно простой случай). I'll keep the technicalities for the inquest (я оставлю специальную терминологию для следствия). Anyway (в любом случае), he didn't suffer (он не страдал). Death must have been instantaneous (смерть, должно быть, была мгновенной)."

He moved away (он двинулся прочь). "I'll just go in and see Lady Clarke (я просто войду и проведаю леди Кларк)."

Thora ['TO:[email protected]], mount [maUnt], staircase ['[email protected]]

Thora Grey — the name suited her.

We went back to the house where the body had been taken after being photographed.

As we mounted the wide staircase the doctor came out of a room, black bag in hand.

"Anything to tell us, doctor?" inquired Clarke.

The doctor shook his head. "Perfectly simple case. I'll keep the technicalities for the inquest. Anyway, he didn't suffer. Death must have been instantaneous."

He moved away. "I'll just go in and see Lady Clarke."

A hospital nurse came out of a room further along the corridor (больничная сиделка вышла из комнаты /расположенной/ дальше по коридору; nurse — няня; сиделка; медицинская сестра) and the doctor joined her (и доктор присоединился к ней).

We went into the room (мы вошли в комнату) out of which the doctor had come (из которой вышел доктор).

I came out again rather quickly (я снова вышел достаточно быстро). Thora Grey was still standing at the head of the stairs (Тора Грей все еще стояла на верхней ступеньке: «на вершине лестницы»).

There was a queer scared expression on her face (было странное испуганное выражение на ее лице). "Miss Grey —" I stopped (я прервался). "Is anything the matter (в чем дело)?"

She looked at me (она посмотрела на меня). "I was thinking," she said (я думала) — "about D (о /букве/ «ди»)."

"About D?" I stared at her stupidly (о /букве/ «ди»? — я тупо уставился на нее).

"Yes (да). The next murder (следующее убийство). Something must be done (что-то должно быть сделано). It's got to be stopped (это нужно остановить: «это должно быть остановлено»)."

hospital ['hOspIt(@)l], nurse [[email protected]:s], scare [[email protected]]

A hospital nurse came out of a room further along the corridor and the doctor joined her.

We went into the room out of which the doctor had come.

I came out again rather quickly. Thora Grey was still standing at the head of the stairs.

There was a queer scared expression on her face. "Miss Grey — " I stopped. "Is anything the matter?"

She looked at me. "I was thinking," she said — "about D."

"About D?" I stared at her stupidly.

"Yes. The next murder. Something must be done. It's got to be stopped."

Clarke came out of the room behind me (Кларк вышел из комнаты позади меня).

He said: "What's got to be stopped, Thora (что нужно остановить, Тора)?"

"These awful murders (эти ужасные убийства)."

"Yes." His jaw thrust itself out aggressively (его челюсть угрожающе выдвинулась вперед; to thrust — колоть; простираться). "I want to talk to M. Poirot sometime (я хочу как-нибудь поговорить с мсье Пуаро). Is Crome any good (от Кроума есть польза)?" He shot the words out unexpectedly (он неожиданно бросил эти слова).

I replied (я ответил) that he was supposed to be a very clever officer (что он считается очень умным/искусным/даровитым офицером; to suppose — предполагать). My voice was perhaps not as enthusiastic as it might have been (голос мой, возможно, не так /звучал/ энтузиазмом, как мог бы).

thrust [TrVst], aggressively [@g'resIvlI], officer ['[email protected]]

Clarke came out of the room behind me.

He said: "What's got to be stopped, Thora?"

"These awful murders."

"Yes." His jaw thrust itself out aggressively. "I want to talk to M. Poirot sometime. Is Crome any good?" He shot the words out unexpectedly.

I replied that he was supposed to be a very clever officer. My voice was perhaps not as enthusiastic as it might have been.

"He's got a damned offensive manner," said Clarke (у него чертовски неприятное: «оскорбительное» поведение; to offend — обижать, оскорблять). "Looks as though he knows everything (выглядит, как-будто он знает все) — and what does he know (а что он знает)? Nothing at all (совершенно ничего) as far as I can make out (насколько я могу понять; to make out — разобрать; различить, понять)."

He was silent for a minute or two (он молчал с минуту или две: «он был молчалив с минуту или две»). Then he said (затем он сказал): "M. Poirot's the man for my money (мсье Пуаро — это человек для моих денег). I've got a plan (у меня есть план). But we'll talk of that later (но мы поговорим об этом позже)."

He went along the passage (он прошел вдоль коридора) and tapped at the same door (и постучал в ту же дверь) as the doctor had entered (/в которую/ вошел доктор).

I hesitated a moment (я колебался с минуту). The girl was staring in front of her (девушка уставилась перед собой). "What are you thinking of, Miss Grey (о чем вы думаете, мисс Грей)?" She turned her eyes towards me (она перевела на меня взгляд: «она повернула ко мне глаза»).

money ['mVnI], tap [t&p], hesitate ['hezIteIt]

"He's got a damned offensive manner," said Clarke. "Looks as though he knows everything — and what does he know? Nothing at all as far as I can make out."

He was silent for a minute or two. Then he said: "M. Poirot's the man for my money. I've got a plan. But we'll talk of that later."

He went along the passage and tapped at the same door as the doctor had entered.

I hesitated a moment. The girl was staring in front of her. "What are you thinking of, Miss Grey?" She turned her eyes towards me.

"I'm wondering (мне интересно) where he is now (где он сейчас), the murderer (убийца), I mean (я имею в виду). It's not twelve hours yet (еще и двенадцати часов не прошло: «это еще не двенадцать часов») since it happened (с тех пор, как это произошло). Oh! aren't there any real clairvoyants (разве нет там каких-нибудь настоящих ясновидящих) who could see where he is now (которые могли бы увидеть, где он сейчас) and what he is doing (и что он делает) …?"

"The police are searching —" I began (полиция ищет, — начал я).

My commonplace words broke the spell (мои простые слова разбили чары). Thora Grey pulled herself together (Тора Грей собралась).

"Yes," she said. "Of course (конечно)."

In her turn she descended the staircase (в свою очередь она спустилась по лестнице). I stood there a moment longer (я стоял там минутой дольше) turning her words over in my mind (обдумывая ее слова: «переворачивая ее слова в моем уме»). A.B.C. Where was he now (где был он сейчас)?

clairvoyant [,[email protected]'[email protected]], commonplace ['[email protected]], descend [dI'send]

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Сергій 25.01.2024 - 17:17
"Убийство миссис Спэнлоу" от Агаты Кристи – это великолепный детектив, который завораживает с первой страницы и держит в напряжении до последнего момента. Кристи, как всегда, мастерски строит