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Английский язык с Агатой Кристи. Убийства по алфавиту (ASCII-IPA) - Agatha Christie

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''Tell him," said Megan (расскажи ему).

else's ['elsIz], arrogance ['&[email protected]@ns], conscious ['[email protected]]

His glance for a minute turned to Megan.

''That's right, Don," she said. "It isn't a time for considering one's own feelings or anyone else's. You've got to come clean."

Donald Fraser looked suspiciously at Poirot.

"Who are you? You don't belong to the police?"

"I am better than the police," said Poirot. He said it without conscious arrogance. It was, to him, a simple statement of fact.

''Tell him," said Megan.

Donald Fraser capitulated (Дональд Фрейзер сдался). "I — wasn't sure (я — не был уверен)," he said. "I believed her when she said it (я поверил ей, когда она сказала это). Never thought of doing anything else (никогда не думал ни о чем другом). Afterwards (позже) — perhaps it was something in her manner (возможно, было что-то в поведении). I — I, well, I began to wonder (я начал сомневаться; to wonder — удивляться; интересоваться; сомневаться)."

"Yes?" said Poirot.

He had sat down opposite Donald Fraser (он сел напротив Дональда Фрейзера). His eyes, fixed on the other man's (его глаза, уставившиеся в глаза другого человека: «застывшие на /глазах/ другого человека»), seemed to be exercising a mesmeric spell (казалось, испускали гипнотические чары; to exercise — практиковать; применять; упражнять).

"I was ashamed of myself for being so suspicious (мне было стыдно за себя, /что я/ подозревал). But — but I was suspicious (но я подозревал: «но я был подозревающим») … I thought of going down to the front (я думал пойти вниз к набережной) and watching her (и проследить за ней) when she left the café (когда она выйдет из кафе). I actually went there (я действительно пошел туда). Then I felt (затем я почувствовал) I couldn't do that (что я не могу сделать этого). Betty would see me (Бетти бы увидела меня) and she'd be angry (и она бы разозлилась). She'd realize at once that I was watching her (она бы сразу поняла, что я следил за ней)."

capitulate [[email protected]'pItjuleIt], mesmeric [mez'merIk], ashamed [@'SeImd]

Donald Fraser capitulated. "I — wasn't sure," he said. "I believed her when she said it. Never thought of doing anything else. Afterwards — perhaps it was something in her manner. I — I, well, I began to wonder."

"Yes?" said Poirot.

He had sat down opposite Donald Fraser. His eyes, fixed on the other man's, seemed to be exercising a mesmeric spell.

"I was ashamed of myself for being so suspicious. But — but I was suspicious … I thought of going down to the front and watching her when she left the café. I actually went there. Then I felt I couldn't do that. Betty would see me and she'd be angry. She'd realize at once that I was watching her."

"What did you do (что вы сделали)?"

"I went over to St. Leonards (я поехал в Сент-Леонардc). Got over there by eight o'clock (добрался туда к восьми часам). Then I watched the buses (затем я следил за автобусами) — to see if she were in them (чтобы увидеть, была ли она в них). But there was no sign of her (но ее не было: «но там /не/ было никакого ее признака»).

"And then (а затем)?"

"I — I lost my head rather (я почти потерял голову; to lose — терять). I was convinced (я был убежден) she was with some man (что она с каким-то мужчиной). I thought it probable he had taken her in his car to Hastings (я посчитал вероятным, что он отвез ее на машине в Гастингс). I went on there (я поехал туда) — looked in hotels and restaurants (искал: «смотрел» в отелях и ресторанах), hung round cinemas (слонялся возле кинотеатров) — went on the pier (пошел на пирс). All damn foolishness (все дурацкая глупость). Even if she was there (даже если бы она была там) I was unlikely to find her (я бы наверняка не нашел ее), and anyway (и в любом случае), there were heaps of other places (было множество других мест) he might have taken her to instead of Hastings (/куда/ он мог ее повезти вместо Гастингса)."

convince [kOn'vIns], restaurant ['rest(@)rO:N], pier [[email protected]]

"What did you do?"

"I went over to St. Leonards. Got over there by eight o'clock. Then I watched the buses — to see if she were in them But there was no sign of her …"

"And then?"

"I — I lost my head rather. I was convinced she was with some man. I thought it probable he had taken her in his car to Hastings. I went on there — looked in hotels and restaurants, hung round cinemas — went on the pier. All damn foolishness. Even if she was there I was unlikely to find her, and anyway, there were heaps of other places he might have taken her to instead of Hastings."

He stopped (он замолчал: «он остановился»). Precise as his tone had remained (какой бы точной ни оставалась его манера говорить: «точным, каким оставался его тон»), I caught an undertone of that blind (я уловил оттенок того слепого; to catch — ловить), bewildering misery (смущающего страдания) and anger (и гнева) that had possessed him at the time he described (которые владели им в то время, /которое/ он описывал).

"In the end I gave it up (в конце концов, я это бросил; to give up — бросать, прекращать) — came back (вернулся)."

"At what time (в какое время)?"

"I don't know (я не знаю). I walked (я гулял). It must have been midnight or after (должно быть, была полночь или позднее) when I got home (когда я добрался домой)."

"Then (тогда) —"

The kitchen door opened (кухонная дверь открылась).

"Oh, there you are," said Inspector Kelsey (а, вот вы где).

misery ['[email protected]], possess [[email protected]'zes], undertone ['[email protected]@Un]

He stopped. Precise as his tone had remained, I caught an undertone of that blind, bewildering misery and anger that had possessed him at the time he described.

"In the end I gave it up — came back."

"At what time?"

"I don't know. I walked. It must have been midnight or after when I got home."

"Then — "

The kitchen door opened.

"Oh, there you are," said Inspector Kelsey.

Inspector Crome pushed past him (инспектор Кроум протиснулся мимо него), shot a glance at Poirot (кинул взгляд на Пуаро) and a glance at the two strangers (и взгляд на двух незнакомцев).

"Miss Megan Barnard and Mr. Donald Fraser," said Poirot (мисс Меган Барнард и мистер Дональда Фрейзер), introducing them (представляя их). "This is Inspector Crome from London," he explained (это инспектор Кроум из Лондона, — объяснил он).

Turning to the inspector (повернувшись к инспектору), he said: "While you pursued your investigations upstairs (пока вы проводили ваше расследование наверху; to pursue — преследовать; рассматривать; выполнять) I have been conversing with Miss Barnard and Mr. Fraser (я беседовал с мисс Барнард и мистером Фрейзером), endeavouring (стараясь /выяснить/; to endeavour — пытаться, прилагать усилия) if I could to find something (смогу ли я найти что-либо) that will throw light upon the matter (что прольет свет на это дело)."

pursue [[email protected]'sju:], investigation [In,vestI'geIS(@)n], endeavour [In'[email protected]]

Inspector Crome pushed past him, shot a glance at Poirot and a glance at the two strangers.

"Miss Megan Barnard and Mr. Donald Fraser," said Poirot, introducing them. "This is Inspector Crome from London," he explained.

Turning to the inspector, he said: "While you pursued your investigations upstairs I have been conversing with Miss Barnard and Mr. Fraser, endeavouring if I could to find something that will throw light upon the matter."

"Oh, yes?" said Inspector Crome, his thoughts not upon Poirot (его мысли были не о Пуаро) but upon the two newcomers (а о двух новоприбывших).

Poirot retreated to the hall (Пуаро вышел в холл). Inspector Kelsey said kindly (инспектор Келси добродушно сказал) as he passed (когда он проходил мимо): "Get anything (нашли что-нибудь)?"

But his attention was distracted by his colleague (но его внимание было отвлечено его коллегой) and he did not wait for a reply (и он не дождался ответа).

I joined Poirot in the hall (я присоединился к Пуаро в холле).

"Did anything strike you, Poirot?" I inquired (вас что-нибудь поразило, Пуаро? — осведомился я).

"Only the amazing magnanimity of the murderer, Hastings (только поразительное великодушие убийцы, Гастингс)."

I had not the courage to say (у меня не было смелости сказать) that I had not the least idea (что у меня /не/ было ни малейшего представления /о том/), what he meant (что он имел в виду).

distract [dIs'tr&kt], reply [rI'plaI], magnanimity [,m&[email protected]'nImItI]

"Oh, yes?" said Inspector Crome, his thoughts not upon Poirot but upon the two newcomers.

Poirot retreated to the hall. Inspector Kelsey said kindly as he passed: "Get anything?"

But his attention was distracted by his colleague and he did not wait for a reply.

I joined Poirot in the hall.

"Did anything strike you, Poirot?" I inquired.

"Only the amazing magnanimity of the murderer, Hastings."

I had not the courage to say that I had not the least idea what he meant.

XIII. A Conference


Conferences (совещания)!

Much of my memories of the A.B.C. case seem to be of conferences (большинство моих воспоминаний о деле Эй-би-си, казалось, были о совещаниях).

Conferences at Scotland Yard (совещания в Скотланд-Ярде). At Poirot's rooms (дома у Пуаро: «в комнатах у Пуаро»). Official conferences (официальные совещания).

Unofficial conferences (неофициальные совещания).

This particular conference was to decide (это конкретное совещание должно было решить) whether or not the facts relative to the anonymous letters should or should not be made public in the press (следует ли опубликовывать факты по анонимным письмам в прессе: «следует факты, относящиеся к анонимным письмам, сделать гласными в прессе, или нет»).

The Bexhill murder had attracted much more attention than the Andover one (бексхиллское убийство привлекло гораздо больше внимания, чем эндоверское).

It had (оно имело), of course (конечно), far more elements of popularity (гораздо больше признаков: «элементов» популярности). The victim was a young and good-looking girl (жертва была молодая и привлекательная девушка) to begin with (прежде всего: «начнем с /того, что/»). Also (также), it had taken place at a popular seaside resort (оно произошло: «оно имело место» на популярном морском курорте).

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