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Английский язык с Э. Хемингуэем. Старик и море - Илья Франк

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"Anything more (что-нибудь еще)?"

"No. Afterwards I will see what he can eat (потом посмотрю, что он сможет съесть)."

"What a fish it was (что это была за рыба!)," the proprietor said (сказал хозяин). "There has never been such a fish (никогда не было такой рыбы). Those were two fine fish you took yesterday too (те две рыбы, которые ты поймал, тоже были хороши)."

"Damn my fish (к черту мою рыбу)," the boy said and he started to cry again (и снова заплакал).

"Do you want a drink of any kind (хочешь чего-нибудь выпить; of any kind — какого-либо рода)?" the proprietor asked.

afterwards ['Rftqwqds], proprietor [prq'praIqtq], drink [drINk]

"He was eighteen feet from nose to tail," the fisherman who was measuring him called.

"I believe it," the boy said.

He went into the Terrace and asked for a can of coffee.

"Hot and with plenty of milk and sugar in it."

"Anything more?"

"No. Afterwards I will see what he can eat."

"What a fish it was," the proprietor said. "There has never been such a fish. Those were two fine fish you took yesterday too."

"Damn my fish," the boy said and he started to cry again.

"Do you want a drink of any kind?" the proprietor asked.

"No," the boy said. "Tell them not to bother Santiago (скажите, чтобы не беспокоили Сантьяго). I'll be back (я вернусь)."

"Tell him how sorry I am (передай ему, что я сожалею)."

"Thanks," the boy said.

The boy carried the hot can of coffee up to the old man's shack (мальчик отнес горячую банку с кофе в хижину старика) and sat by him until he woke (и сидел рядом с ним, пока он не проснулся; to wake). Once it looked as though he were waking (один раз показалось: «выглядело так», будто он просыпается). But he had gone back into heavy sleep (но он снова забылся в тяжелом сне) and the boy had gone across the road to borrow some wood to heat the coffee (и мальчик пошел через дорогу /к соседям/ одолжить дров, чтобы подогреть кофе).

Finally the old man woke (наконец старик проснулся).

"Don't sit up (не садись)," the boy said. "Drink this (выпей это)." He poured some of the coffee in a glass (он налил немного кофе в стакан).

The old man took it and drank it (старик взял его и выпил).

borrow ['bOrqu], pour [pL], glass [glRs]

"No," the boy said. "Tell them not to bother Santiago. I'll be back."

"Tell him how sorry I am."

"Thanks," the boy said.

The boy carried the hot can of coffee up to the old man's shack and sat by him until he woke. Once it looked as though he were waking. But he had gone back into heavy sleep and the boy had gone across the road to borrow some wood to heat the coffee.

Finally the old man woke.

"Don't sit up," the boy said. "Drink this." He poured some of the coffee in a glass.

The old man took it and drank it.

"They beat me (они победили меня), Manolin," he said. "They truly beat me (они действительно меня победили)."

"He didn't beat you (она не победила тебя). Not the fish (не рыба = во всяком случае не рыба)."

"No. Truly (что верно, то верно). It was afterwards (это было после)."

"Pedrico is looking after the skiff and the gear (Педрико присматривает за лодкой и снастями). What do you want done with the head (что ты хочешь, чтобы сделали с головой)?"

"Let Pedrico chop it up to use in fish traps (пусть Педрико разрубит ее, чтобы использовать для приманки: «в рыбьих ловушках»)."

"And the spear (а меч)?"

"You keep it if you want it (оставь его себе, если хочешь)."

"I want it (хочу)," the boy said. "Now we must make our plans about the other things (теперь мы должны спланировать другие вещи = давай подумаем о том, что нам делать дальше)."

spear [spIq], want [wOnt], plan [plxn]

"They beat me, Manolin," he said. "They truly beat me."

"He didn't beat you. Not the fish."

"No. Truly. It was afterwards."

"Pedrico is looking after the skiff and the gear. What do you want done with the head?"

"Let Pedrico chop it up to use in fish traps."

"And the spear?"

"You keep it if you want it."

"I want it," the boy said. "Now we must make our plans about the other things."

"Did they search for me (они меня искали)?"

"Of course (конечно). With coast guard and with planes (с береговой охраной и самолетами)."

"The ocean is very big (океан очень большой) and a skiff is small and hard to see (а лодка маленькая и малозаметная: «трудно видеть»)," the old man said. He noticed how pleasant it was to have someone to talk to (он заметил, как приятно с кем-нибудь говорить: «иметь кого-нибудь, с кем можно поговорить») instead of speaking only to himself and to the sea (вместо того, чтобы говорить только с самим собой или морем). "I missed you (я скучал по тебе/мне тебя не хватало)," he said. "What did you catch (что ты поймал)?"

"One the first day (одну рыбу в первый день). One the second (одну во второй) and two the third (и две в третий)."

"Very good (очень хорошо)."

"Now we fish together again (теперь мы снова рыбачим вместе)."

"No. I'am not lucky (нет, я неудачлив). I am not lucky anymore."

"The hell with luck (к черту удачу; hell — ад)," the boy said. "I'll bring the luck with me (я принесу удачу с собой)."

coast [kqust], hell [hel], together [tq'geDq]

"Did they search for me?"

"Of course. With coast guard and with planes."

"The ocean is very big and a skiff is small and hard to see," the old man said. He noticed how pleasant it was to have someone to talk to instead of speaking only to himself and to the sea. "I missed you," he said. "What did you catch?"

"One the first day. One the second and two the third."

"Very good."

"Now we fish together again."

"No. I'am not lucky. I am not lucky anymore."

"The hell with luck," the boy said. "I'll bring the luck with me."

"What will your family say (что скажет твоя семья)?"

"I do not care (мне все равно). I caught two yesterday (я поймал вчера две рыбы). But we will fish together now (но теперь мы будем рыбачить вместе) for I still have much to learn (потому что мне еще многому нужно научиться)."

"We must get a good killing lance (мы должны достать хорошую острогу; lance — пика; копье) and always have it on board (и всегда иметь ее на борту). You can make the blade from a spring leaf from an old Ford (ты можешь сделать лезвие из рессорного листа старого форда; spring leaf — рессорный лист). We can grind it in Guanabacoa (мы можем заточить его у Гуанабакоа). It should be sharp and not tempered (лезвие должно быть острым, но без закалки; to temper — закалять) so it will break (иначе оно сломается). My knife broke (мой нож сломался)."

"I'll get another knife and have the spring ground (я достану другой нож и отдам заточить рессору; to grind — точить). How many days of heavy brisa have we (сколько дней еще у нас будет сильный береговой ветер; brisa — /исп./ береговой ветер)?"

"Maybe three (может быть, три). Maybe more (может, больше)."

"I will have everything in order (я все сделаю: «приведу в порядок»)," the boy said. "You get your hands well old man (ты подлечи свои руки, старик)."

"I know how to care for them (я знаю, как о них заботиться). In the night I spat something strange (ночью я сплюнул что-то странное) and felt something in my chest was broken (и мне показалось, что в груди что-то разорвалось)."

lance [lRns], grind [graInd], chest [Cest]

"What will your family say?"

"I do not care. I caught two yesterday. But we will fish together now for I still have much to learn."

"We must get a good killing lance and always have it on board. You can make the blade from a spring leaf from an old Ford. We can grind it in Guanabacoa. It should be sharp and not tempered so it will break. My knife broke."

"I'll get another knife and have the spring ground. How many days of heavy brisa have we?"

"Maybe three. Maybe more."

"I will have everything in order," the boy said. "You get your hands well old man."

"I know how to care for them. In the night I spat something strange and felt something in my chest was broken."

"Get that well too (подлечи и это тоже)," the boy said. "Lie down, old man (ложись, старик), and I will bring you your clean shirt (я принесу тебе чистую рубаху). And something to eat (и чего-нибудь поесть)."

"Bring any of the papers of the time that I was gone (принеси какую-нибудь газету за то время, что меня не было)," the old man said.

"You must get well fast (ты должен быстро поправиться) for there is much that I can learn (потому что мне еще многому нужно научиться) and you can teach me everything (а ты можешь научить всему). How much did you suffer (как сильно ты страдал = тебе было очень больно)?"

"Plenty (очень)," the old man said.

"I'll bring the food and the papers (я принесу еду и газеты)," the boy said. "Rest well (отдыхай хорошо/как следует), old man. I will bring stuff from the drugstore for your hands (я принесу лекарство из аптеки для твоих рук; drug — лекарство; store — склад; магазин; drugstore — аптека)."

"Don't forget to tell Pedrico the head is his (не забудь передать Педрико, что голова — его)."

"No. I will remember (не забуду: «буду помнить»)."

drug [drAg], plenty ['plentI], remember [rI'membq]

"Get that well too," the boy said. "Lie down, old man, and I will bring you your clean shirt. And something to eat."

"Bring any of the papers of the time that I was gone," the old man said.

"You must get well fast for there is much that I can learn and you can teach me everything. How much did you suffer?"

"Plenty," the old man said.

"I'll bring the food and the papers," the boy said. "Rest well, old man. I will bring stuff from the drugstore for your hands."

"Don't forget to tell Pedrico the head is his."

"No. I will remember."

As the boy went out the door (когда мальчик вышел в дверь = из дома) and down the worn coral rock road (и пошел вниз по старой светло-красной каменной дороге; coral — цвет коралла, светло-красный; worn — изношенный; стертый, истоптанный; to wear — носить /об одежде, обуви/; изнашивать) he was crying again (он снова плакал).

That afternoon there was a party of tourists at the Terrace (в тот день на Террасе была группа туристов) and looking down in the water (и, посмотрев вниз в воду) among the empty beer cans and dead barracudas a woman saw a great long white spine (среди пустых пивных банок и мертвых морских щук женщина увидела огромной длины белый хребет; barracuda — барракуда, морская щука /морская хищная рыба отряда кефалеобразных/) with a huge tail at the end (с огромным хвостом на конце) that lifted and swung with the tide (который вздымался и раскачивался на волнах прибоя) while the east wind blew a heavy steady sea outside the entrance to the harbour (в то время как восточный ветер сдувал тяжелое спокойное море к выходу из бухты; entrance — вход; steady — устойчивый; прочный, твердый).

coral ['kOrql], tourist ['tuqrIst], barracuda ["bxrq'kHdq], entrance ['entrqns]

As the boy went out the door and down the worn coral rock road he was crying again.

That afternoon there was a party of tourists at the Terrace and looking down in the water among the empty beer cans and dead barracudas a woman saw a great long white spine with a huge tail at the end that lifted and swung with the tide while the east wind blew a heavy steady sea outside the entrance to the harbour.

"What's that (что это)?" she asked a waiter (спросила она официанта) and pointed to the long backbone of the great fish (и показала на длинный позвоночник огромной рыбы) that was now just garbage waiting to go out with the tide (который сейчас был просто мусором, ждущим, когда его унесет отливом).

"Tiburon (акула /исп./)," the waiter said. "Eshark." He was meaning to explain what had happened (он собирался объяснить, что произошло).

"I didn't know sharks had such handsome, beautifully formed tails (не знала, что у акул такие красивые, изящно выгнутые: «сформированные» хвосты)."

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