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Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка - В. Каушанская

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1. Портфель мал, но кожа хорошая. 2. Я люблю зеленый бархат. 3. Он не любил кофе. 4. Ему не понравился кофе. 5. Чай слишком крепкий; я не люблю крепкий чай. 6. Не забудьте дать кошке молока, у нее теперь котята! (Чехов)7. Я ходил по аллее и думал о вишневом варенье. (Чехов)

Exercise 8. Insert articles where necessary. (Articles with abstract nouns.)

1. We both appreciate __ simplicity. (Du Maurier)2. In less than __ week Cowperwood knew __ financial condition of Messrs. Waterman as well as they did, better, to __ dollar. (Dreiser)3. It is such __ weary, weary work. (Dickens)4. He [White] had __ comfortable feeling of working alone in __ large empty building, __ feeling of __ peace and __ complete privacy. (Wilson)5. I've reason to believe she [Fleur] has never properly got over __ feeling she used to have. (Galsworthy)6. I had seldom heard my friend speak with such __ intensity of __ feeling. (Conan Doyle) 7. His footsteps were now heard striking upon __ stony road at __ distance of about twenty yards. (Hardy)8. We had __ wonderful weather. (Du Maurier)9. You must learn to face __ life seriously, Stephen. (Shaw)10. However, __ life of such striking monotony does not seem to depress him. (Durrell) 11. May you be happy in — life you have chosen! (Dickens)12. I love to think of __ time that must come some day when __ man will have conquered — nature, and __ toilworn human race enter upon __ era of — peace. (Leacock) 13. She was panting now, and in her face was __ terror which was inexplicable. (Maugham)14. His round blue eyes behind. __ spectacles were ghastly with _ terror. (Maugham)15. I think in some curious way __ horror which she felt for him was __ transference of __ horror which she felt for herself because he so strangely troubled her. (Maugham)16. She was brilliantly familiar with- __ literature, __ tongues, __ art, __ history, __ physics, __ metaphysics, __ philosophy, and — politics (in which I include __ modern politics). (Bennett)17. It was __ cold, bleak, biting weather. (Dickens)18. __ weather was sunny and dry. (Hardy) 19.. __ modern science is __ wonderful thing. (Shaw)20. He was __ steady, uninspired researcher in __ properties of __ liquid state of __ matter. (Wilson)21. Their blue eyes became filled with __ gaiety and __ ferocity and __ joy, and their mouths with __ laughter. (Murdoch) 22. Jon laughed, and __ sound of __ laugh was hard. (Galsworthy)23. Then she gave __ crisp, ironic, almost cheerful laugh... (Snow)24. On that fine day __ poverty of __ district she was entering seemed to her country-nurtured eyes intensely cheerless, (Galsworthy)25. __ reason is __ greatest discovery ever made by __ man. Yet it is __ most disregarded and least used. (Jones) 26....what I offer is __ security and __ respect. That doesn't sound very exciting, but perhaps it's better than __ passion. (Greene)27. And __ passion that held Strickland was __ passion to create __ beauty. (Maugham)28. She looked __ incarnation of __ supreme loveliness, __ loveliness which was always revealing itself anew. (Bennett)29. She (Aileen] knew nothing of __ literature except __ certain authors who to __ truly cultured might seem banal. (Dreiser)30. __ expression on her face — hungry and hard and feverish — had the most peculiar effect upon Soames. (Galsworthy)31. She listened with, __ expression impatient, strained and intent. (Snow)32. At that age I had __ very faulty view of __ geography. (Miller) 33. __ poor fellow's face looked haggard with __ want: he had __ aspect of __ man who had not known what it was to live in __ comfort... for __ weeks, perhaps __ months past. (Ch. Bronte)34. He longed for __ comfort of his sister's society. (Marryaf) 35. He pines for __ kindness. (E. Bronte) 36. She sighed for __ air, _ liberty, __ quiet of __ country. (Austen)37. Miss Cherrell, I am going to do all I can to remove __ unpleasant impression you have of me. I am your very humble servant, and I hope some day to have __ chance to be something else to you. (Galsworthy)38. Then all four sat down and began to inspect Hunter and Calvin with __ air of suspicion and curiosity. (Murdoch)39. He spoke with __ air of someone who has got over with an unpleasant duty and can now get on to __ brighter matters. (Murdoch)40. How quietly you live, John. I love __. silence of this room and garden. (Murdoch)41. At other times he would come and sit for long periods in her room in __ silence. (Murdoch)42. What — noble thing __ courage is. (Reade)43. Nothing gave him [little Hans] greater pleasure than to listen to all __ wonderful things __ Miller used to say about __ unselfishness of __ true friendship. (Wilde)44. __ friendship which he had imposed from __ beginning he now emphasised more than ever. (Greene) 45. And when multitudes of men are hurt to __ death in wars I am driven to __ grief which borders on __ insanity. (Saroyan) 46. She could not only sing like __ lark... but she had such __ kindly, smiling, tender, gentle, generous heart of her own as won __ love of everybody who came near her. (Thackeray)47. What __ delightful weather we are having! (Wilde)48. Pray, don't talk to me about __ weather, Mr. Worthing. Whenever __ people talk to me about __ weather, I always feel quite certain that they mean something else. (Wilde)49. Such __ weather makes everything and everybody disgusting. (Austen)50. When he let her go, she sank breathless into __ chair, gazing at him with __ expression of such __ terror that he put his hands over his face. (Galsworthy)51. And so, concerned in talk that touched not on __ feelings within them, they reached Mount Street. (Galsworthy)52. Owen saw __ figure of Edward at __ distance of two or three hundred yards. (Hardy) 53. Mrs. Maylie took up her abode with her son and daughter-inlaw to enjoy during __ tranquil remainder of her days __, greatest felicity that __ age and worth can know, __ contemplation of __ happiness of those on whom __ warmest affections and tenderest cares... have been unceasingly bestowed. (Dickens)54. __ art is — manifestation of __ emotion, and __ emotion speaks __ language that all may understand. (Maugham)55. Ada sat at __ piano, Richard stood beside her. She touched __ notes so softly, and sang so low, that __ wind, sighing away in __ distant hills, was as audible as __ music. (Dickens)56. Mr. Bob Sawyer adjusted his skates with __ dexterity which to Mr. Winkle was perfectly marvellous. (Dickens)57. He had not been stationary half __ minute, when he heard his own name pronounced by __ voice which he at once recognized as Mr. Tupman's, and looking upwards, he beheld __ sight which filled him with __ surprise and __ pleasure. (Dickens) 58. She sat by __ window reading. From her position she could see up __ lane for __ distance of at least __ hundred yards. (Hardy) 59. I can see __ beauty and __ peace of this home; 1 think I have never been more at __ rest in my life than at this moment. (Shaw) 60. Beside his bed, for __ first time during __ period of nearly twenty years, he fell down on his knees in __ passionate outburst of __ feeling. (Hardy)61. It was __ new fear, different from that which she had once confided in her own flat, yet grown from __ same root. (Snow)62. __ empty windows of __ ruins were filled with __ life of their own. (Heym)63. Cowperwood awakened to __ sense of __ joy in __ life such as he fancied he had never experienced before. (Dreiser)64. Mr. Pickwick stood in __ principal street of this illustrious town, and gazed with __ air of __ curiosity not unmixed with __ interest, on __ objects around him. (Dickens)

Exercise 9. Translate into English.

1. Декабристы погибли в борьбе за свободу народа. 2. Все народы земли хотят мира. 3. Мы никогда не забудем героизм тех, кто боролся против фашизма. 4. Я очень ценю в людях скромность и простоту. 5. Природа играла большую роль в творчестве романтиков. 6. Музыкант должен знать историю оперы. 7. С ней он мог говорить о литературе, об искусстве, о чем угодно, мог жаловаться ей на жизнь, на людей. (Чехов)8. Я хочу быть артисткой, я хочу славы, успехов, свободы. (Чехов)9. Оставим пока геометрию. Обратимся к науке, которую вы, как чиновник почтового ведомства, вероятно, любите. География — наука почтальонов. (Чехов)10. Зачем я стереометрию учил, ежели ее в программе нет? (Чехов)11. Я с детства люблю музыку. 12. Он изучает английскую историю. 13. Он изучает историю Англии. 14. На расстоянии 20—30 шагов мы увидели странную фигуру. 15. Если вы плохо себя чувствуете, не выходите в такую погоду. 16. Мой брат очень любит архитектуру и мечтает стать архитектором. 17. Меня интересует история развития английского романа.

Exercise 10. insert articles where necessary. (Articles with names of persons.)

1. Margaret was talking to __ Osbaldistons. (Snow)2. In __ dim light streaming down __ stairs from behind her, he scarcely recognised __ Lily he had known. (Lindsay)3. __ barbaric Bertie got no hint whatever that he was barbaric. (Bennett)4. __ father and __ daughter appeared at last. (Wells)5. Gradman is here, darling, and __ mother, and __ Aunt Winifred, and Kit and Michael. Is there anyone you would like to see? (Galsworthy) 6. Louis seemed... rather __ grave, still, retiring man, but __ Caroline of this evening, which was not __ Caroline of every day, thawed his reserve. (Ch. Bronte) 7. She watched __ advent of __ Tasburghs almost maliciously. Hubert and __ young Tasburgh at once discovered mutual service in Mesopotamia. (Galsworthy)8. My visit was specially made to __ good Mrs. Ames. (Conan Doyle) 9. __ professor Beans is __ man to whom you'll be responsible for your undergraduate teaching. (Wilson)10. This Pat wasn't at all like __ Pat of his memories. When she smiled he saw __ Pat he had known, __ Pat smiling at him froirt __ worn photo that still lay in — pocketbook against his heart. But watching her ...he grew aware that __ family was divided in its attitude. Alice... and Mrs. Baxter... were partisans of — new Pat. He still felt that he couldn't bring __ two Pats together; but he didn't hold that against __ Pat of __ present. (Lindsay)11. — flustered Clarice stood beside me. (Du Maurier)12. If you are — Napolеоn, you will play __ game of __ power; if you're __ Leonardo, you'll play for — knowledge; __ stakes hardly matter. (Wallace) 13. At that time I had __ greatest admiration for — Impressionists. I longed to possess __ Sisley and __ Degas, and I worshipped Manet. (Maugham)14. I overtook __ pretty little Hetty Sorrel as I was coming to my den. (Eliot)15. He cared to say no more; he had thrown quite dust enough into __ honest Adam's eyes. (Eliot)16. This was __ famous Frank A. Cowperwood whom he had read about... (Dreiser)17. __ certain Joseph Zimmerman suggested that he undertake operating in street railway shares for him. (Dreiser)18. Elsie said she would ring up __ Doctor Worple. (Bennett)19. __ poor Edward muttered something, but what it was nobody knew. (Austen)20. He was gayer than I had thought... youthful and ardent in __ hundred happy ways, not.— Maxim I had first met. (Du Maurier)21. I have __ address of — man in London to whom __ Professor writes. (Conan Doyle)22. It is needless to multiply __ instances of __ high and lofty station, and __ „ vast importance of __ Chuzzlewits at different periods. (Dickens). 23. It has been said that there is no instance, in modern times, of __ Chuzzlewit having been found on terms of __ intimacy with __ great. (Dickens)24. __ gentle, tender-hearted Amelia Sedley was __ only person to whom she [Becky] could attach herself in __ least. (Thackeray)25. Yet __ room itself was bright and elegant; on one wall was — fine Sisley, of poplars and sunny water, on another __ still life by Nicholas de Stael, pastel fruit in __ white dish. (Snow)26. __ captain Cuttle lived on __ brink of — little canal. (Dickens)27. Mr. Tupman, by __ nod, intimated that his question applied to __ disappointed Rachel. (Dickens) 28. I am __ Mr. Martin for whom you were to inquire. (Dickens) 29. I'm to meet __ Professor Hallorsen on Monday. (Galsworthy) 30. If you're going West may I come with you? I want to see __ Aunt Emily and __ Uncle Lawrence. (Galsworthy)31. During — reading of __ paragraph, and for __ minute or two afterwards, he sat with his gaze fixed on — modest Mr. Toots, like — man entranced. (Dickens)32. I had no doubt that you were — Miss Wilfer I have often heard named. (Dickens)33. "Oh, good evening," he exclaimed, removing his cap and bowing. "How are you?" while his mind was registering that this truly was __ beautiful, __ exquisite Sondra whom months before he had met at his uncle's. (Dreiser)34. "I don't care about __ Captain Dobbin's complexion," she said... "I shall always like him, I know." "There is not __ finer fellow in __ service," Osborne said, "nor — better officer, though he is not __ Adonis, certainly." (Thackeray)35. __ difference between __ pair was that while __ father was violent and __ bully, — son had thrice __ nerve and courage of — parent, and could not merely make __ attack, but resist it; and finding that — moment was not come when __ contest between him and his father was to be decided, he took his dinner with __ perfect coolness and appetite before __ engagement began. __ old Osborne, on __ contrary, was nervous and drank much. (Thackeray)36. __ medical practitioner quite, refused to accept __ unhappy Selina's theory. (Hardy)

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