Профессионалы и маргиналы в славянской и еврейской культурной традиции - Коллектив авторов
Ролдугина 2016 – Ролдугина И. Открытие сексуальности: трансгрессия социальной стихии в середине XVIII века в Санкт-Петербурге: по материалам Калинкинской комиссии (1750–1759) // Ab Imperio. 2016. № 2. C. 29–69. DOI: 10.1353/imp.2016.0029
ПСЗ 1 – Полное собрание законов Российской империи. Собрание первое (1649–1825). Т. XXI: c 1781 по 1783 гг. СПб.: Типография Второго Отделения Собственной Его Императорского Величества канцелярии, 1830. 1085 с.
ПСЗ 2 – Полное собрание законов Российской империи. Собрание второе (с 12 декабря 1825 г. по 28 февраля 1881 г.). Т. IV: 1829 г. СПб.: Типография Второго Отделения Собственной Его Императорского Величества канцелярии, 1830. 1656 с.; Т. VII: 1832 г. СПб.: Типография Второго Отделения Собственной Его Императорского Величества канцелярии, 1833. 1492 с.
Bernstein 1995 – Bernstein L. Sonya’s Daughters. Prostitution in Imperial Russia. Berkeley; Los Angeles; Oxford: University of California Press, 1995. 344 p.
Dynner 2013 – Dynner G. Yankel’s Tavern: Jews, Liquor, and Life in the Kingdom of Poland, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. 272 p.
Jakubczak 2020 – Jakubczak A. Polacy, Żydzi i mit handlu kobietami. Warszawa, Wydawnictwa Uniwersitetu Warszawskiego, 2020. 248 s.
Petrovsky-Shtern 2014 – Petrovsky-Shtern Y. The Golden Age Shtetl. A New History of Jewish Life in East Europe. Princeton; Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2014. 448 p.
Ryan 1837 – Ryan M. The Philosophy of Marriage in its Social, Moral and Physical Relations; With an Account of the Disease of the Genito-Urinary Organs which Impair or Destroy the Reproductive Function and Induce a Variety of Complaints, With the Physiology of Generation in the Vegetable and Animal Kingdoms. London, 1837. 365 p.
Ryan 1839 – Ryan M. Prostitution in London, with a Comparative View of that of Paris and New York, as Illustrative of the Capitals and Large Towns of All Countries and Proving Moral Depravation to be the most Fertile Source of Crime and of Personal and Social Misery; with an Account of the Nature Treatment of Various Diseases, Caused by the Abuses of Reproductive Function. London, 1839. 447 p.
Marginal Professionals? Authority, Community and “Indecency” in Russian Trials against Jews in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century
Olga Minkina
ORCID: 0000–0003–3669–4721
Ph.D. in history
Independent scholar
E-mail: ol.mink@yahoo.com
DOI 10.31168/2658–3356.2022.5
Abstract. Until 1843, prostitution in the Russian Empire was completely illegal. But were Jewish brothel keepers and prostitutes, in the eyes of both the Jewish community and non-Jewish neighbors, despised marginals or professionals who occupied a specific economic stratum?
While Jews who “made indecency into a trade” were tolerated by local officials and the police, the higher authorities periodically demonstrated a readiness to control and persecute deviant sexuality, sometimes even ordering kahals to supervise the morality of the Jews.
Jewish brothel keepers and prostitutes were part of multinational and multicultural criminal space. They were distinguished by a considerable degree of acculturation and adaptation to their non-Jewish environment. However, Jewish sexual workers and pimps were not only rejected by “pious” Jews, but were also incorporated into communal life. The fate of a Jew accused of keeping a brothel could become a subject of dispute within the community, which reveal conflicts related to denunciation, military conscription, and economic competition.
Keywords: prostitution, Jewish community, crime, profession
Bernstein, L., 1995, Sonya’s Daughters. Prostitution in Imperial Russia. Berkeley; Los Angeles; Oxford, 344. DOI: 10.2307/41050012
Dynner, G., 2013, Yankel’s Tavern: Jews, Liquor, and Life in the Kingdom of Poland. Oxford, 272. DOI: 10.1093/acprof: oso/9780199988518.001.0001
Jakubczak, A., 2020, Polacy, Żydzi i mit handlu kobietami [The Poles, the Jews and the Myth of Women Trafficking]. Warszawa, 248. DOI: 10.31338/ uw. 9788323543763
Petrovsky-Shtern, Y., 2008, The Golden Age Shtetl. A New History of Jewish Life in East Europe. Princeton; Oxford, 448. DOI: 10.1515/978140085116
Roldugina, I., Otkrytie seksual’nosti: transgressiia sotsial’noi