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Криминология. Теория, история, эмпирическая база, социальный контроль - Яков Ильич Гилинский

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Violence and Democracy. Indiana University Press, 1991 (ч. III: 28).

703. Pepinsky H., Jesilov P. Myths that Cause Crime. Seven Locks Press, 1984 (ч. I: 3).

704. Pepinsky H., Quinney R. (Eds.) Criminology as Peacemaking. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1991 (ч. II: 100, 101).

705. Podgorecki A. Patalogia zjcia spolecznego. Warszawa, 1969 (ч. II: 160).

706. Police Crime Statistics 2006. Federal Republic of Germany. Wiesbaden: Bundeskriminalamt, 2007 (ч. I: 112, 115).

707. Polizeiliche Kriminalstatistik Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Berichtsjahr 2004. Bundeskriminalamt Wiesbaden, 2005 (ч. I: 91, 112, 113,116).

708. Quinney R. The Social Reality of Crime. Boston: Little, Brown & Co, 1970 (ч. II: 82).

709. Quinney R. The Social Reality of Crime // Williams III F., McShane M. Criminology Theory. Selected Classic Readings. Second Ed. Cincinnati: Anderson Publishing Co., 1998 (ч. II: 84).

710. Ramberg I. Islamophobia and its consequence on Young People. Budapest, 2004 (ч. III: 50).

711. Recorder Crime England and Wales, 12 months // Home Office Statistical Bulletin, 2001 (ч. I: 92).

712. Reid S. Crime and Criminology. Fifth Ed. Holt, Rinehart & Winston, Inc. 1988 (ч. III: 137).

713. Robinson M. Why Crime? An integrated Systems Theory of antisocial Behavior. NY: Pearson. Prentice Hall, 2004 (ч. I: 10, 68, 73).

714. Ross E. Social Control. NY, 1901 (ч. IV: 7).

715. Rotwax H. Guilty. The Collapse of Criminal Justice. NY: Random House, 1996 (ч. IV: 39).

716. Sack E Neue Perspectiven in der Kriminologie // Sack E, Konig R. (Hrsg.) Kriminalsoziologie. Wisbaden, 1968 (ч. II: 72).

717. Sack E, Konig R (Hrsg.) Kriminalsoziologie. Wisbaden, 1968 (ч. II: 72).

718. Santino U., La Fiura G Behind Drugs: Survival economies, criminal enterprises, military operations, development projects. Edizioni Gruppo Abele, 1993 (ч. III: 237, 238).

719. Scarpitti E, Nielsen A. (Eds.) Crime and Criminals: Contemporary and Classic Readings in Criminology. Los Angeles: Roxbury Publishing Co, 1999 (ч. I: 150).

720. Schmalleger F. Criminology Today. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1996 (ч. I: 10, ч. II: 2).

721. Schneider H. J. Kriminologie. Berlin – New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1987 (ч. I: 15).

722. Schoncheck J. On Criminalization: An Essay in the Philosophy of the Criminal Law. Kluver Academic Publishers, 1994 (ч. III: 245).

723. Schur E. Crimes Without Victims. Englewood Cliffs, 1965 (ч. I: 79, ч. II: 71, ч. III: 267).

724. Scogan W., Hartnett S. Community Policing, Chicago Style. Oxford University Press, 1997 (ч. II: 56, ч. IV: 110).

725. Scott J. Comparative Political Corruption. Englewood Cliffs, 1972 (ч. III: 178).

726. Seiter R. Corrections: An Introduction. NJ.: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005(ч. IV 51).

727. Sgarzi J., McDevitt J. (Eds.) Victimology: A Study of Crime Victims and Their Roles. NJ: Prentice Hall, 2003 (ч. I: 21).

728. Shaw M., van Dijk J., Rhomberg W. Determining Trends in Global Crime and Justice: An Overview of Results from the United Nations Surveys of Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice System // Forum on Crime and Society. Vol. 3. № 1–2. 2003. NY, 2004 (ч. I: 107, 108, 109).

729. Sheley J. Criminology: A Contemporary Handbook. Third Edition. Wadsworth, Thomson Learning, 2000 (ч. I: 90, 97, ч. III: 43).

730. Siegel L Criminology. 4th Ed. West Publishing Co., 1992 (ч. I: 10,ч. Ш: 126,130).

731. Smith D. The Mafia Mystique. Lanhamy MD: University Press of America, 1990 (ч. III: 111).

732. Stalking in Sweden: Prevalence and Prevention. Stockholm, 2006 (ч. III: 57).

733. Statistics on Race and the Criminal Justice System. Home Office, 2000 (ч. I: 119).

734. Statistics on Women and the Criminal Justice System. Home Office, 2000 (ч. I: 118).

735. Steinert H. The Idea of Prevention and the Critique of Instrumental Reason // Albrecht G., Ludwig-Mayerhofer W. (Eds.) Version and Informal Social Control. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter and Co., 1995 (ч. IV 105).

736. Strafrechtspflege in Deutschland: Fakten und Zahlen. Bonn: Bundesministerium für Justiz, 1996 (ч. IV: 44, 48).

737. Sumner W. Folkways. Boston, 1906 (ч. IV: 5).

738. Summary of the White Paper on Crime. Government of Japan. Research and Training Institute Ministry of Justice, 1996 (ч. IV 49).

739. Summary of the White Paper on Crime. 1996. Research and Training Institute Ministry of Justice (Japan). 1997 (ч. I: 123).

740. Sutherland E. The Professional Thief: By a professional thief. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1937 (ч. II: 49).

741. Sutherland E. White-Collar Crime. NY: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1983 (первая публикация 1949 г.) (ч. II: 48, ч. III: 162).

742. Sutherland Е., Cressey D. Principles of Criminology. NY, Philadelphia, 1960 (ч. II: 50).

743. Swaaningen van R. Critical Criminology. Visions from Europe. SAGE Publications Ltd, 1997 (ч. II: 87).

744. Sykes G, Matza D. Techniques of Neutralization: A Theory of Delinquency // American Sociological Review. 1957. № 22 (ч. II: 74).

745. Tannenbaum E Crime and the Community. NY: Columbia University Press, 1938 (ч. II: 69).

746. Taylor I. Crime, Capitalism and Community: Three essays in socialist criminology. Toronto: Butterworths, 1983 (ч. II: 92).

747. Taylor I. (Ed.) The Social Effects of Free Market Policies. Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1990 (ч. II: 91).

748. Taylor I., Evans K., Fraser P. A Tale of Two Cities: A Study in Manchester and Sheffield. Routledge, 1996 (ч. II: 35).

749. Taylor I., Walton P., Young J. The New Criminology: For a Social Theory of Deviance. L.: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1973 (ч. II: 89).

750. Terrorismus // Das neue Taschen Lexikon. Bertelsmann Lexikon Verlag, 1992. Band 16 (ч. III: 203).

751. The Mafia Manager: A Guide to the Corporate Machiavelli. NY: St. Martin's Press, 1996 (ч. III: 135).

752. The Prevention Pioneers: History of the Hein Roethof Prize 1987–1996. Information and PR Office Prevention, 1997 (ч. IV 107).

753. The Sex Trade: Trafficking of Women and Children in Europe and the US. Testimony of Anita Botti, Deputy Director for International Women's Initiatives. Hearing before the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe. Washington, June, 29, 1999 (ч. III: 86).

754. The 2000 British Crime Survey // Home Office Statistical Bulletin. London, 2000. 18/00 (ч. I: 92).

755. The 2001 British Crime Survey // Home Office Statistical Bulletin. 2001. Issue 18/01 (ч. I: 117).

756. Thrasher F. The Gang: A Study of 1,313 Gangs in Chicago. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1927 (ч. II: 55).

757. Thrasher F. The Gang. Chicago: University Press, 1936 (ч. III: 232).

758. Tierney J. Criminology: Theory and Context. Prentice Hall, Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1996 (ч.

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