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Криминология. Теория, история, эмпирическая база, социальный контроль - Яков Ильич Гилинский

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IV: 11).

599. Coleman J. The Criminal Elite: The Sociology of White Collar Crime. NY: St. Martin's Press, 1985 (ч. III: 163, 164).

600. Combating Hate Crimes in the OSCE Region: An Overview of Statistics, Legislation, and National Initiatives. Warsaw, 2005 (ч. III: 50).

601. Community Policing in Chicago, Year Seven: An interim Report. Chicago: Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority. November 2000(ч. IV: 110).

602. Complex White Collar Crime. Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia, 1993 (ч. III: 164).

603. Consedine J. Restorative Justice: Healing the Effects of Crime. Ploughshares Publication, 1995 (ч. IV: 52).

604. Contemporary Justice Review: Issues in Criminal, Social and Restorative Justice: Special Issue on The Phenomenon of Restorative Justice. 1998. Vol. 1. № 1 (ч. IV: 52).

605. Correctional Institutions in Japan. Correctional Bureau Ministry of Justice, 1985(ч. IV: 51).

606. Coser L. The Functions of Social Conflict. L.: Free Press of Glencoe, 1956 (ч. II: 78).

607. Crime in United States 2000. Uniform Crime Reports. Washington, D. C.: US Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2001 (ч. I: 124).

608. Criminological Perspectives. A Reader. SAGE, 1996 (ч. IV: 11).

609. Das neue Taschen Lexikon. Bertelsmann Lexikon Verlag, 1992. B. 13 (ч. IV: 27).

610. Davis N., Anderson B. Social Control: The Production of Deviance in the Modern State. Irvington Publishers Inc., 1983 (ч. IV: 15).

611. De Keseredy W., Schwartz M. Contemporary Criminology. Wadsworth Publishing Co., 1996 (ч. I: 55, 65, 90, ч. III: 137).

612. Donziger S. The Real War on Crime: The Report of the National Criminal Justice Commission. Harper Collins Publ., Inc., 1996 (ч. III: 246,264, ч. IV: 54, 112).

613. Einstadter W., Henry S. Criminological Theory: An Analyses of Its Underlying Assumption. Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1995 (ч. II: 90).

614. Electronic Monitoring: The Trials and their Results. L., Home Office, 1990 (ч. IV: 47).

615. Elliot D., Hamburg В., WIIIiams K. (Eds.) Violence in American Schools. Cambridge University Press, 1998 (ч. III: 42).

616. Ewald U. (Ed.) Social Transformation and Crime in Metropolises of Former Eastern Bloc Countries. Bonn: Forum Verlag Godesberg, 1997 (ч. I: 98).

617. Falck S., von Hofer H., Storgaard A. (Eds.) Nordic Criminal Statistics 1950–2000. Stockholm, 2003 (ч. I: 121, 122).

618. Fattah E. Towards a Critical Victimology. MacmIIIan Press, 1992(ч. I: 21).

619. Fay K. Prescribed Addiction // Bloor M., Wood E Op. cit. (ч. III: 240).

620. Ferrell J., Sanders С Cultural Criminology. Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1995 (ч. I: 13).

621. Finer C, Nellis M. (Eds.) Crime and Social Exclusion. Blackwell Publishers Ltd., 1998 (ч. I: 174).

622. Fijnaut C, Paoli L. (Eds.) Organised Crime in Europe: Concepts, Patterns and Control Policies in European Union and Beyond. Springer, 2004. Vol. I–IV (ч. III: 138).

623. Fishbein D. Biobehavioral Perspectives in Criminology. Wadsworth, Thomson Learning, 2001 (ч. II: 18).

624. From Russia with sex // New York. August, 10. 1998 (ч. III: 89).

625. Forst B. (Ed.) The Socio-Economics of Crime and Justice. M. E. Sharpe, Inc., 1993 (ч. I: 12,150).

626. Garland D. The Culture of High Crime Societies. Some Preconditions of Recent «Law and Order» Policies // The British Journal of Criminology. 2000. Vol. 40. № 3 (ч. II: 118, 119).

627. Garland D. The Culture of Control. Oxford University Press, 2001(ч. П: 118).

628. Gerstenfeld Ph. Hate Crimes: Causes, Controls and Controversies. SAGE Publications, 2004 (ч. III: 50).

629. Gerstenfeld Ph., Grant D. (Eds.) Crime of Hate: Selected Readings. SAGE Publications, 2004 (ч. III: 50).

630. Gilinskiy Y. Economic Crime in Contemporary Russia // European Financial Service Law, 1998. Vol. 5. № 3–4 (ч. III: 168).

631. Gilinskiy Y. Police and the Community in Russia // Police Practice and Research. An International Journal. 2005. Vol. 6. № 4 (ч. I: 54, 98).

632. Gilinskiy Y, Ivanov L. Victimology in the USSR: Theoretical Approach and Empirical Research // Kaiser G, Kury H., Albrecht H-J. (Eds.) Victims and Criminal Justice. Freiburg in Br.: the Max Planck Institute, 1991(ч. I: 23).

633. Gilinskiy Y, Kostjukovsky Y. From Thievish Artel to Criminal Corporation: The History of Organised Crime in Russia // C. Fijnaut, L Paoli (Eds.) Organised Crime in Europe: Concepts, Patterns and Control Policies in European Union and Beyond. Springer, 2004. Vol. 4 (ч. III: 138).

634. Goffman E. Asylums. Harmondsworth, Penguin Books, 1961 (ч. IV 19).

635. Goldstein A., Segall M. (Eds.) Agression in Global Perspective. Pergamon Press, 1983 (ч. III: 8).

636. Gondolf E. Psychiatry Response to Family Violence. D. С Toronto, 1991(ч. I: 25).

637. Government of Japan. Summary of the White Paper on Crime. Research and Training Institute Ministry of Justice, 1996 (ч. III: 281).

638. Griffiths M. Against the Odds: An Overview of Gambling Addiction // Bloor M., Wood E (Eds.) Addictions and Problem Drug Use: Issues in Behavior, Policy and Practice. L: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 1998 (ч. III: 239).

639. Grover Ch. Inequality and Crime // Peelo M., SoothIII K. (Eds.) Questing Crime and Criminology. WIIIan Publishing, 2005 (ч. II: 165).

640. Gurvich I., Rusakova M., Pyshkina Т., Yakovleva A. The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in St. Petersburg and Northwest Russia. Save the Children. Stockholm, 2002 (ч. III: 95, 96).

641. Hagan J. Modern Criminology: Crime, Criminal Behavior and its Control. NY: McGraw-HIII, 1985 (ч. I: 80, 87).

642. Hagan J. Introduction to Criminology: Theories, Methods, and Criminal Behavior. Nelson-Hall, 1986 (ч. I: 10, ч. III: 123, 136).

643. Hagan J. Structural Criminology. New Jersey: Rutgers, The State University, 1989 (ч. I: 12, 150).

644. Hammerschick W., Karazman-Morawetz I., Stangl W. (Hrsg.) Die sichere Stadt: Prevention und kommunale Sicherheitspolitik. Nomos Verlag, 1995 (ч. IV: 109).

645. Hall N. Hate Crime. WIIIan Publishing, 2005 (ч. III: 50, 53).

646. Hawkins D. Crime and Ethnicity // Forst B. (Ed.) The Socio-Economics of Crime and Justice. M. E. Sharpe, Inc., 1993 (ч. I: 161).

647. Hendrics J., Byers B. Crisis Intervention in Criminal Justice. Charles С Thomas Publishing, 1996 (ч. IV: 39, 104).

648. Henry S., Milovanovic D. Constitutive Criminology: Beyond Postmodernism. SAGE, 1996 (ч. I: 35, ч. II: 115, 116).

649. Herman. Recherches sur le nombre des suicides et homicides commis en Russie pendant les annees 1819 et 1820 // Memoires de l'Academie Imperiale des Sciences de S. Petersburg. 1832. Ser. 6. № 1 (ч. II: 130).

650. Herz A. Trafficking in Human Beings: An Empirical Study on Criminal Prosecution in Germany. Freiburg in

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