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Judgments’, 4 March 2015, at § 2.6; См. также: Lady Hale, ‘Celebrating 70 years of the Universal Declaration and 20 years of the Human Rights Act’, British Institute of Human Rights Annual Lecture 2018, 7 November 2018, https://www.supremecourt.uk/docs/speech-181107.pdf

44. Home Office, ‘Rights Brought Home: The Human Rights Bill, 1997.

45. Там же, в § 1.14.

46. Там же, раздел 6.

47. Там же, раздел 8.

48. Там же, раздел 3.

49. Там же, раздел 2.

50. Там же, раздел 4.

51. Часто в краткое описание «основных» прав включаются также статьи 1–3 Протокола 1 к Конвенции, которые описывают право на мирное пользование имуществом, право на образование и право на свободные выборы.

52. С оригиналом первой полосы Daily Mail можно ознакомиться здесь: C. Tobitt, ‘Daily Mail runs front page IPSO ruling on inaccurcies in Iraq compensation claim report as staff told making similar mistakes again would “put careers at risk”’, Press Gazette, 27 July 2018, https://www.pressgazette.co.uk/daily-mail-runs-front-page-ipsoadjudication-on-iraq-compensation-claims-as-staff-told-makingsimilar-error-again-would-put-careers-at-risk/

53. Alseran & others v. Ministry of Defence [2017] EWHC 3289 (QB).

54. D. Bamber, ‘Prisoners win their claim that hardcore porn is a human right’, Telegraph, 10 November 2002; См. также: ‘How do you label a goat?’, Daily Mail, 20 November 2006, which reported that ‘The Human Rights Act 2000 [sic] allowed serial killer Dennis Nilsen to win a case to look at hardcore pornographic magazines in his cell.’ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-417637/How-label-goat.html

55. См.: Department for Constitutional Affairs, ‘Review of the Implementation of the Human Rights Act’, July 2006, p. 30, https://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/+/http:/www.dca.gov.uk/peoples-rights/human-rights/pdf/full_review.pdf

56. Заявление Управления судебной коммуникации от 4 октября 2011 года подтвердило, что «кот не имеет никакого отношения к решению [не депортировать]»: P. Henley, ‘Theresa May in deportation cat flap’, BBC News, 4 October 2011, https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-15174254

57. H. Phibbs, ‘Grayling’s message of toughness and tenderness’, ConservativeHome, 30 September 2014.

58. Vinter & others v. United Kingdom (2013) Application 66069/09, 130/10 and 3896/10.

59. Lord Justice Laws, at [112].

60. Раздел 30 Закона 1997 года о преступлениях (приговорах).

61. R v. McLoughlin [2014] EWCA Crim 188.

62. Hutchinson v. United Kingdom (2015) Application 57592/08.

63. T. Parsons, ‘Why the Human Rights Act is just so wrong’, Sun on Sunday, 14 December 2014, https://www.thesun.co.uk/archives/news/603603/why-the-human-rights-act-is-just-so-wrong/

64. HC Deb, 22 October 2013, Col. 156.

65. T. May, ‘It’s MY job to deport foreigners who commit serious crime – and I’ll fight any judge who stands in my way’, Mail on Sunday, 17 February 2013, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2279828/Its-MY-job-deport-foreigners-commit-crime-Illfight-judge-stands-way-says-Home-Secretary.html

66. T. Parsons, ‘Why the Human Rights Act is just so wrong’, Sun on Sunday, 14 December 2014.

67. Home Office, ‘Foreign criminals successfully appealing against deportation using Article 8 of the ECHR’, 16 January 2014, Annex A, figures for April 12 to March 13, https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/foreign-criminals-successfully-appealingagainst-deportation-using-article-8-of-echr

68. Раздел 32 Закона 2007 года о границах Великобритании.

69. Per Master of the Rolls in MF (Nigeria) v. Secretary of State for the Home Department [2013] EWCA Civ 1192.

70. T. Parsons, ‘Why the Human Rights Act is just so wrong’, Sun on Sunday, 14 December 2014.

71. J. Doyle and J. Narain, ‘Asylum seeker who left girl, 12, to die after hit-and-run can stay in UK… thanks to the Human Rights Act David Cameron promised her father he’d scrap’, Daily Mail, 17 December 2010, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1339142/Asylum-seeker-Aso-Mohammed-Ibrahimlet-girl-12-die-stay-UK.html

72. T. McVeigh, ‘Asylum decision on hit-and-run driver embarrasses PM’, Guardian, 19 December 2010, https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2010/dec/19/asylum-ruling-fury-rights-cameron

73. ‘Anger as asylum seeker death-crash driver stays in Britain’, Metro, 17 December 2010, https://metro.co.uk/2010/12/17/anger-as-amy-houstons-dad-slams-decision-to-allow-driver-asomohammed-ibrahim-to-stay-614118/

74. Secretary of State for the Home Department v. R [2010] UKUT B1, at [70].

75. Там же, [74].

76. Там же, [56].

77. Там же, [70].

78. Lord Wilson, ‘Our Human Rights: A Joint Effort?’, The Howard J. Trienens Lecture, 25 September 2018, https://www.supremecourt.uk/docs/speech-180925.pdf

79. ‘Patrick Stewart sketch: what has the ECHR ever done for us?’ written and directed by Dan Susman, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptfmAY6M6aA

80. См.: P. Weatherby QC, ‘Truth and justice’, Counsel magazine, November 2016, https://www.counselmagazine.co.uk/articles/truth-and-justice

81. O. Bowcott, ‘MoD paid £750,000 on legal fees denying responsibility for soldier deaths’, Guardian, 12 September 2017, https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2017/sep/12/mod-paid-750000-on-legal-fees-denying-responsibility-for-soldierdeaths

82. Smith & others v. Ministry of Defence [2013] UKSC 41.

83. C. Coleman, ‘Mother wins MoD apology over “Snatch” Land Rover death’, BBC News, 18 August 2017, https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-40958686

84. R. Mason, ‘Mid Staffs: Labour Government ignored MP requests for public inquiry into deaths’, Telegraph, 17 February 2013, https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/9875660/Mid-Staffs-Labour-Government-ignored-MP-requests-for-publicinquiry-into-deaths.html

85. L. Donnelly, ‘Stafford Hospital: the scandal that shamed the NHS’, Telegraph, 6 January 2013, https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/health/heal-our-hospitals/9782562/Stafford-Hospital-thescandal-that-shamed-the-NHS.html

86. N. Duffy, ‘Theresa May claims European Human Rights treaty has “added nothing”… despite LGBT rights victories’, Pink News, 25 April 2016, https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2016/04/25/theresa-may-claims-european– convention-on-human-rights-hasadded-nothing-despite-lgbt-rights-victories/

87. G. McKinnon, ‘Theresa May saved my life – now she’s the only hope for the Human Rights Act’, Guardian, 15 November 2016, https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/nov/15/theresa-may-saved-my-life-human-rights-act

88. Sutherland v. United Kingdom (1997) (25186/94).

89. L. Eleftheriou-Smith, ‘Last week The Sun wanted to abolish the Human Rights Act, this week they want to use it to protect their journalists’, Independent, 6 October 2014, https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/last-week-the-sun-wanted-to-abolish-the-human-rights-act-this-week-they-want-to-use-it-to-protect-9778190.html

90. ‘A nation imperilled by the Human Rights Act’, Daily Mail, 27 August 2015, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-3181945/DAILY-MAIL–COMMENT-nation-imperilledHuman-Rights-Act.html

91. См.: R (Associated Newspapers Ltd) v. Lord Justice Leveson [2012] EWHC 57 (Admin); and Associated Newspapers Ltd v.His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales [2006] EWCA Civ 1776.

92. ‘Eight reasons why the Human Rights Act makes the UK a better place’, Amnesty, 8 October 2018, https://www.amnesty.org.uk/eight-reasons-why-human-rights-act-has-made-uk-better-placebritish-bill-of-rights

93. British Institute of Human Rights, ‘Getting with the Act: Our Human Rights Act’, https://www.bihr.org.uk/hraebook

94. ‘My HRA: Jenny Paton’, Liberty, 22 February 2013, https://www.libertyhumanrights.org.uk/news/blog/my-hra-jenny-paton

95. R. Clegg, ‘Council sued over polling station access’, BBC News, 23 April 2015, https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-2015-32414123

96. R (Bernard) v. London Borough of Enfield [2002] EWHC 2282 (Admin).

97. I. Drury, ‘Folly of human rights luvvies: As actors fight plans to axe Human Rights Act, how thousands of foreign convicts use it to stay in Britain’, Daily Mail, 27 May 2015.

98. Human Rights Joint Committee, ‘Seventh Report: Human Rights Judgments’, 4 March 2015, at § 2.4, https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/jt201415/jtselect/jtrights/130/13002.html

99. P (by his litigation friend the Official Solicitor) (Appellant) v. Cheshire West and Chester Council and another (Respondents); P and Q (by their litigation friend the Official Solicitor) (Appellants) v. Surrey County Council (Respondent) [2014] UKSC 19; Judgment, 19 March 2014, https://www.supremecourt.uk/cases/docs/uksc-2012-0068-judgment.pdf

Глава шестая. Наш доступ к правосудию

1. ‘An overdue end to the abuse of legal aid’, Daily Mail, 16 November 2010, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-1329896/Kenneth-Clarke-An-overdue-end-abuse-legalaid.html

2. «У нас […] по-прежнему самая дорогая система юридической помощи в мире», – лорд-канцлер Кен Кларк, член парламента, интервью для Международной

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