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Министерство правды. Как роман «1984» стал культурным кодом поколений - Дориан Лински

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in Autobiography, p. 516.

26 “the philosopher who masquerades” – Quoted in Sherborne, p. 108.

27 “able-bodied, clean-minded men” – H. G. Wells, The War of the Worlds (Penguin Classics, 2005), p. 157. Уэллс Г. Война миров / пер. Е. Зенкевич. – М.: АСТ, 2014. 288с.

28 “Everyone who has ever read” – Orwell, Review of The Iron Heel by Jack London, etc., CW XII, 655, p. 211.

29 “gigantic glass hive” – H. G. Wells, The Sleeper Awakes (Penguin Classics, 2005), p. 71. Уэллс Г. Когда Спящий проснется / пер. Е. Н. Бирюкова. – М.: АСТ, 2011. 320 с.

30 “our contemporary world” – Wells, Experiment in Autobiography, p. 645.

31 “idiotic slang” – Wells, Sleeper, p. 190.

32 “to print permanent memories” – Ibid., p. 154.

33 “nightmare of capitalism triumphant” – Ibid., p. 8.

34 “It suffers from vast contradictions” – Orwell, CW V, p. 188.

35 “worn-out dreams” – Wells, Sleeper, p. 202.

36 “monstrous crowds” – Ibid., p. 79.

37 “the impulse of passionate inadequacy” – Ibid., p. 212.

38 “The hope of mankind” – Ibid., p. 170.

39 “For this year” – Quoted in Sherborne, p. 153.

40 “The old local order” – Wells, Utopia, p. 33.

41 “the keystone” – Wells, Experiment in Autobiography, p. 643.

42 “sober forecasting” – Ibid., p. 646.

43 “designed to undermine” – Quoted in Sherborne, p. 147.

44 “Generally the fault” – Quoted in David C. Smith, H. G. Wells: Desperately Mortal: A Biography (Yale University Press, 1986), p. 100.

45 “Well, the world is a world” – H. G. Wells, Anticipations of the Reaction of Mechanical and Scientific Progress Upon Human Life and Thought (Chapman & Hall Ltd., 1902), p. 317.

46 “one of the most remarkable men alive” – Quoted in Mackenzie, p. 162. “an explorer of a new world” – Quoted in ibid., p. 170.

47 “Heaven defend us” – Quoted in Sherborne, p. 219.

48 “voluntary noblemen” – Wells, Utopia, p. 86. Уэллс Г. Современная Утопия» / пер. В. Зиновьев. – М.: Терра, 2010. 372 с.

49 “imaginary laws” – Ibid., p. 23.

50 “strange and inhuman” – Ibid., p. 14.

51 “like a well-oiled engine” – Ibid., p. 117.

52 “There will be many Utopias” – Ibid., p. 245.

53 “We all want to abolish” – Orwell, “Can Socialists Be Happy?”, CW XVI, 2397, pp. 39–40.

54 “struggle, danger and death” – Orwell, Review of Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler, New English Weekly, March 21, 1940, CW XII, 602, p. 118.

55 “The difference between us” – Quoted in Smith, p. 167.

56 “besetting sin” – Attlee, p. 138.

57 “counterblast to one of the heavens” – E. M. Forster, The Collected Tales of E. M. Forster (Alfred A. Knopf, 1947), pp. 7–8.

58 “Science, instead of freeing man” – Quoted in P. N. Furbank, E. M. Forster: A Life (1879–1970) (Secker & Warburg, 1979), p. 161.

59 “several thousand” – Forster, p. 145.

60 “What was the good” – Ibid., p. 156.

61 “Progress had come to mean” – Ibid., p. 186.

62 “terrestrial facts” and “absolutely colourless” – Ibid., p. 183.

63 “confused, tedious” – Wells, Experiment in Autobiography, p. 660.

64 “He has neither the patience” – Quoted in Mackenzie, p. 206.

65 “plan for the reconstruction” – H. G. Wells, Socialism and the Family (A. C. Fifield, 1906), p. 6.

66 “Many writers, perhaps most” – Orwell, “As I Please”, Tribune, December 6, 1946, CW XVIII, 3131, p. 511.

67 “Wells watered down” – Orwell letter to Julian Symons, CW XIX, 3397, p. 336.

68 “The return to complete sanity” – Wells, Experiment in Autobiography, p. 668.

69 “a wave of sanity” – Ibid., p. 666.

70 “he suffers from a messianic delusion” – H. L. Mencken, “The Late Mr. Wells”, in Prejudices: First Series (Jonathan Cape, 1921), p. 28.

71 “there was, among the young” – Orwell, CW V, p. 129.

72 “My boom is over” – Quoted in Mackenzie, p. 319.

73 “from nebula to the Third International” – Quoted in ibid., p. 327.

74 “amazing little man” and “very refreshing” – H. G. Wells, Russia in the Shadows (Hodder & Stoughton, 1920), p. 138.

75 “What a narrow petty bourgeois!” – Quoted in Sherborne, p. 259.

76 “never desist” – H. G. Wells, Men Like Gods (Cassell & Company, Ltd., 1923), p. 289.

77 “fear-haunted world” – H. G. Wells, The Dream (Jonathan Cape, 1924), p. 152.

78 “a huge glittering vehicle” – Orwell, CW V, p. 193.

79 “a memorable assault” – Ibid., p. 189.

80 “started out as a parody” – Paris Review, no. 23, Spring 1960.

81 “I feel that the nightmare” – Aldous Huxley letter to George Orwell, October 21, 1949, in Grover Smith (ed.), Letters of Aldous Huxley (Chatto & Windus, 1969), p. 605.

82 “I am writing a novel” – Aldous Huxley letter to Kethevan Roberts, May 18, 1931, ibid., p. 348.

83 “a rather horrid, vulgar little man” – Aldous Huxley letter to Robert Nichols, January 18, 1927, ibid., p. 281.

84 “Men no longer amuse themselves” – “Spinoza’s Worm” in Do What You Will (Chatto & Windus, 1929), quoted in Hillegas, p. 115.

85 “Utopias appear much more realisable” – Aldous Huxley, Brave New World and Brave New World Revisited (Chatto & Windus, 1984), p. 3. Original passage is in French.

86 “just to know the worst” – Quoted in Aldous Huxley, Brave New World (Vintage, 2007), p. xx.

87 “City of Dreadful Joy” – Aldous Huxley, Jesting Pilate (Chatto & Windus, 1926), p. 267.

88 “It is all movement and noise” – Ibid., p. 284.


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