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Министерство правды. Как роман «1984» стал культурным кодом поколений - Дориан Лински

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96 “It is a most encouraging thing” – Orwell, Review of The Communist International by Franz Borkenau, New English Weekly, September 22,

1938, CW XI, 485, p. 204.

97 “Civilisation is bound to perish” – Borkenau, p. 257.

98 “continued to proclaim” – Wadhams, p. 42.

99 “literature of disillusionment” – Orwell, “Arthur Koestler”, Tribune, September 11, 1944, CW XVI, 2548, p. 393.

100 “is one of those men” – Orwell, Review of The Mysterious Mr. Bull by Wyndham Lewis and The School for Dictators by Ignazio Silone, New English Weekly, June 8, 1939, in CW XI, 547, p. 355.

101 “a form of Socialism” – Orwell, “Inside the Whale”, CW XII, 600, p. 102. Оруэлл Дж. Во чреве кита / пер. А. Кабалкин. – М.: АСТ, 2003.

102 “a mechanism for explaining” – Orwell, Review of The Civil War in Spain by Frank Jellinek, The New Leader, July 8, 1938, in CW XI, 462, p. 174.

103 “his speech though delivered” – Orwell diary entry, March 16, 1936, in CW X, 294, p. 456.

104 “Mosley will bear watching” – Orwell, CW V, p. 197.

105 “had an almost irresistible fascination” – Orwell, “Inside the Whale”, CW XII, 600, p. 101. Оруэлл Дж. Во чреве кита / пер. А. Кабалкин. – М.: АСТ, 2003.

106 “tolerated and even defended” – Orwell, CW IX, p. 213.

107 “The formula 2 + 2 = 5” – Eugene Lyons, Assignment in Utopia (George G. Harrap & Co., Ltd., 1938), p. 240.

108 “The peculiar horror” – Orwell, Review of Power: A New Social Analysis by Bertrand Russell, The Adelphi, January 1939, in CW XI, 520, pp. 311–12.

109 “I was guilty” – Lyons, p. 628.

110 “So many weary” – Ibid., p. 635.

Глава 2

1 “What fun it must have been” – Orwell, Review of My Life: The Autobiography of Havelock Ellis, Adelphi, May 1940, CW XII, 617, p. 155.

2 “A map of the world” – Oscar Wilde, The Soul of Man (privately printed, 1895), p. 43.

3 “permanent happiness” – Orwell (as “John Freeman”), “Can Socialists be Happy?”, Tribune, December 24, 1943, CW XVI, 2397, p. 39.

4 “some central-heated” – Ibid., p. 42.

5 “Whoever tries to imagine” – Ibid., p. 43.

6 “Happiness is notoriously” – Orwell, “Politics vs Literature: An Examination of Gulliver’s Travels”, Polemic, no. 5, September-October 1946, CW XVIII, 3089, p. 427. Оруэлл Дж. Политика против литературы. Взгляд на «Путешествия Гулливера» / пер. И. Левидова. 1988.

7 “some dismal Marxist Utopia” – Orwell, The Complete Works of George Orwell I: Down and Out in Paris and London (Secker & Warburg,

1997), p. 121. Оруэлл Дж. Фунты лиха в Париже и Лондоне / пер. В. Домитеева. – М.: АСТ, 2018. 416 с.

8 “On the whole” – Orwell, “The Art of Donald McGill”, Horizon, September 1941, CW XIII, 850, p. 30.

9 “quiet, yet observant” – Frances Elizabeth Willard, “An Interview with Edward Bellamy”, Our Day, vol. 4, no. 24, December 1889.

10 “nervous, dyspeptic” – Sylvia E. Bowman, Edward Bellamy (Twayne Publishers, 1986), p. 62.

11 “Let us bear in mind” – Edward Bellamy, “Letter to the People’s Party”, The New Nation, October 22, 1892, quoted in Kenneth M. Roemer, The Obsolete Necessity: America in Utopian Writings 1888–1900 (Kent State University Press, 1976), p. 21.

12 “I am particularly desirous” – Quoted in Bellamy, p. xxxi.

13 “debated by all” – Quoted in Franklin Rosemont, “Bellamy’s Radicalism Reclaimed”, in Daphne Patai, ed., Looking Backward, 1988–1888 (University of Massachusetts Press, 1988), p. 158.

14 “I suppose you have seen or read” – Fiona MacCarthy, William Morris: A Life for Our Time (Faber & Faber, 1994), p. 584.

15 “an exceedingly remarkable book” – Leo Tolstoy, diary entry, June 30, 1889. Толстой Л. Н. Дневники, 30.06.1889.

16 “the latest and best” – J. R. LeMaster and James D. Wilson (eds.), The Mark Twain Encyclopaedia (Garland Publishing, Inc., 1993), p. 69.

17 “Bellamy is the Moses of today” – Jean Pfaelzer, The Utopian Novel in America, 1886–1896 (University of Pittsburgh Press, 1984), p. 48.

18 “a child of the Bellamy ideal” – John Bew, Citizen Clem: A Biography of Attlee (Riverrun, 2017), p. 390.

19 “Bellamy’s Looking Backward in reverse” – Harry Scherman, quoted in Eugene Reynal letter to J. Edgar Hoover, April 22, 1949.

20 “the solidarity of the race” – Edward Bellamy, Looking Backward 2000–1887 (Oxford University Press, 2007), p. 78.

21 “with some impatience” – Edward Bellamy, “How I Came to Write Looking Backward”, The Nationalist, May 1889.

22 “the sober and morally-minded” – Pfaelzer, p. 44.

23 “You have taken on an impossible task” – Quoted in Adam Roberts, The History of Science Fiction (Palgrave Macmillan, 2006), p. 132.

24 “a cloud palace”, “stumbled over” – Bellamy, “How I Came to Write Looking Backward.”

25 “intended, in all seriousness” – Bellamy, Looking Backward, p. 195.

26 “the logical outcome” – Bellamy, p. 68.

27 “all Socialist thought” – Orwell, “What Is Socialism?”, January 31, 1946, CW XIII, 2876, p. 60.

28 “the hygiene, the labour-saving devices” – Orwell, Review of An Unknown Land by Viscount Samuel, The Listener, December 24, 1942, The Complete Works of George Orwell XIV: Keeping Our Little Corne Clean 1942–1943 (Secker & Warburg, 2001), 1768, p. 254.

29 “festering mass” – Bellamy, Looking Backward, p. 189.

30 “The only safe way” – William Morris, Commonweal, vol. 5, no. 80, June 22, 1889.

31 “deep-seated aversion” – Quoted in Milton Cantor, “The Backward Look of Bellamy’s Socialism”, Patai (ed.), p. 21.

32 “saw the world with new eyes” – Bowman, p. 4.

33 “the inferno of poverty” – Pfaelzer, p. 46.

34 “some plan” – Bowman, p. 6.

35 “Hard to live”

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