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Английский язык с Агатой Кристи. Убийства по алфавиту - Agatha Christie

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Poirot said gently (Пуаро мягко сказал): "But you are aware (но вы понимаете), are you not (что вы не /работаете там/), that the firm (что фирма) who (которая) you say (/как/ вы говорите) employed you (наняла вас) deny the fact (отрицает этот факт)?"

promotion [prǝˈmǝʋʃ(ǝ)n], slump [slʌmp], commission [kǝˈmɪʃ(ǝ)n]

"I got a place as a clerk. Of course there was good money to be got just then. And I didn't do so badly after the war. Of course, a smaller salary … And — I didn't seem to get on. I was always being passed over for promotion. I wasn't going ahead enough. It grew very difficult — really very difficult … Especially when the slump came. To tell you the truth, I'd got hardly enough to keep body and soul together (and you've got to look presentable as a clerk) when I got the offer of this stocking job. A salary and commission!"

Poirot said gently: "But you are aware, are you not, that the firm who you say employed you deny the fact?"

Mr. Cust got excited again (мистер Каст опять разволновался). "That's because they're in the conspiracy (это потому что они в заговоре) — they must be in the conspiracy (они, должно быть, в заговоре).''

He went on (он продолжил): "I've got written evidence (у меня есть письменные доказательства), written evidence (письменные доказательства). I've got their letters to me (у меня есть их письма ко мне), giving me instructions (дающие мне инструкции) as to what places to go (как то, в какие места ехать) and a list of people to call on (и список людей, /которых надо/ посетить)."

"Not written evidence exactly (не письменные доказательства /более/ точно) — typewritten evidence (а напечатанные доказательства)."

"It's the same thing (это одно и тоже). Naturally a big firm of wholesale manufacturers typewrite their letters (естественно, что крупная фирма оптовых производителей печатает свои письма)."

"Don't you know, Mr. Cust (вы не знаете, мистер Каст), that a typewriter can be identified (что печатная машинка может быть определена; to identify — устанавливать тождество; опознавать)? All those letters were typed by one particular machine (все те письма были напечатаны на одной определенной машине)."

instruction [ɪnˈstrʌkʃ(ǝ)n], wholesale [ˈhǝʋlseɪl], typewriter [ˈtaɪpraɪtǝ]

Mr. Cust got excited again. "That's because they're in the conspiracy — they must be in the conspiracy.''

He went on: "I've got written evidence, written evidence. I've got their letters to me, giving me instructions as to what places to go and a list of people to call on."

"Not written evidence exactly — typewritten evidence."

"It's the same thing. Naturally a big firm of wholesale manufacturers typewrite their letters."

"Don't you know, Mr. Cust, that a typewriter can be identified? All those letters were typed by one particular machine."

"What of it (что из этого)?"

"And that machine was your own (и что эта машина была вашей собственной) — the one found in your room (той, найденной у вас в комнате)."

"It was sent me by the firm at the beginning of my job (она была послана мне компанией в начале моей работы)."

"Yes, but these letters were received afterwards (но эти письма были получены после). So it looks (так это выглядит), does it not (не так ли), as though you typed them yourself (как будто вы напечатали их сами) and posted them to yourself (и отправили их по почте самому себе)?"

"No, no! It's all part of the plot against me (это все часть заговора против меня)!"

He added suddenly (он неожиданно добавил): "Besides (кроме того), their letters would be written on the same kind of machine (их письма были бы написаны на машинке того же самого типа)."

beginning [bɪˈɡɪnɪŋ], besides [bɪˈsaɪdz], machine [mǝˈʃi:n]

"What of it?"

"And that machine was your own — the one found in your room."

"It was sent me by the firm at the beginning of my job."

"Yes, but these letters were received afterwards. So it looks, does it not, as though you typed them yourself and posted them to yourself?"

"No, no! It's all part of the plot against me!"

He added suddenly: "Besides, their letters would be written on the same kind of machine."

"The same kind (того же типа), but not the same actual machine (но не на той же реально существующей машинке; actual — актуальный; действительный)."

Mr. Cust repeated obstinately (мистер Каст упрямо повторил): "It's a plot (это заговор; plot — заговор)!"

"And the A.B.C.'s that were found in the cupboard (и /железнодорожные справочники/ «Эй-би-си», которые были найдены в шкафу)?"

"I know nothing about them (я /не/ знаю ничего о них). I thought (я думал) they were all stockings (это все были чулки)."

"Why did you tick off the name of Mrs. Ascher in that first list of people in Andover (почему вы отметили галочкой имя миссис Эшер в первом списке людей в Эндовере)?"

"Because I decided to start with her (потому что я решил начать с нее). One must begin somewhere (нужно с чего-то начинать; somewhere — где-либо)."

"Yes that is true (да, это правда). One must begin somewhere (нужно с чего-то начинать)."

actual [ˈæktʃʋǝl], obstinately [ˈɔbstɪnǝtlɪ], tick [tɪk]

"The same kind, but not the same actual machine."

Mr. Cust repeated obstinately: "It's a plot!"

"And the A.B.C.'s that were found in the cupboard?"

"I know nothing about them. I thought they were all stockings."

"Why did you tick off the name of Mrs. Ascher in that first list of people in Andover?"

"Because I decided to start with her. One must begin somewhere."

"Yes, that is true. One must begin somewhere."

"I don't mean that!" said Mr. Cust (я не это имею в виду). "I don't mean what you mean (я не имею в виду то, что имеете в виду вы)!"

"But you know what I meant (а вы знаете, что я имел в виду)?"

Mr. Cust said nothing (мистер Каст ничего не сказал). He was trembling (он дрожал). "I didn't do it!" he said (я не делал этого). "I'm perfectly innocent (я совершенно невиновен)! It's all a mistake (это все ошибка). Why, look at that second crime (да посмотрите же на второе преступление; why — почему; /междометие/ выражает самые разнообразные эмоции в зависимости от контекста: удивление, согласие или несогласие, нетерпение и т. п.) — that Bexhill one (то, бексхиллское). I was playing dominoes at Eastbourne (я играл в домино в Истборне). You've got to admit that (вам придется признать это)!"

His voice was triumphant (его голос был торжествующим).

trembling [ˈtremblɪŋ], innocent [ˈɪn(ǝ)sǝnt], triumphant [traɪˈʌmfǝnt]

"I don't mean that!" said Mr. Cust. "I don't mean what you mean!"

"But you know what I meant?"

Mr. Cust said nothing. He was trembling. "I didn't do it!" he said. "I'm perfectly innocent! It's all a mistake. Why, look at that second crime — that Bexhill one. I was playing dominoes at Eastbourne. You've got to admit that!"

His voice was triumphant.

"Yes," said Poirot. His voice was meditative (его голос был задумчивым) — silky (вкрадчивым: «шелковым»). "But it's so easy (но так легко), isn't it (не так ли), to make a mistake of one day (сделать ошибку на один день)? And if you're an obstinate (и если вы упрямый), positive man (и самоуверенный человек), like Mr. Strange (как мистер Стрейндж), you'll never consider the possibility of having been mistaken (вы никогда не учтете возможность /того, что вы/ ошиблись). What you've said you'll stick to (что вы сказали, за то вы будете держаться). He's that kind of man (он такой человек: «он такой тип человека»). And the hotel register (и регистрационнная книга в отеле) — it's very easy to put down the wrong date (очень легко поставить неправильную дату) when you're signing it (когда вы подписываете ее) probably no one will notice it at the time (возможно, никто не заметит этого сразу)."

"I was playing dominoes that evening (я играл в домино в тот вечер)!"

"You play dominoes very well (вы играете в домино очень хорошо), I believe (я полагаю: «верю»)."

meditative [ˈmedɪtǝtɪv], stick [stɪk], wrong [rɔŋ]

"Yes," said Poirot. His voice was meditative — silky. "But it's so easy, isn't it, to make a mistake of one day? And if you're an obstinate, positive man, like Mr. Strange, you'll never consider the possibility of hawing been mistaken. What you've said you'll stick to. He's that kind of man. And the hotel register — it's very easy to put down the wrong date when you're signing it — probably no one will notice it at the time."

"I was playing dominoes that evening!"

"You play dominoes very well, I believe."

Mr. Cust was a little flurried by this (мистер Каст был слегка взволнован этим; to flurry — волновать; будоражить). "I — I — well, I believe (я думаю) I do (я /хорошо играю/)."

"It is a very absorbing game (это очень поглощающая игра), is it not (не так ли), with a lot of skill in it (требующая большого мастерства: «с большим мастерством в ней»)?"

"Oh, there's a lot of play in it (о, /нужно/ много искусства в ней; play — игра; искусство, умение в игре) — a lot of play (много умения)! We used to play a lot in the City (мы, бывало, много играли в Сити), in the lunch hour (во время обеденного перерыва). You'd be surprised the way total strangers come together over a game of dominoes (вы были бы удивлены, насколько совершенные незнакомцы сходятся = сближаются за игрой в домино)."

He chuckled (он хохотнул). "I remember one man (я помню одного человека) — I've never forgotten him (я никогда не забуду его) because of something he told me (из-за того, что он мне сказал) — we just got talking over a cup of coffee (мы просто разговорились за чашкой кофе), and we started dominoes (и мы начали /играть/ в домино). Well, I felt after twenty minutes (я чувствовал через двадцать минут) that I'd known that man all his life (что я знал этого человека всю его жизнь)."

"What was it that he told you?" asked Poirot (что было то, что он сказал вам = и что же именно он сказал вам?).

flurry [ˈflʌrɪ], chuckle [tʃʌkl], twenty [ˈtwentɪ]

Mr. Cust was a little flurried by this. "I — I — well, I believe I do."

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