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Han Qi, 'Astronomy, Chinese and Western: The Influence of Xu Guangqi's Views in the Early and Mid-Qing', в Jami, Engelfriet, and Blue, eds., Statecraft and Intellectual Renewal, 362.


Engelfriet and Siu, 'Xu Guangqi's Attempts to Integrate Western and Chinese Mathematics', 279–299.


Jami, The Emperor's New Mathematics, 15, 45, Engelfriet and Siu, 'Xu Guangqi's Attempts to Integrate Western and Chinese Mathematics', 279–299 и Goody, Renaissances, 198–240.


Jami, The Emperor's New Mathematics, 31, Joseph Needham, Science and Civilisation in China (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1959), 3:171–176, 3:367 и Elman, On Their Own Terms, 63–66.


Huff, Intellectual Curiosity, 90–8 и Elman, On Their Own Terms, 90.


Elman, On Their Own Terms, 84.


Udías, Searching the Heavens, 18 и Elman, On Their Own Terms, 64.


Jami, The Emperor's New Mathematics, 33, Needham, Science and Civilisation, 3:170–370 и Elman, On Their Own Terms, 65–68.


Udías, Searching the Heavens, 41–43.


Sun Xiaochun, 'On the Star Catalogue and Atlas of Chongzhen Lishu', в Jami, Engelfriet, and Blue, eds., Statecraft and Intellectual Renewal, 311–321 и Joseph Needham, Chinese Astronomy and the Jesuit Mission: An Encounter of Cultures (London: China Society, 1958), 1–12.


Needham, Science and Civilisation, 3:456, Jami, The Emperor's New Mathematics, 92 и Han, 'Astronomy, Chinese and Western', 365.


Virendra Nath Sharma, Sawai Jai Singh and His Observatories (Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 1995), 1–4, 235–312 и George Rusby Kaye, Astronomical Observatories of Jai Singh (Calcutta: Superintendent Government Printing, 1918), 1–3.


Dhruv Raina, 'Circulation and Cosmopolitanism in 18th Century Jaipur', в Cosmopolitismes en Asie du Sud: sources, itinéraires, langues (XVIe–XVIIIe siècle), eds. Corinne Lefevre, Ines G. Županov, and Jorge Flores (Paris: Éditions de l'École des hautes études en sciences sociales, 2015), 307–329, S. A. Khan Ghori, 'Development of Zīj Literature in India', в History of Astronomy in India, eds. S. N. Sen and K. S. Shukla (Delhi: Indian National Science Academy, 1985), K. V. Sharma, 'A Survey of Source Material', в Sen and Shukla, eds., History of Astronomy in India, 8, Takanori Kusuba and David Pingree, Arabic Astronomy in Sanskrit (Leiden: Brill, 2002), 4–5.


Raina, 'Circulation and Cosmopolitanism', 307–29 и Huff, Intellectual Curiosity, 123–126.


Sharma, Sawai Jai Singh, 41–42 и Anisha Shekhar Mukherji, Jantar Mantar: Maharaj Sawai Jai Singh's Observatory in Delhi (New Delhi: Ambi Knowledge Resources, 2010), 15.


Sharma, Sawai Jai Singh, 304–308 и Mukherji, Jantar Mantar, 15.


Sharma, Sawai Jai Singh, 254, 284–297, 312, 329–334 и S. M. R. Ansari, 'Introduction of Modern Western Astronomy in India during 18–19 Centuries', в Sen and Shukla, eds., History of Astronomy in India, 372.


Sharma, Sawai Jai Singh, 3 и 235–236 и Kaye, Astronomical Observatories, 1–14.


Kaye, Astronomical Observatories, 4–14, Mukherji, Jantar Mantar, 13–16 и Sharma, Sawai Jai Singh, 235–43.


Там же.


Kaye, Astronomical Observatories, 11–13.


Simon Schaffer, 'Newton on the Beach: The Information Order of Principia Mathematica', History of Science 47 (2009): 250, Andrew Odlyzko, 'Newton's Financial Misadventures in the South Sea Bubble', Notes and Records of the Royal Society 73 (2019) и Helen Paul, The South Sea Bubble: An Economic History of Its Origins and Consequences (London: Routledge, 2011), 62.


Paul Lovejoy, 'The Volume of the Atlantic Slave Trade: A Synthesis', The Journal of African History 4 (1982): 478, John Craig, Newton at the Mint (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1946), 106–9, Schaffer, 'Newton on the Beach', Odlyzko, 'Newton's Financial Misadventures' и MINT 19/2/261r, National Archives, London, UK, via 'MINT00256', The Newton Papers, дата обращения: 15 ноября 2020 г., http://www.newtonproject.ox.ac.uk/view/texts/normalized/MINT00256.


Roy Porter, 'Introduction', в The Cambridge History of Science: Eighteenth-Century Science, ed. Roy Porter (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003), Gerd Buchdahl, The Image of Newton and Locke in the Age of Reason (London: Sheed and Ward, 1961), Thomas Hankins, Science and the Enlightenment (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985) и Dorinda Outram, The Enlightenment (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995).


Lovejoy, 'The Volume of the Atlantic Slave Trade', 485, John Darwin, After Tamerlane: The Global History of Empire since 1405 (London: Allen Lane, 2007), 157–218 и Felicity Nussbaum, 'Introduction', в The Global Eighteenth Century, ed. Felicity Nussbaum (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003).


Richard Drayton, 'Knowledge and Empire', в The Oxford History of the British Empire: The Eighteenth Century, ed. Peter Marshall (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998), Charles Withers and David Livingstone, 'Introduction: On Geography and Enlightenment', в Geography and Enlightenment, eds. Charles Withers and David Livingstone (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999), Larry Stewart, 'Global Pillage: Science, Commerce, and Empire', в Porter, ed., The Cambridge History of Science: Eighteenth-Century Science, Mark Govier, 'The Royal Society, Slavery and the Island of Jamaica, 1660–1700', Notes and Records of the Royal Society 53 (1999) и Sarah Irving, Natural Science and the Origins of the British Empire (London: Pickering & Chatto, 2008), 1.


Anthony Grafton with April Shelford and Nancy Siraisi, New Worlds, Ancient Texts: The Power of Tradition and the Shock of Discovery (Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press, 1992), 198, Irving, Natural Science, 1–44 и Jorge Cañizares-Esguerra, Nature, Empire, and Nation: Explorations of the History of Science in the Iberian World (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2006), 15–18.


Steven Harris, 'Long-Distance Corporations, Big Sciences, and the Geography of Knowledge', Configurations 6 (1998) и Rob Iliffe, 'Science and Voyages of Discovery', в Porter, ed., The Cambridge History of Science: Eighteenth-Century Science.


Schaffer, 'Newton on the Beach'.


Isaac Newton, The Principia: The Authoritative Translation and Guide, пер. I. Bernard Cohen and Anne Whitman (Berkeley: The University of California Press, 2016), 829–832, John Olmsted, 'The Scientific Expedition of Jean Richer to Cayenne (1672–1673)', Isis 34 (1942), Nicholas Dew, 'Scientific Travel in the Atlantic World: The French Expedition to Gorée and the Antilles, 1681–1683', The British Journal for the History of Science 43 (2010) и Nicholas Dew, 'Vers la ligne: Circulating Measurements around the French Atlantic', в Science and Empire in the Atlantic World, eds. James Delbourgo and Nicholas Dew (New York: Routledge, 2008).


Olmsted, 'The Scientific Expedition of Jean Richer', 118–122 и Jean Richer, Observations astronomiques et physiques faites en l'Isle de Caienne (Paris: De l'Imprimerie Royale, 1679).


Dew, 'Scientific Travel in the Atlantic World', 8–17.


Schaffer, 'Newton on the Beach', 261.


Newton, Principia, 832.


Schaffer, 'Newton on the Beach', 250–257 и David Cartwright, 'The Tonkin Tides Revisited', Notes and Records of the Royal Society 57 (2003).


Michael Hoskin, 'Newton and Newtonianism', в The Cambridge Illustrated History of Astronomy, ed. Michael Hoskin

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