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См. Историческая наука в странах Африки / под ред. А. Б. Давидсона. М., 1979; Урсу Д. П. Современная историография стран Тропической Африки. 1960–1980. М., 1983.


Куббель Л. Е. Историческая наука в Верхней Вольте, Гвинее, Камеруне, Конго, Мали, Нигере, Сенегале // Историческая наука… С. 75–77.


L’Histoire Africaine en Afrique… Р. 11–35.


L’Histoire Africaine en Afrique… Р. 35–66.


L’Histoire Africaine en Afrique… Р. 66–79.


L’Histoire Africaine en Afrique… Р. 79–99.


L’Histoire Africaine en Afrique… P. 99–116.


L’Histoire Africaine en Afrique… P. 117–161.


L’Histoire Africaine en Afrique… P. 161–170.


Histoire Africaine en Afrique… P. 170–232.


См.: Балезин А. С. Новое поколение выбирает… Тематика выпускных квалификационных работ по истории Африки студентов ИСАА МГУ в 1990–2000 годы // XII Международная конференция африканистов. Африка в условиях смены парадигмы мирового развития (Москва, 24–26 мая 2011 года): Тезисы. М., 2011. C. 49–50.


L’Histoire Africaine en Afrique… P. 227.


L’Histoire Africaine en Afrique… P. 203–204.


Des Historiens Africains en Afrique. L’Histoire d’hier et d’aujourd’hui: logiques du passé et dynamiques actuelles / Eds. C. Coquery-Vidrovitch, O. Goerg et H. Tenoux (Cahier «Afrique noire». No. 17–18). Paris, 1998.


Des Historiens Africains en Afrique. L’Histoire d’hier et d’aujourd’hui: logiques du passé et dynamiques actuelles / Eds. C. Coquery-Vidrovitch, O. Goerg et H. Tenoux (Cahier «Afrique noire». No. 43–66). Paris, 1998.


Des Historiens Africains en Afrique. L’Histoire d’hier et d’aujourd’hui: logiques du passé et dynamiques actuelles / Eds. C. Coquery-Vidrovitch, O. Goerg et H. Tenoux (Cahier «Afrique noire». No. 191–214). Paris, 1998.


Des Historiens Africains en Afrique. L’Histoire d’hier et d’aujourd’hui: logiques du passé et dynamiques actuelles / Eds. C. Coquery-Vidrovitch, O. Goerg et H. Tenoux (Cahier «Afrique noire». No. 269–292). Paris, 1998.


Unity in Diversity: 100 Years of ANC Leadership (1912–2012) / eds. R. Schoeman and D. Swanepoel. Johannesburg, 2012. Afer a copy was presented to Nelson Mandela (see: http://www.anc.org.za/show.php?id=9339), it was launched at lavish events at the Taj Hotel in Cape Town and in Sandton, where over 300 businessmen, 12 Ministers and Deputy Ministers and 25 ambassadors turned up.


Odendaal A. Te Founders: Te Origins of the ANC and the Struggle for Democracy in South Africa. Cape Town, 2012.


Mashamaite M. Te Second Coming: Te Life and Times of Pixley ka Isaka Seme, the Founder of the ANC. Pretoria, 2011. Mashamaite explains his title by writing that he aimed through his book to bring Seme «back for the Second Time»: n.p. (P. 14). Mashamaite is the author of an apologia for Jacob Zuma entitled «Te Moving Finger Writes», a book described as «a full-tilt insomniac rant» (URL: http://mg.co.za/article/2008-05-02-turning-pages-for-zumas-image).


Willan B. Sol. T. Plaatje: A biography. London, 1984; Hughes H. First President. Johannesburg, 2011.


Faison M. Pixley ka Isaka Seme, President-General of the African National Congress 1930–1937. MA thesis (Columbia University), 1983.


Killingray D. Signifcant Black South Africans in Britain before 1912: Pan-African Organisations and the Emergence of South Africa's First Black Lawyers // South African Historical Journal. 2012. Vol. 64. No. 3. P. 393–417.


The People’s Paper. A Centenary History and Anthology of Abantu-Batho / ed. P. Limb. Johannesburg, 2012.


Limb P. Te ANC’s Early Years: Nation, Class and Place in South Africa Before 1940. Pretoria, 2010.


Vinson R. T. Te Americans are Coming! Dreams of American Negro Liberation in Segregationist South Africa. Athens, 2012. Te infuence of the Garvey movement partly explains the change of name from SANNC to ANC in 1923.


The fullest study: Van Diemel R. In Search of Freedom, Free Play and Justice: Josiah Tshangana Gumede, 1867–1947: A Biography. Belhar, 2001.


Simpson T. Te ANC at 100 // South African Historical Journal. 2012. Vol. 64. No. 3. P. 382.


Walshe P. Te Rise of African Nationalism in South Africa. London, 1970.


E.g. much was written about specifc events in which ANC members were involved, such as the Treason Trial of the late 1950s.


Gerhart G. Black Power in South Africa. Berkeley, 1978.


Lodge T. Refections on «Black Politics in South Africa» // South African Historical Journal. 2012. Vol. 64. No. 3. P. 496.


Especially see: Couper S. Emasculating Agency: An Unambiguous Assessment of Albert Luthuli’s «Stance on Violence» // South African Historical Journal. 2012. Vol. 64. No. 3. P. 564–586 – a response to an article by Raymond Suttner, entitled «Te Road to Freedom Is via the Cross: Just Means in Chief Albert Luthuli’s Life» (South African Historical Journal. 2010. Vol. 62. No. 4. P. 693–715).


This was suggested by Zuma in his 2012 lecture on Luthuli. Cf.: Couper S. Irony upon Irony upon Irony: the Mythologising of Nationalist history in South Africa // South African Historical Journal. 2011. Vol. 63. No. 2. P. 339–346.


Filatova I. Te Lasting Legacy: Te Soviet Teory of the National Democratic Revolution and South Africa // South African Historical Journal. 2012. Vol. 64. No. 3. P. 507–537.


Cf.: Ellis S. Te genesis of the ANC’s armed struggle in South Africa 1948–1961 // Journal of Southern African Studies. 2011. Vol. 37. No. 4. P. 657–676.


Cf.: Ellis S. Te genesis of the ANC’s armed struggle in South Africa 1948–1961 // Journal of Southern African Studies. 2011. Vol. 37. No. 4. P. 279.


Shubin V. ANC: Te View from Moscow. Cape Town, 1999.


Landau P. ANC, MK and the Turn to Violence // South African Historical Journal. 2012. Vol. 64. No. 3. P. 538–563.


Landau P. Op. cit. P. 562.


These include the chapters by Macmillan and Simpson in: Liberation Struggles in Southern Africa: New Local, Regional and Global Perspectives / eds. H. Sapire and Ch. Saunders. Cape Town, 2012.


We await the publication of major monographs by Hugh Macmillan on the ANC in Zambia, and by Tula Simpson on MK.


Cf.: Seekings J. Te UDF. Cape Town, 2000.


Mbeki G. Sunset at Midday. Braamfontein, 1996.


Cf.: Janet Cherry’s chapter in: Liberation Struggles in Southern Africa…


Merrett Ch. Burden of exile // The Witness. Pietermaritzburg, 2012. 15 October.


Booysen S. Te African National Congress and the Regeneration of Political Power. People, Party, Policy. Johannesburg, 2011; Regeneration of ANC Political Power, from the 1994 Electoral Victory to the 2012 Centenary // One Hundred Years of the ANC Liberation Histories and Democracy Today / eds. A. Lissoni, J. Soske, N. Erlank, N. Niefagodien and O. Badsha. Johannesburg, 2012.


http://witspress.bookslive.co.za/blog/2012/01/06/susan-booysen-explores-the-ancs-power-quest-and-17-years-of-governance/. Her book includes numerous tables that break up the text and make it difcult to read, nine in chapter 2, 14 in chapter 3


There is a twenty-year rule for access to archives in South Africa. We still await a general history of, say, the Mandela presidency. Te work that began on a continuation of his Long Walk to Freedom was not completed, and Jakes Gerwel, the Director-General in the Presidency in the Mandela years, has not yet published his memoirs.


Frank Chikane’s «Eight Days in September» (Johannesburg, 2012) tells the story, by the Director-General of the Presidency under Mbeki, of Mbeki’s ouster by his own party in 2008 in detail.


Holden P. Te Arms Deal in Your Pocket. Johannesburg, 2008; Holden P., Van Vuuren H. Te Devil in the Detail. Johannesburg, 2011.


Plaut M., Holden P. Who Rules South Africa? Pulling the Strings in the Battle for Power. Johannesburg, 2012.


Tere are now a dozen biographies of Nelson Mandela, while more than twenty of his close colleagues have written memoirs. Mandela’s «Long Walk to Freedom» (London, 1994) was preceded by the autobiography of Albert Luthuli (1962) and, for example, Ronald Kasrils’ «Armed and Dangerous: my undercover struggle against apartheid» (Oxford, 1993), and was followed by many others, including those by Rusty Bernstein, Ahmad Kathrada, Jean Middleton, Jay Naidoo, James Ngculu, Archie Sibeko, Ray Simons, Raymond Suttner and Ben Turok. Among the many biographies of leading fgures in the ANC are those of Peter Brown (Michael Cardo), Albert Luthuli (Scott Couper), Mac Maharaj (Padraig McNally), Trevor Manuel (Pippa Green), Tabo Mbeki (Mark Gevisser), Cyril Ramaphosa (Anthony Butler), Walter and Albertina Sisulu (Eleanor Sisulu), O. R. Tambo (Luli Callinicos), Desmond Tutu (John Allen), Alfred Xuma (Steven Gish) and Jacob Zuma (Jeremy Gordin).


Bonner P. Fragmentation and Cohesion in the ANC, the First 70 Years (paper presented at Wits University, September 2011). URL: http://www.sahistory.org.za/sites/default/fles/Philip_Bonner_Paper.pdf


Especially see: Trewhela P. Inside Quatro, Uncovering the Exile History of the ANC and SWAPO. Auckland Park, 2009.


Suttner R. Te African National Congress Centenary: a long and difcult journey // International Afairs. 2012. Vol. 88. No. 4. P. 719–738.


Dubow S. Te African National Congress. Jeppestown, 2000. P. XI. For a recent short survey see: Suttner R. Op. cit.


See: www.anc.org.za (accessed November 2012). It begins: «Our struggle for freedom has a long history. It goes back to the days when the African people fought spear in hand against the British and Boer colonisers». It then has a section entitled «the African kingdoms are defeated 1860s – 1900», before it reaches «Te ANC is formed – 1912». Ten follow sections entitled «Working for a Wage»; «Te ANC Gains New Life – 1940s»; «A Mass Movement is Born – 1950»; «Te Armed Struggle Begins – 1960s»; «Workers and Students Fight Back – 1970s»; «Te Struggle for People`s Power – 1980s»; and, fnally, «Te ANC is Unbanned». Te last two sentences of this brief history merely read as follows: «On the 10th of May 1994 Nelson Mandela was inaugurated as the President of South Africa. Te ANC has been in power ever since».


On negative aspects see esp.: Trewhela P. Op. cit. For the argument that the ANC was behind the internal resistance of the 1980s see especially: Mbeki G. Sunset at Midday. Braamfontein, 1996.


Dubow S. Op. cit. P. XIV.


Cf.: Bonner P. Op. cit.


Père et mère (litt), parents.


Du travail et non des discours.


Européen, étranger.


Indien ou Pakistanais.


État, administration.


Grand meeting.


Collectivité locale autogérée et autoadministrée.


Assise géographique du fokonolona.


Madagascar: Vers un agenda de relance économique / Banque Mondiale. Juin 2010. P. 23–24. URL: http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTMADAGASCAR/Resources/PolicyNotesJune2010.pdf


Gastineau B., Guibert F., Robilliard A-S., Roubaud F. Madagascar face au déf des Objectifs du millénaire pour le développement. Marseille, 2010.


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