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Английский язык с Шерлоком Холмсом. Второй сборник рассказов - Arthur Conan Doyle

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“I only looked in as I passed (я только заглянул на минутку, проходя мимо),” said he. “I am going right on (сейчас же отправлюсь дальше).”

“Where to (куда)?”

hour [auǝ], excellent [ˈeks(ǝ)lǝnt], corner [ˈkɔ:nǝ]

“I think that this should do,” said he, glancing into the glass above the fireplace. “I only wish that you could come with me, Watson, but I fear that it won’t do. I may be on the trail in this matter, or I may be following a will-o’-the-wisp, but I shall soon know which it is. I hope that I may be back in a few hours.” He cut a slice of beef from the joint upon the sideboard, sandwiched it between two rounds of bread, and thrusting this rude meal into his pocket he started off upon his expedition.

I had just finished my tea when he returned, evidently in excellent spirits, swinging an old elastic‑sided boot in his hand. He chucked it down into a corner and helped himself to a cup of tea.

“I only looked in as I passed,” said he. “I am going right on.”

“Where to?”

“Oh, to the other side of the West End (на другой конец Уэст-Энда; West End — Уэст-Энд /западная, аристократическая часть Лондона/). It may be some time before I get back (может пройти много времени, прежде чем я вернусь). Don’t wait up for me in case I should be late (не ждите меня, если опоздаю).”

“How are you getting on (как ваши успехи)?”

“Oh, so so (так себе). Nothing to complain of (не могу жаловаться). I have been out to Streatham since I saw you last (я был в Стритеме, /с тех пор как видел вас в последний раз/), but I did not call at the house (но не заходил в дом). It is a very sweet little problem (преинтересное дельце: «милая задачка»), and I would not have missed it for a good deal (я бы ни за что его не упустил = ни на что бы не променял). However, I must not sit gossiping here (однако я не должен сидеть тут и болтать), but must get these disreputable clothes off (мне надо сбросить это позорное тряпье; disreputable — недостойный уважения; дискредитирующий, компрометирующий, бесчестящий; позорный, постыдный) and return to my highly respectable self (и вернуться к глубоко уважаемому, приличному себе = стать снова приличным человеком).”

I could see by his manner that he had stronger reasons for satisfaction (по поведению Холмса я понял, что у него есть более веские основания для радости; satisfaction — удовлетворение) than his words alone would imply (чем одни лишь его слова могли выразить). His eyes twinkled (глаза его блестели), and there was even a touch of color upon his sallow cheeks (а на бледных щеках даже появился слабый румянец; touch — прикосновение; чуточка; примесь; оттенок; sallow — желтоватый, болезненный, землистый /о цвете лица/). He hastened upstairs (он поспешил наверх), and a few minutes later I heard the slam of the hall door (и через несколько минут я услышал, как хлопнула входная дверь), which told me that he was off once more upon his congenial hunt (что говорило о том, что Холмс снова отправился на свою «охоту»; congenial — сходный, близкий по духу; /благо/приятный; to hunt — охотиться).

disreputable [dɪsˈrepjutǝbl], respectable [rɪˈspektǝbl], congenial [kǝnˈʤi:nɪǝl]

“Oh, to the other side of the West End. It may be some time before I get back. Don’t wait up for me in case I should be late.”

“How are you getting on?”

“Oh, so so. Nothing to complain of. I have been out to Streatham since I saw you last, but I did not call at the house. It is a very sweet little problem, and I would not have missed it for a good deal. However, I must not sit gossiping here, but must get these disreputable clothes off and return to my highly respectable self.”

I could see by his manner that he had stronger reasons for satisfaction than his words alone would imply. His eyes twinkled, and there was even a touch of color upon his sallow cheeks. He hastened upstairs, and a few minutes later I heard the slam of the hall door, which told me that he was off once more upon his congenial hunt.

I waited until midnight (я ждал до полуночи), but there was no sign of his return (но его все не было: «не было ни признака его возвращения»), so I retired to my room (поэтому я отправился спать). It was no uncommon thing for him to be away for days and nights on end (это не было необычной вещью для него — уходить на долгие дни и ночи; on end — непрерывно, подряд) when he was hot upon a scent (когда он шел по горячему следу), so that his lateness caused me no surprise (так что его опоздание ничуть меня не удивило). I do not know at what hour he came in (не знаю, в котором часу он пришел), but when I came down to breakfast in the morning (но когда я утром спустился к завтраку) there he was with a cup of coffee in one hand (он сидел /за столом/ с чашкой кофе в одной руке) and the paper in the other (и с газетой в другой), as fresh and trim as possible (очень бодрый и подтянутый: «такой бодрый и подтянутый, как только возможно»; trim — аккуратный, опрятный; элегантный; подтянутый).

“You will excuse my beginning without you, Watson (извините, что начал без вас, Ватсон),” said he, “but you remember that our client has rather an early appointment this morning (но вспомните, что нашему клиенту назначена встреча на это утро, и довольно рано).”

“Why, it is after nine now (да, уже десятый час: «после девяти»),” I answered. “I should not be surprised if that were he (не удивлюсь, если это он). I thought I heard a ring (кажется, я слышал звонок).”

lateness [ˈleɪtnɪs], appointment [ǝˈpɔɪntmǝnt], surprised [sǝˈpraɪzd]

I waited until midnight, but there was no sign of his return, so I retired to my room. It was no uncommon thing for him to be away for days and nights on end when he was hot upon a scent, so that his lateness caused me no surprise. I do not know at what hour he came in, but when I came down to breakfast in the morning there he was with a cup of coffee in one hand and the paper in the other, as fresh and trim as possible.

“You will excuse my beginning without you, Watson,” said he, “but you remember that our client has rather an early appointment this morning.”

“Why, it is after nine now,” I answered. “I should not be surprised if that were he. I thought I heard a ring.”

It was, indeed, our friend the financier (это и в самом деле был наш друг финансист). I was shocked by the change which had come over him (меня поразила перемена, произошедшая в нем), for his face which was naturally of a broad and massive mould (его лицо, обычно широкое и крупное; mould — форма; лекало, шаблон), was now pinched and fallen in (теперь осунулось, /щеки/ ввалились; pinched — застроченный; худой, истощенный, измученный: pinched features — исхудалое лицо, лицо с заостренными чертами), while his hair seemed to me at least a shade whiter (а волосы, казалось, побелели еще немного больше; shade — тень; тон, оттенок). He entered with a weariness and lethargy (он вошел усталой и вялой /походкой/; weariness — усталость, истощение) which was even more painful than his violence of the morning before (что было еще более тягостным /зрелищем/, чем его /отчаянное/ неистовство вчерашним утром), and he dropped heavily into the armchair (и он тяжело опустился в кресло) which I pushed forward for him (которое я придвинул ему).

“I do not know what I have done to be so severely tried (не знаю, что я сделал, чтобы /заслужить/ такие тяжелые испытания),” said he. “Only two days ago I was a happy and prosperous man (лишь два дня назад я был счастливым и процветающим человеком), without a care in the world (живущим без забот: «без какой-либо заботы в мире»). Now I am left to a lonely and dishonored age (теперь я обречен на одинокую и опозоренную старость). One sorrow comes close upon the heels of another (одна печаль наступает на пятки другой = беда не приходит одна). My niece, Mary, has deserted me (моя племянница, Мэри, покинула меня).”

“Deserted you?”

lethargy [ˈleƟǝʤɪ], severely [sɪˈvɪǝlɪ], deserted [dɪˈzǝ:tɪd]

It was, indeed, our friend the financier. I was shocked by the change which had come over him, for his face which was naturally of a broad and massive mould, was now pinched and fallen in, while his hair seemed to me at least a shade whiter. He entered with a weariness and lethargy which was even more painful than his violence of the morning before, and he dropped heavily into the armchair which I pushed forward for him.

“I do not know what I have done to be so severely tried,” said he. “Only two days ago I was a happy and prosperous man, without a care in the world. Now I am left to a lonely and dishonored age. One sorrow comes close upon the heels of another. My niece, Mary, has deserted me.”

“Deserted you?”

“Yes. Her bed this morning had not been slept in (ее постель не тронута этим утром: «в постели не спали»), her room was empty (ее комната пуста), and a note for me lay upon the hall table (и записка для меня лежала на столе в гостиной). I had said to her last night, in sorrow and not in anger (вчера вечером я сказал ей, /пребывая/ в печали, а не в гневе), that if she had married my boy all might have been well with him (что если бы она вышла замуж за моего мальчика, с ним все было бы хорошо). Perhaps it was thoughtless of me to say so (вероятно, с моей стороны было неосторожно говорить так; thoughtless — необдуманный, неразумный, неосторожный; thought — мысль). It is to that remark that she refers in this note (на это высказывание она намекает в записке):

“‘MY DEAREST UNCLE (дражайший дядя): — I feel that I have brought trouble upon you (я знаю, что я навела на вас беду = стала причиной беды), and that if I had acted differently this terrible misfortune might never have occurred (и что, поступи я иначе, этого ужасного несчастья никогда бы не случилось). I cannot, with this thought in my mind (я не смогу, думая об этом), ever again be happy under your roof (когда-либо снова быть счастливой под вашей крышей), and I feel that I must leave you forever (думаю: «чувствую», я должна покинуть вас навсегда). Do not worry about my future (не беспокойтесь о моем будущем), for that is provided for (так как оно обеспечено); and, above all, do not search for me (и, самое главное, не ищите меня), for it will be fruitless labour and an ill-service to me (потому что это будет тщетно и повредит мне: «будет бесплодным трудом и дурной услугой мне»). In life or in death (всю жизнь до самой смерти: «в жизни или в смерти»), I am ever your loving MARY (остаюсь любящей вас Мэри).’

thoughtless [ˈƟɔ:tlɪs], remark [rɪˈmɑ:k], fruitless [ˈfru:tlɪs]

“Yes. Her bed this morning had not been slept in, her room was empty, and a note for me lay upon the hall table. I had said to her last night, in sorrow and not in anger, that if she had married my boy all might have been well with him. Perhaps it was thoughtless of me to say so. It is to that remark that she refers in this note:

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