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248, Kindle.

97. Wolpert, Developmental Biology, loc. 682, Kindle.

98. Chamovitz, What a Plant Knows, loc. 1033–1057, Kindle.

99. Chamovitz, What a Plant Knows, гл. 5., 1291ff., Kindle, а также 548 и 414–498, Kindle; Simard, Finding the Mother Tree.

100. О «памяти» деревьев: Chamovitz, What a Plant Knows, гл. 7, 906, Kindle.

101. Chamovitz, What a Plant Knows, loc. 1684 and 854ff., Kindle; Darwin, Insectivorous Plants, from Works of Charles Darwin, loc. 96,446, ebook, MobileReference.com.

102. Darwin, Insectivorous Plants.

103. Foster and Kreitzman, Circadian Rhythms, 108; Chamovitz, What a Plant Knows, loc. 261, Kindle.

104. Chamovitz, What a Plant Knows, loc. 1795, Kindle.

105. Foster and Kreitzman, Circadian Rhythms, xvii, 11, 45.

106. Foster and Kreitzman, Circadian Rhythms, 1 (мой пересказ).

107. Foster and Kreitzman, Circadian Rhythms, 57; см. стр. 125–127 о простейших циркадных часах.

108. Darwin, Power of Motion in Plants, from Works of Charles Darwin, loc. 105,592–105,607, ebook, MobileReference.com; П. Воллебен рассматривает ту же идею в своей работе Hidden Life of Trees, 62.

109. Darwin, Power of Movement in Plants, from Works of Charles Darwin, loc. 98,428, ebook, MobileReference.com.

110. Chamovitz, What a Plant Knows, loc. 375, Kindle.

111. Sheldrake, Entangled Life, гл. 4.

112. Sabrin et al., “Hourglass Organization of the C. elegans Connectome”.

113. Churchland, Braintrust, 44, цит. Rodolfo Llinäs, I of the Vortex: From Neurons to the МД Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2002.

114. Roth, Long Evolution, 82, гл. 7.

115. LeDoux, Deep History, 112, 137; Roth, Long Evolution, 79ff., гл. 7.

116. Roth, Long Evolution, 98.

117. Roth, Long Evolution, 94, 115.

118. Davies, Demon in the Machine, 195.

119. O’Shea, The Brain, 131, 52.

120. Roth, Long Evolution, 234, 226.

121. Roth, Long Evolution, гл. 5.

122. Kandel, In Search of Memory, loc. 1243, Kindle.

123. LeDoux, The Deep History, 61.

124. O’Shea, The Brain, 31; Roth, Long Evolution, 67.

125. O’Shea, The Brain, гл. 3.

126. Kandel, In Search of Memory, loc. 1449, Kindle.

127. Kandel, In Search of Memory, loc. 1195, Kindle.

128. Kandel, In Search of Memory.

129. Kandel, In Search of Memory, loc. 3518, 3146, 3844, Kindle.

130. LeDoux, Deep History, 31.

131. Kandel, In Search of Memory, loc. 3186, Kindle.

132. Goodwin, Forewarned, loc. 779, Kindle.

133. Gilbert, Stumbling on Happiness, 98.

134. Seth, Being You, 96–101, Kindle.

135. Kahneman, Thinking, Fast and Slow.

136. Kahneman, Thinking, Fast and Slow, гл. 10; в настоящей работе (см. гл. 7) будет показано, что доверие к статистике должно опираться на «большие числа».

137. Kahneman, Thinking, Fast and Slow, 25.

138. Russell, Human Compatible, 16.

139. Gopnik, The Philosophical Baby, 119; также Seth, Being You.

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140. Sornette, “Dragon-kings”.

141. Roth, Long Evolution, 251.

142. Safina, Becoming Wild, 59, о китах; Roth, Long Evolution, 232 и таблица на стр. 226.

143. Churchland, Conscience, 24.

144. Dunbar, Human Evolution.

145. О сложности и затруднительности этих вычислений см. Cheney and Seyfarth, Baboon Metaphysics.

146. Roth, Long Evolution, 234, 260; Churchland, Braintrust, 119.

147. Kahneman, Thinking, Fast and Slow.

148. Safina, Becoming Wild (о богатстве культуры животных); о коллективном обучении: Christian, Maps of Time and Origin Story; о культурном развитии: Mesoudi, Cultural Evolution (полезное введение в тему).

149. Mesoudi, Cultural Evolution, 203.

150. Steven Pinker, The Language Instinct, гл. 1, loc. 115, Kindle.

151. О сотрудничестве см. работы Michael Tomasello, в частности, Why We Cooperate.

152. Roth, Long Evolution, 260.

153. Goswami, Child Psychology, 52.

154. Gopnik, The Philosophical Baby, 28.

155. Об образовании в устных культурах: Kelly, Knowledge and Power, 31–32; Karl Popper, from Plotkin, Darwin Machines, 69–70: «развитие нашего знания есть плод процесса, который во многом напоминает естественный отбор Дарвина».

156. Ferguson, Essay on the History of Civil Society, 7.

157. Whitehead, Adventures of Ideas, 93.

158. Об опасностях такого подхода: Noble and Davidson, “Tracing the Emergence”.

159. Gell, The Anthropology of Time, 126.

160. Eliade, Myth of the Eternal Return.

161. Gell, The Anthropology of Time, 127.

162. Goody, “Time: Social Organization”, 31.

163. Gell, The Anthropology of Time, 315.

164. Goody, “Time: Social Organization”, 31.

165. Goody, “Time: Social Organization”, 31.

166. Elias, Time, 144.

167. Gell, The Anthropology of Time, 3.

168. Goody, “Time: Social Organization”, 30.

169. Christian, Maps of Time, 254 и 209.

170. Rose, Dingo Makes Us Human, 5.

171. Kelly, Knowledge and Power, гл. 2.

172. Marshall Thomas, The Old Way, 266.

173. Haynes, “Astronomy and the Dreaming”, 54.

174. Marshack, The Roots of Civilization; reasons for skepticism are listed in Noble and Davidson, “Tracing the Emergence”, 127–129.

175. Sahlins, “Original Affluent Society”, 22, см. Lee and DeVore, Man the Hunter, 37.

176. Kelly, Knowledge and Power, 133.

177. Haynes, “Astronomy and the Dreaming”, 54.

178. McGrath and Jebb, Long History, Deep Time, 4.

179. Swain, A Place for Strangers.

180. Goody, “Time: Social Organization”, 39.

181. Sahlins, “Original Affluent Society”; Woodburn, “Egalitarian Societies”.

182. Sahlins, “Original Affluent Society”, 27.

183. Kelly, Knowledge and Power, 117.

184. Goswami, Child Psychology, 34–35.

185. Сегодня складывается дисциплина, задача которой – когнитивное изучение религии: см. Guthrie, Faces in the Clouds; Boyer, Religion Explained; Larson, Understanding Greek Religion.

186. Larson, Understanding Greek Religion, 74–75.

187. Rawson, Cicero, 241.

188. Marshall Thomas, The Old Way, 261.

189. Marshall Thomas, The Old Way, 269–273.

190. Lewis-Williams, Conceiving God, loc. 4604, Kindle.

Глава 6

191. Our World in Data entries on population, deforestation, and urbanization; Christian, Origin Story, 312, а также Smil, Harvesting the Biosphere.

192. Richerson, Boyd, and Bettinger, “Was Agriculture Impossible?”

193. Goody, “Time: Social Organization”, 39–41.

194. Hobbes, Leviathan, гл. 12, “Of Religion”.

195. Jaspers, Origin and Goal of History, также Eisenstadt, “Axial Age”.

196. Bellah, Religion in Human Evolution, 268.

197. Benedict Anderson, Imagined Communities.

198. Atwood, Encyclopedia of Mongolia and the Mongol Empire, 494–495.

199. Christian, History of Russia, Central Asia and Mongolia, 1:59–61.

200. Christian, History of Russia, Central Asia and Mongolia, 1:425.

201. De Rachewiltz, Secret History of the Mongols, secs. 244–246 (1:168–74).

202. Atwood, Encyclopedia of Mongolia and the Mongol Empire, 100.

203. Thomas and Humphrey, Shamanism, History and the State, 11.

204. Raphals, Divination, 253.

205. Beard, “Cicero and Divination: The Formation of a Latin Discourse”, 33–46; другие ученые считают скептицизм Цицерона искренним.

206. Flower, Seer in Ancient Greece, 34.

207. Johnston, Ancient Greek Divination, 33–36.

208. Johnston, Ancient Greek Divination, 49.

209. Hobbes, Leviathan, гл. 12, “Of Religion”; Strathern, Brief History of the Future, 13.

210. Johnston, Ancient Greek Divination, 69–70; Parke and Wormell, The Delphic Oracle.

211. Raphals, Divination, 220.

212. Nissinen, Ritner, and Seow, Prophets and Prophecy, 25.

213. Raphals, Divination, 148; Flower, The Greek Seer, 32.

214. Flower, The Greek Seer, 32–34.

215. Raphals, Divination, 72.

216. Keightley, “The Shang”, 247, 252.

217. Raphals, Divination, 43; Keightley, “The Shang”, 236–237.

218. Keightley, These Bones Shall Rise Again, 102.

219. Raphals, Divination, 88–89.

220. Keightley, “The Shang”, 236–237.

221. Keightley, These Bones Shall Rise Again, 103.

222. Keightley, These Bones Shall Rise Again, 127.

223. Keightley, These Bones Shall Rise Again, 129.

224. Keightley, These Bones Shall Rise Again, 130; Raphals, Divination, 182–183.

225. Raphals, Divination, 205.

226. Raphals, Divination, 165.

227. Keightley, “The Shang”, 256, and These Bones Shall Rise Again, 109.

228. См. обзор в Campion, Astrology and Cosmology.

229. Raphals, Divination, 136.

230. Pankenier, Astrology and Astronomy in Early China, 6–7.

231. См. Redmond, The I Ching.

232. Karl Jung, 1949, from Redmond, The I Ching, 22.

233. Keightley, “The Shang”, 258–260.

234. Raphals, Divination, 94, 99.

235. Bacigalupo, Shamans of the Foye Tree, 17.

236. Lewin, “Popular Religion”, 68.

237. Lewin, “Popular Religion”, 64; Ryan, Bathhouse at Midnight, 51–52.

238. Ryan, Bathhouse at Midnight, 44.

239. Ryan, Bathhouse at Midnight, 96, 100, 108.

240. Evans-Pritchard, Witchcraft, 142–143.

241. Christian, History of Russia, Central Asia and Mongolia, 2:343–44.

242. Tedlock, “Toward a Theory of Divinatory Practice”, 65.

243. Bacigalupo, Shamans of the Foye Tree, 26.

244. Vitebsky, The

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