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Английский язык с Шерлоком Холмсом. Первый сборник рассказов (ASCII-IPA) - Arthur Conan Doyle

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"Why, it's a dummy (как, это фальшивка)," said he.

"Won't it ring (он не /за/звонит; won`t = will not)?"

unnecessary [Vn'[email protected]@rI], crawled [krO:ld], minutely ['mInItlI]

"Indeed, it seemed unnecessary to put so nice a bell-pull there. You will excuse me for a few minutes while I satisfy myself as to this floor." He threw himself down upon his face with his lens in his hand, and crawled swiftly backward and forward, examining minutely the cracks between the boards. Then he did the same with the wood-work with which the chamber was panelled. Finally he walked over to the bed and spent some time in staring at it and in running his eye up and down the wall. Finally he took the bell-rope in his hand and gave it a brisk tug.

"Why, it's a dummy," said he.

"Won't it ring?"

"No, it is not even attached to a wire (нет, он даже не присоединен к проводу). This is very interesting (это очень интересно). You can see now that it is fastened to a hook (вы можете видеть, что он прикреплен к крючку) just above where the little opening for the ventilator is (прямо над /тем местом/, где находится маленькое отверстие для вентиляции)."

"How very absurd (как /очень/ глупо)! I never noticed that before (никогда не замечала этого раньше)."

"Very strange (очень странно)!" muttered Holmes (пробормотал Холмс), pulling at the rope (дергая /за/ веревку). "There are one or two very singular points about this room (есть один-два очень странных пункта: «особых точек» относительно этой комнаты). For example, what a fool a builder must be (например, каким глупым строителем нужно быть) to open a ventilator into another room (чтобы вывести вентиляцию в другую комнату), when, with the same trouble (когда с той же заботой = легкостью), he might have communicated with the outside air (он мог бы сообщаться с наружным воздухом)!"

wire ['[email protected]], fastened [fA:snd], above [@'bVv], ventilator ['[email protected]], builder ['[email protected]]

"No, it is not even attached to a wire. This is very interesting. You can see now that it is fastened to a hook just above where the little opening for the ventilator is."

"How very absurd! I never noticed that before."

"Very strange!" muttered Holmes, pulling at the rope. "There are one or two very singular points about this room. For example, what a fool a builder must be to open a ventilator into another room, when, with the same trouble, he might have communicated with the outside air!"

"That is also quite modern (это также довольно новое)," said the lady.

"Done about the same time as the bell-rope (сделано примерно в то же время, что и шнурок)?" remarked Holmes (заметил Холмс).

"Yes, there were several little changes carried out about that time (да, было несколько небольших изменений, выполненных примерно в то время; to carry out — осуществить, выполнить)."

"They seem to have been of a most interesting character (они кажутся интереснейшего характера = интересные переделки) — dummy bell-ropes (фальшивые шнурки), and ventilators which do not ventilate (и вентиляции, которые не вентилируют). With your permission (с вашего позволения), Miss Stoner, we shall now carry our researches into the inner apartment (мы перенесем теперь наши изыскания во внутреннюю комнату)."

several ['[email protected]@l], permission [[email protected]'mISn], research [rI'[email protected]:tS]

"That is also quite modern," said the lady.

"Done about the same time as the bell-rope?" remarked Holmes.

"Yes, there were several little changes carried out about that time."

"They seem to have been of a most interesting character — dummy bell-ropes, and ventilators which do not ventilate. With your permission, Miss Stoner, we shall now carry our researches into the inner apartment."

Dr. Grimesby Roylott's chamber was larger than that of his stepdaughter (комната доктора была больше, чем /комната/ его падчерицы), but was as plainly furnished (но была так же просто обставлена). A camp-bed (походная кровать), a small wooden shelf full of books (маленькая деревянная полка, полная книг), mostly of a technical character (в основном, технической направленности), an armchair beside the bed (кресло рядом с кроватью), a plain wooden chair against the wall (простой деревянный стул у стены), a round table (круглый стол), and a large iron safe were the principal things which met the eye (и большой железный сейф были главными вещами, которые встречали глаз = бросались в глаза). Holmes walked slowly round and examined each and all of them with the keenest interest (Холмс ходил медленно вокруг и исследовал каждую /вещь в отдельности/ с живейшим интересом).

technical ['teknIkl], round [raund], iron ['[email protected]], principal ['prInsIpl]

Dr. Grimesby Roylott's chamber was larger than that of his stepdaughter, but was as plainly furnished. A camp-bed, a small wooden shelf full of books, mostly of a technical character, an armchair beside the bed, a plain wooden chair against the wall, a round table, and a large iron safe were the principal things which met the eye. Holmes walked slowly round and examined each and all of them with the keenest interest.

"What's in here (что здесь)?" he asked, tapping the safe (спросил он, стуча по сейфу).

"My stepfather's business papers (деловые бумаги отчима)."

"Oh! you have seen inside, then (ого, /так/ вы заглядывали внутрь, значит)?"

"Only once, some years ago (только однажды, несколько лет назад). I remember that it was full of papers (помню, что он был полон бумаг)."

"There isn't a cat in it for example (там, к примеру, не кошка)?"

"No. What a strange idea (что за странная идея)!"

"What's in here?" he asked, tapping the safe.

"My stepfather's business papers."

"Oh! you have seen inside, then?"

"Only once, some years ago. I remember that it was full of papers."

"There isn't a cat in it, for example?"

"No. What a strange idea!"

"Well, look at this (вот, взгляните на это)!" He took up a small saucer of milk (он поднял маленькое блюдце молока) which stood on the top of it (которое стояло на сейфе).

"No; we don't keep a cat (мы не держим кошку). But there is a cheetah and a baboon (но есть гепард и бабуин)."

"Ah, yes, of course (ах да, конечно)! Well, a cheetah is just a big cat (ну, гепард — всего лишь большая кошка), and yet a saucer of milk does not go very far in satisfying its wants (и все-таки, блюдца молока недостаточно: «не идет далеко» для утоления его потребностей = жажды), I daresay (полагаю, /осмелюсь сказать/). There is one point which I should wish to determine (есть один пункт = момент, который я хотел бы определить)." He squatted down in front of the wooden chair (он сел на корточки перед деревянным стулом) and examined the seat of it with the greatest attention (и осмотрел его сиденье с величайшим вниманием).

saucer ['sO:[email protected]], cheetah ['tSi:[email protected]], daresay [[email protected]'saI], squatted ['skwOtId], attention [@'tenSn]

"Well, look at this!" He took up a small saucer of milk which stood on the top of it.

"No; we don't keep a cat. But there is a cheetah and a baboon."

"Ah, yes, of course! Well, a cheetah is just a big cat, and yet a saucer of milk does not go very far in satisfying its wants, I daresay. There is one point which I should wish to determine." He squatted down in front of the wooden chair and examined the seat of it with the greatest attention.

"Thank you (спасибо). That is quite settled (это вполне решено = все ясно)," said he, rising and putting his lens in his pocket (сказал он, поднимаясь и кладя лупу в карман). "Hello (ага /возглас удивления/)! Here is something interesting (вот кое-что интересное)!"

The object which had caught his eye was a small dog lash (предметом, который поймал его глаз = привлек внимание, была маленькая собачья плеть) hung on one corner of the bed (висевшая на одном углу кровати). The lash, however, was curled upon itself (плеть, однако, была закручена вокруг себя), and tied so as to make a loop of whipcord (и завязана так, чтобы сделать петлю; whipcord — бечевка).

"What do you make of that (что вы думаете об этом; to make — делать, предполагать, заключать), Watson?"

"It's a common enough lash (это вполне обычная плеть). But I don't know why it should be tied (но я не знаю = не пойму, зачем понадобилось завязывать ее в петлю)."

"Thank you. That is quite settled," said he, rising and putting his lens in his pocket. "Hello! Here is something interesting!"

The object which had caught his eye was a small dog lash hung on one corner of the bed. The lash, however, was curled upon itself, and tied so as to make a loop of whipcord.

"What do you make of that, Watson?"

"It's a common enough lash. But I don't know why it should be tied."

"That is not quite so common, is it (не такая уж обыкновенная, а)? Ah, me (о Господи)! it's a wicked world (это грешный мир), and when a clever man turns his brains to crime (и когда умный человек поворачивает свои мозги к преступлению = совершает злые дела) it is the worst of all (это хуже всего). I think that I have seen enough now, Miss Stoner (думаю, я видел достаточно теперь, мисс Стонер), and with your permission we shall walk out upon the lawn (с вашего позволения, мы выйдем на лужайку)."

I had never seen my friend's face so grim or his brow so dark (я никогда не видел лицо моего друга таким мрачным и угрюмым; brow — бровь; чело; выражение лица) as it was when we turned from the scene of this investigation (как когда мы повернулись = уходили с места этого расследования). We had walked several times up and down the lawn (мы прошли несколько раз взад и вперед: «вверх и вниз» по лужайке), neither Miss Stoner nor myself liking to break in upon his thoughts (ни Мисс Стонер, ни я сам не хотели вламываться на = прерывать его мысли) before he roused himself from his reverie (пока он не пробудился сам от своей задумчивости; reverie — мечтательность; задумчивость).

lash [l&S], loop [lu:p], whipcord ['wIpkO:d], wicked ['wIkId], brow [brau], lawn [lO:n]

"That is not quite so common, is it? Ah, me! it's a wicked world, and when a clever man turns his brains to crime it is the worst of all. I think that I have seen enough now, Miss Stoner, and with your permission we shall walk out upon the lawn."

I had never seen my friend's face so grim or his brow so dark as it was when we turned from the scene of this investigation. We had walked several times up and down the lawn, neither Miss Stoner nor myself liking to break in upon his thoughts before he roused himself from his reverie.

"It is very essential (это очень существенно), Miss Stoner," said he, "that you should absolutely follow my advice in every respect (чтобы вы безусловно = в точности следовали моему совету во всех отношениях)."

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