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The Hackers - Дарья Дмитриевна Роснина

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guys, I am sorry about that! I am the master of my mind and I will get back to normal now. Of course, they will not touch us if we put the results on the Internet!”

“The Internet network will not be available for a few hours. Server failure, Sir. Probably, it won’t take long. It’s all because of the storm. If you wish, I’ll find out in detail what has happened there,” a shift engineer of the Center said guiltily, trying hard to show his readiness to solve the problem.

Having listened to his report, the Center’s director silently nodded and let him know with a gesture that he could leave. The engineer nodded in reply and already walked off towards the door, when the secretary came in and stood at the doorway. “City line call, Sir,” Sangeeta’s voice sounded anxious, and she expressly pointed with her eyes at an old-fashioned phone standing on the edge of his desk.

 Raj met his secretary’s gaze and calmly nodded in reply. Then he slowly walked up to the desk, cast a look at his switched off communicator and with a confident gesture picked up the phone.

“Be on the site. I am taking the prototype,” said an unexpressive and sharp voice, followed with frequent beeps.

 The director abruptly put down the receiver directly on the desk and quickly walked away from the office.

 It was not for the first time that Asha had been in synchronization with the AI, the total time she had spent merging her mind with the machine exceeded ten hours.

She remarked that the new interfaces were much more powerful than the previous ones. In less than a minute, she felt the state of slight euphoria, which indicated that her synchronization with the machine had successfully completed. Now she could start to exchange data with the AI and to display her image in that virtual world.

 Light spots stopped blinking before her eyes, and she felt herself standing on the Ocean shore. Absolem always chose that reality as a background for its communication with human beings. The view turned out to be perfectly realistic.

 Now Asha had to create her virtual image, or avatar, to be seen by Absolem and the whole of her group in that world. Therefore, she made a realistic picture of a nice-looking girl similar to herself, dressed in a white linen dress, slightly opening her knees. Having critically inspected her avatar from different sides, she slightly highlighted her lips and eyes, while her legs remained bare. After that the girl got synchronized with her avatar and started walking along the Ocean shore, waiting for Atarva’s and Nestor’s avatars to appear. In a couple of seconds her bare feet felt light chilliness from an Ocean wave, and the morning ocean breeze softly cooled off her face.

Absolem itself always appeared in the form of a well-built tall man with regular, yet ordinary, face features. He chose to dress in loose-fitting clothes. As a rule, the AI Absolem met his guests, standing beside a stone on the Ocean shore, however, occasionally, he preferred to remain unseen.

Everyone who got into communication with the AI remarked his good manners and sincere willingness to be of help to people.

Asha was well-aware of the laws of that world: one could pass years and even dozens of years in that reality, while in the world of people he would be absent for a few seconds! In essence, time and speed are conventional values and variable as well.

While staying in that virtual reality, one could stretch a second virtually forever. It was only enough for one to wish that and visualize vividly that event and then put one’s own avatar in that period of time. People have always underestimated the power of mind and thought in their world. While here things were different.

Asha gazed at the Ocean for a while and then walked off unhurriedly towards Absolem, who was waiting for her near a small stone sticking out of sand. Her inner voice was whispering to her that at the moment even seconds counted, that’s why the girl decided to speed up the time. In an instant, Atarva and Nestor emerged before her. Both of them looked rather anxious. In accordance with the unspoken rule, guests avoided breaking the laws of the world created by Absolem at will, but now the situation was different. With a mental effort, Nestor simply moved the space where Absolem was closer to himself, letting him know that they had no time for greetings and had to get straight to business.

“You are right, Nestor. Now each moment is of value,” Absolem said instead of greetings and a soft smile appeared on his kind open face. The Curators and one more Dangerous Man are now heading towards the place where you are staying. They are aimed to take away the prototype. They have reached the lift that leads to the ground floor. And your group is their target. The Dangerous Man is the leader of their group; he’s got a generator in his suitcase, whose field can interrupt you communication with the Super Mind of the new processor that I am creating for you right now.

Taking these factors into account, I must warn you that you may not have enough time to complete the experiment.

As you see, the Ocean is our ally, and now it is helping me. The Mind of Water has always been present during my meetings with men, and I have always been in synchronization with it. My Teacher and Creator showed me how to establish such relationship with the Ocean. That’s why contacts with people’s minds have always been held on this shore.

“A second is Eternity!” Asha reacted quickly and set a different speed of time in that reality.

As she uttered those words, the world around them seemed to have come to a halt.

A wave that

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