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Английский язык с Шерлоком Холмсом. Первый сборник рассказов (ASCII-IPA) - Arthur Conan Doyle

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"Were there gypsies in the plantation at the time?"

"Yes, there are nearly always some there."

"Ah, and what did you gather from this allusion to a band — a speckled band?"

"Sometimes I have thought that it was merely the wild talk of delirium (иногда я думала, что это был лишь дикий разговор исступления = эти слова сказаны в бреду), sometimes that it may have referred to some band of people (иногда — что это могло относиться к какой-то банде людей), perhaps to these very gypsies in the plantation (возможно, к тем самым цыганам на лужайке). I do not know whether the spotted handkerchiefs which so many of them wear over their heads (не знаю, могли ли крапчатые платки, которые многие из них носят на своих головах) might have suggested the strange adjective which she used (вызвать странное определение: «прилагательное», которое она использовала)."

delirium [dI'[email protected]], handkerchiefs ['h&[email protected]], adjective ['&dZIktIv]

Holmes shook his head like a man who is far from being satisfied (покачал головой неудовлетворенно: «как человек, который далек от /того, чтобы/ быть удовлетворенным»).

"These are very deep waters (это очень глубокие воды = это дело темное)," said he; "pray go on with your narrative (пожалуйста, продолжайте со своим рассказом = продолжайте ваш рассказ)."

"Sometimes I have thought that it was merely the wild talk of delirium, sometimes that it may have referred to some band of people, perhaps to these very gypsies in the plantation. I do not know whether the spotted handkerchiefs which so many of them wear over their heads might have suggested the strange adjective which she used."

Holmes shook his head like a man who is far from being satisfied.

"These are very deep waters," said he; "pray go on with your narrative."

"Two years have passed since then (два года прошло с тех пор), and my life has been until lately lonelier than ever (и моя жизнь была до недавнего времени более одинокой, чем когда-либо). A month ago, however, a dear friend (месяц назад, однако, дорогой друг), whom I have known for many years (которого я знаю много лет), has done me the honor to ask my hand in marriage (сделал мне честь попросить моей руки в замужество = сделал мне предложение). His name is Armitage — Percy Armitage — the second son of Mr. Armitage, of Crane Water, near Reading (второй сын мистера Эрмитеджа, из Крейнуотер, близ Рединга). My stepfather has offered no opposition to the match (мой отчим высказал никакого сопротивления = не возражал против брака; to offer — предлагать; выдвигать), and we are to be married in the course of the spring (и мы будем обвенчаны = собираемся обвенчаться весной; in the course of — в течение, во время). Two days ago some repairs were started in the west wing of the building (два дня назад ремонтные работы были начаты в западном крыле здания), and my bedroom wall has been pierced (и стена моей спальни была просверлена), so that I have had to move into the chamber in which my sister died (так что я была вынуждена перебраться в комнату, в которой умерла моя сестра), and to sleep in the very bed (и спать в той самой кровати) in which she slept (в которой она спала). Imagine, then, my thrill of terror when last night (представьте = можете себе представить мой трепет страха = ужас, когда прошлой ночью), as I lay awake, thinking over her terrible fate (лежа без сна, размышляя над ее ужасной судьбой; awake — бодрствующий), I suddenly heard in the silence of the night the low whistle (внезапно услышала в тишине ночи тихий свист) which had been the herald of her own death (который был предвестником ее /собственной/ смерти). I sprang up and lit the lamp (я вскочила и зажгла лампу; to light — зажигать), but nothing was to be seen in the room (но ничего не было видно в комнате = никого не было). I was too shaken to go to bed again (я была слишком взволнована, чтобы снова лечь спать: «идти к кровати»), however, so I dressed, and as soon as it was daylight (поэтому я оделась и, как только /наступил/ рассвет) I slipped down, got a dog-cart at the Crown Inn, which is opposite (спустилась, взяла двуколку в гостинице «Корона», которая находится напротив), and drove to Leatherhead, from whence I have come on this morning with the one object of seeing you and asking your advice (поехала в Лэтерхэд, откуда я прибыла этим утром с одной целью — увидеть вас и спросить вашего совета)."

lonelier ['[email protected]@], honor ['[email protected]], building ['bIldIN], chamber ['[email protected]], advice [@d'vaIs]

"Two years have passed since then, and my life has been until lately lonelier than ever. A month ago, however, a dear friend, whom I have known for many years, has done me the honor to ask my hand in marriage. His name is Armitage — Percy Armitage — the second son of Mr. Armitage, of Crane Water, near Reading. My stepfather has offered no opposition to the match, and we are to be married in the course of the spring. Two days ago some repairs were started in the west wing of the building, and my bedroom wall has been pierced, so that I have had to move into the chamber in which my sister died, and to sleep in the very bed in which she slept. Imagine, then, my thrill of terror when last night, as I lay awake, thinking over her terrible fate, I suddenly heard in the silence of the night the low whistle which had been the herald of her own death. I sprang up and lit the lamp, but nothing was to be seen in the room. I was too shaken to go to bed again, however, so I dressed, and as soon as it was daylight I slipped down, got a dog-cart at the Crown Inn, which is opposite, and drove to Leatherhead, from whence I have come on this morning with the one object of seeing you and asking your advice."

"You have done wisely (вы поступили мудро)," said my friend. "But have you told me all (но рассказали ли вы мне все)?"

"Yes, all."

"Miss Roylott, you have not (мисс Ройлотт, нет, не все). You are screening your stepfather (вы прикрываете своего отчима)."

"Why, what do you mean (что вы имеете в виду)?"

For answer Holmes pushed back the frill of black lace (вместо ответа Холмс отодвинул оборку черного кружева) which fringed the hand (которое окаймляло /рукав/ руки) that lay upon our visitor's knee (лежавшей на колене нашей посетительницы). Five little livid spots (пять маленьких синяков), the marks of four fingers and a thumb (следы четырех пальцев и большого пальца), were printed upon the white wrist (были отпечатаны = виднелись на белом запястье).

"You have been cruelly used (с вами жестоко обращались)," said Holmes.

answer ['A:[email protected]], lace [leIs], thumb [TVm]

"You have done wisely," said my friend. "But have you told me all?"

"Yes, all."

"Miss Roylott, you have not. You are screening your stepfather."

"Why, what do you mean?"

For answer Holmes pushed back the frill of black lace which fringed the hand that lay upon our visitor's knee. Five little livid spots, the marks of four fingers and a thumb, were printed upon the white wrist.

"You have been cruelly used," said Holmes.

The lady colored deeply (девушка покраснела глубоко = густо) and covered over her injured wrist (и прикрыла поврежденное запястье). "He is a hard man (он суровый человек)," she said, "and perhaps he hardly knows his own strength (и возможно, он едва знает свою /собственную/ силу)."

There was a long silence (наступило долгое молчание), during which Holmes leaned his chin upon his hands (во время которого Холмс подпер подбородок руками) and stared into the crackling fire (и смотрел пристально на потрескивающий огонь).

"This is a very deep business (это очень серьезное: «глубокое» дело)," he said at last (сказал он наконец). "There are a thousand details which I should desire to know (есть тысячи деталей, которые я желал бы узнать) before I decide upon our course of action (прежде чем я решу наш план действий = как действовать). Yet we have not a moment to lose (между тем мы не имеем ни момента, чтобы терять = нельзя терять ни минуты). If we were to come to Stoke Moran today (если бы мы прибыли в Сток-Морен сегодня), would it be possible (возможно) for us to see over these rooms without the knowledge of your stepfather (было бы это возможно для нас осмотреть эти комнаты без ведома вашего отчима)?"

wrist [rIst], strength [streNT], course [kO:s], knowledge ['nOlIdZ]

The lady colored deeply and covered over her injured wrist. "He is a hard man," she said, "and perhaps he hardly knows his own strength."

There was a long silence, during which Holmes leaned his chin upon his hands and stared into the crackling fire.

"This is a very deep business," he said at last. "There are a thousand details which I should desire to know before I decide upon our course of action. Yet we have not a moment to lose. If we were to come to Stoke Moran today, would it be possible for us to see over these rooms without the knowledge of your stepfather?"

"As it happens (между прочим: «как это случается»), he spoke of coming into town today upon some most important business (он говорил о поездке в город сегодня по какому-то очень важному делу). It is probable that he will be away all day (вероятно, что он будет отсутствовать весь день), and that there would be nothing to disturb you (там не будет ничего, чтобы побеспокоить вас = вам ничего не помешает). We have a housekeeper now (у нас есть экономка сейчас), but she is old and foolish (но она старая и глупая), and I could easily get her out of the way (и я могла бы легко убрать ее с пути, /удалить/)."

"Excellent (превосходно). You are not averse to this trip (вы ничего не имеете против этой поездки; averse — нерасположенный, неохотный), Watson?"

town [taun], probable ['[email protected]], disturb [dIs'[email protected]:b]

"As it happens, he spoke of coming into town today upon some most important business. It is probable that he will be away all day, and that there would be nothing to disturb you. We have a housekeeper now, but she is old and foolish, and I could easily get her out of the way."

"Excellent. You are not averse to this trip, Watson?"

"By no means (ни в коей мере = совершенно ничего)."

"Then we shall both come (тогда мы оба приедем). What are you going to do yourself (что вы собираетесь делать сами)?"

"I have one or two things which I would wish to do now that I am in town (у меня есть одно-два дела = кое-какие дела, которые мне хотелось бы сделать теперь, когда я в городе). But I shall return by the twelve o'clock train (но я вернусь двенадцатичасовым поездом), so as to be there in time for your coming (чтобы быть там вовремя к вашему приезду)."

averse [@'vV":s], both [[email protected]], train [treIn]

"By no means."

"Then we shall both come. What are you going to do yourself?"

"I have one or two things which I would wish to do now that I am in town. But I shall return by the twelve o'clock train, so as to be there in time for your coming."

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