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Глава 6

1. Evans– Wentz, W. Y., ed... The Yoga of the Dream State (New York: Julian Press,1964),p.216.

2. Rajneesh, B. S„ The Book ofthe Secrets-I (New York: Harper amp; Row),1974, p.118.


4. DeRopp, R., The Master Game (New York: Dell,1968),p.61.

5. Rajneesh, op. cit., p. 142.

6. Tholey, P., Techniques for inducing and maintaining lucid dreams," Perceptual and Motor Skills 57 (1983): 79-90.

7. Tulku, Т., Openness Mind (Berkeley: Dharma Publishing,1978), p.136.

8. Tholey, op. cit.

9. McCreery, C., Psychical Phenomena and the Physical World (London: Hamish Hamilton,1973), p. 86.

10. Carfield, P., «Psychological concomitants of the lucid dream state,» Sleep Research, 4 (1975) 184.

11. Tart, C., «From spontaneous event to lucidity: A review of at– tempts to consciously control nocturnal dreaming,» from Wolman, В. В., cd., Handbook of Dreams (New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1979), p. 261.

12. Castaldo, V. and Holtzman, P., «The effect of hearing one's uoice on sleep mentation,» The Journal of Nervous and Mental Dis– ease 144 (1967): 2-13.

13. Dement, W. and Wolpert, E., «The relation of eye movements, body moti-lity, and external stimuli to dream content,» Journal of Experimental Psychology 55 (1968): 543-53.

Глава 7

1. Green, E.; Green, A; and Walters, D., Biofeedback for mind– body self-regulation: Healing and creativity," from Fields Within Fields... Witbin Fields (New York; Stulman.1972), p. 144.

2. Ibid.

3. MacKenzie, N., Dreams and Dreaming (New York: Vanguard, 165), p. 83.

4. Jaffe, D. Т. and Bresler, D. E., «The use of guided imagery as an adjunct to medical diagnosis and treatment,» Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 20 (1980): 45-59.

5. Levitan, H., «Failure ofthe defensive function ofthe ego in dreams of psychosomatic patients,» Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 3 б (1981): 1-7.

6. Van Eeden, F.,"A study of dreams," Proceedings ofthe Society for Psychical Research 26 (1913): 431-61.

7. Ibid.

8. McCreery, C., Psychic Phenomena and the Physical World (London: Hamish Hamilton,1973), pp.102-04.

9. Freud, 5.,. «Fragment of an analysis of a case ofhystcria,» from Standard Edition ofthe Complete Psychological Works ofSigmund Freud (London:

Hogarth Press, 1953), p. 68.

10. Freud, S., «Introductory lectures on psychoanaysis» from Standard Edition ofthe Complete Psychological Works ofSigmund Preud, vol.15 (London: Hogarth Prcss,1916-17), p. 222.

11. Kedrov, В. М., «On the question of scientific creativity,» Vo– prosy Psiko-logii, 3(1957): 91-113.

12. Kaempffen, W., A Popular History of American Invention, vol. II (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1924), p. 385.

13. Dement, W., Some Must Watch While Some Must Sleep (San Francisco: W.H. Freeman,1972), p. 101.

14. Faraday, A, Dream Power (IVew York: Coward, MeCann amp; Geoghegan,1972),p.303.

15. Dement, op. cit., p.102.

16. Steiner, S. 5. and Ellman, S. J., «Relation between REM sleep and intracra-nial self-stimulation,» Science 177 (1972): 1122-24.

17. Rhinegold, H., «Tapping into Your Dream Power,» Oui Magazine (1981):80-125.

Глава 8

1. Hobson, J. A. and McCarley, R. W., "The brain as a dream-state generator:

An activation-synthesis hypothesis ofthe dream process," American Journal of Psychiatry 134 (1977): 1335-48.

2. Freud, S., «Introductory lectures on psychoanalysis,» from Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological UVorks ofSigmund Freud, vol.15 (London: Hogarth Press.1916-17), p.153.

3. Hobson amp; McCarley, op. cit.

4. Goleman, D.,"Do dreams really contain imponant secret meaning?" New York Tinies, July 10,1984.

5. Ibid.

6. Kiesler, E., «Images of the night,» Science, 80 (1980): 1436-43

7. Hobson,). A., «The reciprocal interaction model of sleep cicle control: A discussion in the light ofGuiseppe Moruzzi's concepts,» from Pompeino, 0. and Marsan, C. Ajmone, eds., Brain Mechanisms and Perceptual Awareness (New York: Raven Press, 1981), p.398

8. Durgnat, R. and Hobson, J. A., «Dream dialogue,» Dreamworks 2 (Pall 1981): 76-87.

9. Crick, F. and Mitchison, G., «The function of dream sleep,» Nature 304 (1983): 111-14.

10. Melnechuck, Т., «The dream machine,» Psychology Today 17 (1983): 22-34.

11. RoHwarg, H. P.; Muzio, J. N.; and Dement, W. C., «Ontogenic development of the human sleep-dream cycle,» Science 152 (1966): 604-19.

12. Greenberg, R. and Peariman, C., «Cutting the REM nerve: An approach to the adaptive role of REM sleep,» Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 17 (1974):513-21.

13. Cohen, H. and Dement, W. C., «Sleep: Changes in threshold to electroconvulsive shock in rats after deprivation of'paradoxical' phase,» Science 150(1965): 1318-19.

14. Hartmann, E., The Function of Sleep (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1973).

15. Dallet, J., «Theories of dream function,» Psychological Bulletin 6 (1973): 408-16.

16. Rossi, E. L, Dreams and the Growth of Personality (New York: Pergamon,1972),p.l42.

Глава 9

1. Nietzsche, F., «Misunderstanding of the dream,» Aphorism #5, Human All Too Human from Kaufrnan, W. ed., The Portable Nietz– sche (New York:


2. Cclia Green (1967) asked two samples of undergraduates from two British universities whether they had ever had an "experience in which you felt you were 'out of your body.' " She received 19 percent positive responses out of 115 subjects in the first sample, and 34 percent positive responses out of 380 in the second. Homell Hart (1954) received 27 percent positive replies from 155 Duke University sociology students, while Charles Tart (1971) received 44 percent positive responses from 150 experienced marijuana users. From D.S. Rogo, ed... Mind Beyond the Body (New York: Pen-guin,1978) p.36.

3. Rhine, L. E„ «Psychological processes in ESP experiences. Part II Dreams,» Journal of Parapsychology Z6 (1962):172-99.

4. Sheils, D., «Across-cultural study of beliefs in out-of-the-body experiences, waking and sleeping,» Journal otthe Society for Psychical Research, 49 (1978): 697-741.

5. Priestly, J. B„ Man and Time (London: Aldous Books,1964),p. 225-26.

6. Ullman, M. and Krippner, S., Dream Telepathy (New York: MacMil-lan,1973),p.lll.

7. Of the 13 experimental studies carried out, 9 yielded statistically significant results. Replications in laboratories elsewhere yielded less consistent results: two were positive, three negative, and one equivocal.

8. Harary, S. В., «A personal perspective of out-of-body experiences,» from Rogo, op. cit., pp. 248-49.

9. Ibid., pp. 356-57.

10. deBecker, R., The Understanding of Dreams (London: Alien amp; Unwin,1965), p. 249.

11. Osis, К., «Perspectives for out-of-body research,» Parapsychology Research, 3 (1973), 110-13.

12. deBecker, op. cit., pp. 394-95,

13. Fox, 0., Astral Travel (New York: University Books, 1962), p. 47.

14. deBecker, op. cit., pp. 76-78.

Глава 10

1. Freud, S., Metapsychological Supplement to the Theory of Dreams. Collected Papers, vol IV (London: Hogarth,1946) p.137

2. Faraday, A., The Dream Game (New York: Harper amp; Row, 1976), p. 267.

3. Mann, Т., The Magic Mountain (New York: Vintage,1969),p. 726.

5. Ibid., p. 497.

6. Ibid., p. 727.

7. Moody, R., Life After Life (Atlanta: Mockingbird Boob,1977), pp. 23-24.

8. Gabbard, G. 0.; Twenlow, S. Т.; and Jones, F. C., «Do 'near– deatli experiences' occur only near death?» Journal of Nervous and Mental Disorders 169(6)(1981): 374-77.

9. Noyes, R., «Attitude changes following near-death experiences,» Psychiatry 43 (1980): 234-41.

10. Bucke, R., quoted in James, W., Varieties of Religious Experience (New York: Collier Books.1961), p. 314.

11. Ring, К., "The nature of personal identity in the near-death experience;

Paul Brunton and the ancient tcadition," Anabiosis 4(1) (1984): 3-20.

12. Evans-Wentz, W. Y., Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines (London: Oxford University Press, 1935), p. 167.

13. Ibid., p. 166.

14. Ibid., p. 222.

15. Narayana, R., ed., The Dream Problem and Us Many Solutions in Search After Truth, vol.1 (Delhi, India: Practical Medicine.1922 p. 301-5.

16. Shah, I., Wisdom oflhe Idiols (London: Octagon Press, 1969), p. 122-3.


1. Dr. Judith Malamud has pursued a similar approach to «lucid living.» See her chapter in Gackenbach, J. and LaBerge, S.(Eds.) Lucid Dreaming: New Research on Consciousness During Sleep (New York: Plenum, in press).

2. Shah, I., Seekers After Truth (London: Octagon Press,1982),p. 33.

3. LaBerge, S., «Lucid dreaming: Directing the action as it hap– pens,» Psychology Today 15 (1981): 48-57.

4. James, W., The Varieties of Religious Experience (New York: Modern Library, 1929), p.378-79.

5. Moritz, К. P., Quoted in deBecker, R., The Understanding of Dreams (London: Alien amp; Unwin.1965), p. 406.

6. Nietzsche, F.» Quoted in deBecker, p.138.

7. Ibid.

8. Orage, A. R., Psychological Exercises (New York: Samuel Weiser, 1930), p. 92.

9. Whiteman,). H. M„ The Mystical Life (London: Faber amp; Faber 1961), p.

57. 10. Shah, I., Thinkers of the East (London: Octagon Press.1971), p. 123. New York Times, July

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