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Английский язык с Шерлоком Холмсом. Первый сборник рассказов (ASCII-IPA) - Arthur Conan Doyle

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framed ['freImd], fiercely ['[email protected]], cringing ['krIndZIN]

His remarks were suddenly cut short by a loud hubbub which broke out from the stall which we had just left. Turning round we saw a little rat-faced fellow standing in the centre of the circle of yellow light which was thrown by the swinging lamp, while Breckinridge, the salesman, framed in the door of his stall, was shaking his fists fiercely at the cringing figure.

"I've had enough (имел довольно = хватит с меня) of you and your geese," he shouted (крикнул). "I wish you were all at the devil together (желаю, чтобы вы были все у дьявола вместе = провалитесь вы все к черту). If you come pestering me any more (если снова будете надоедать мне) with your silly talk (со своим глупым разговором) I'll set the dog at you (спущу на вас собаку). You bring (приведите) Mrs. Oakshott here and I'll answer her (отвечу ей), but what have you to do with it (что имеете вы сделать с этим = вы тут при чем)? Did I buy the geese off you (разве я у вас купил гусей)?"

enough [I'nVf], answer ['A:[email protected]]

"No; but one of them was mine all the same (но один из них был моим все равно)," whined the little man (хныкал человек).

"Well, then, ask Mrs. Oakshott for it (спросите об этом миссис Окшот)."

"I've had enough of you and your geese," he shouted. "I wish you were all at the devil together. If you come pestering me any more with your silly talk I'll set the dog at you. You bring Mrs. Oakshott here and I'll answer her, but what have you to do with it? Did I buy the geese off you?"

"No; but one of them was mine all the same," whined the little man.

"Well, then, ask Mrs. Oakshott for it."

"She told me to ask you."

"Well, you can ask the King of Proosia (можете спросить /хоть/ короля Пруссии), for all I care (мне все равно). I've had enough of it (с меня хватит). Get out of this (убирайтесь отсюда)!" He rushed fiercely forward (он бросился яростно вперед), and the inquirer flitted away into the darkness (и спрашивающий исчез в темноте; to flit — юркнуть).

"Ha! this may save us a visit (это может сэкономить нам посещение = избавить от необходимости поездки) to Brixton Road," whispered Holmes (прошептал). "Come with me, and we will see what is to be made of this fellow (что может быть сделано из этого парня = не пригодится ли нам этот субъект)." Striding through the scattered knots of people (мимо разрозненных кучек людей) who lounged round the flaring stalls (которые лениво бродили вокруг освещенных ларьков; flaring — ослепительный, горящий), my companion speedily overtook (поспешно догнал) the little man and touched him upon the shoulder (тронул его за плечо). He sprang round (порывисто обернулся; to spring — прыгать), and I could see in the gaslight (я увидел в газовом свете) that every vestige of color (всякий признак цвета) had been driven from his face (исчез: «был согнан» с его лица).

whispered ['[email protected]], lounged [laundZd], flaring ['[email protected]], touched [tVtSt], vestige ['vestIdZ]

"She told me to ask you."

"Well, you can ask the King of Proosia, for all I care. I've had enough of it. Get out of this!" He rushed fiercely forward, and the inquirer flitted away into the darkness.

"Ha! this may save us a visit to Brixton Road," whispered Holmes. "Come with me, and we will see what is to be made of this fellow." Striding through the scattered knots of people who lounged round the flaring stalls, my companion speedily overtook the little man and touched him upon the shoulder. He sprang round, and I could see in the gaslight that every vestige of color had been driven from his face.

"Who are you (кто вы), then? What do you want (чего хотите)?" he asked in a quavering voice (спросил он дрожащим голосом).

"You will excuse me (/вы/ извините меня)," said Holmes blandly (вежливо/мягко), "but I could not help overhearing (не мог не услышать случайно) the questions which you put (ставили = задавали) to the salesman just now. I think that I could be of assistance to you (могу быть вам полезен; assistance — помощь)."

"You? Who are you? How could you know anything of the matter (как вы могли знать = как вы узнали что-то об этом)?"

"My name is Sherlock Holmes. It is my business to know what other people don't know (моя профессия — знать /то/ чего другие люди не знают)."

"But you can know nothing of this (но вы ничего не можете знать об этом)?"

"Who are you, then? What do you want?" he asked in a quavering voice.

"You will excuse me," said Holmes blandly, "but I could not help overhearing the questions which you put to the salesman just now. I think that I could be of assistance to you."

"You? Who are you? How could you know anything of the matter?"

"My name is Sherlock Holmes. It is my business to know what other people don't know."

"But you can know nothing of this?"

"Excuse me, I know everything of it (я знаю все об этом). You are endeavoring to trace (пытаетесь отследить) some geese which were sold by Mrs. Oakshott, of Brixton Road, to a salesman named Breckinridge, by him in turn (а им, в свою очередь) to Mr. Windigate, of the Alpha, and by him to his club, of which Mr. Henry Baker is a member (членом которого является Генри Бейкер)."

"Oh, sir, you are the very man (тот самый человек) whom I have longed to meet (кого я страстно желал встретить)," cried the little fellow with outstretched hands (с распростертыми руками) and quivering fingers (и дрожащими пальцами). "I can hardly explain (едва могу объяснить) to you how interested I am in this matter (насколько я заинтересован в этом деле)."

outstretched ['[email protected]], quivering ['[email protected]]

"Excuse me, I know everything of it. You are endeavoring to trace some geese which were sold by Mrs. Oakshott, of Brixton Road, to a salesman named Breckinridge, by him in turn to Mr. Windigate, of the Alpha, and by him to his club, of which Mr. Henry Baker is a member."

"Oh, sir, you are the very man whom I have longed to meet," cried the little fellow with outstretched hands and quivering fingers. "I can hardly explain to you how interested I am in this matter."

Sherlock Holmes hailed a four-wheeler (остановил извозчичью карету; wheel — колесо) which was passing (проезжала /мимо/). "In that case we had better discuss it (нам лучше /бы/ обсудить это) in a cosy room (в уютной комнате) rather than in this wind-swept market-place (чем на этой незащищенной от ветра рыночной площади; to sweep — мести)," said he. "But pray tell me (но, пожалуйста: «прошу», скажите мне), before we go farther (прежде чем мы пойдем дальше), who it is that I have the pleasure of assisting (/кто это/, кому я имею удовольствие помогать)."

cosy ['[email protected]], wind [wInd], farther ['fA:[email protected]], pleasure ['[email protected]]

The man hesitated for an instant (заколебался на мгновение). "My name is John Robinson," he answered with a sidelong glance (с косым взглядом = бросив косой взгляд).

Sherlock Holmes hailed a four-wheeler which was passing. "In that case we had better discuss it in a cosy room rather than in this wind-swept market-place," said he. "But pray tell me, before we go farther, who it is that I have the pleasure of assisting."

The man hesitated for an instant. "My name is John Robinson," he answered with a sidelong glance.

"No, no; the real name (настоящее имя)," said Holmes sweetly (мягко). "It is always awkward doing business with an alias (неудобно вести дела с псевдонимами)."

A flush sprang to the white cheeks of the stranger (румянец вспыхнул на бледных: «белых» щеках незнакомца; to spring — броситься, приливать). "Well then (итак)," said he, "my real name is James Ryder."

"Precisely so (вот именно). Head attendant (главный слуга) at the Hotel Cosmopolitan. Pray step into the cab (пожалуйста, садитесь в кеб), and I shall soon be able to tell (смогу рассказать) you everything which you would wish to know (что вы пожелали бы знать)."

"No, no; the real name," said Holmes sweetly. "It is always awkward doing business with an alias."

A flush sprang to the white cheeks of the stranger. "Well then," said he, "my real name is James Ryder."

"Precisely so. Head attendant at the Hotel Cosmopolitan. Pray step into the cab, and I shall soon be able to tell you everything which you would wish to know."

The little man stood glancing from one to the other of us (стоял, поглядывая = переводя глаза с одного на другого из нас) with half-frightened (/с/ полунапуганным), half-hopeful eyes (полунадеющимся взором: «глазами»), as one (как человек: «один») who is not sure (не уверен) whether he is on the verge of a windfall or of a catastrophe (на грани ли он неожиданного счастья или катастрофы, беды; windfall — падалица; плод, сбитый ветром; неожиданная удача, неожиданный доход). Then he stepped into the cab (сел: «шагнул» в кеб), and in half an hour (через полчаса) we were back in the sitting-room at Baker Street (вернулись в гостиную). Nothing had been said (ничего не было сказано) during our drive (во время нашей поездки), but the high, thin breathing (но шумное, сбивчивое дыхание) of our new companion, and the claspings and unclaspings of his hands (сжимания и разжимания его рук), spoke of the nervous tension within him (говорили о нервном напряжении внутри него).

frightened ['fraItnd], verge [vV":dZ], breathing ['bri:DIN], nervous ['nV":[email protected]]

The little man stood glancing from one to the other of us with half-frightened, half-hopeful eyes, as one who is not sure whether he is on the verge of a windfall or of a catastrophe. Then he stepped into the cab, and in half an hour we were back in the sitting-room at Baker Street. Nothing had been said during our drive, but the high, thin breathing of our new companion, and the claspings and unclaspings of his hands, spoke of the nervous tension within him.

"Here we are (вот мы и дома)!" said Holmes cheerily (весело) as we filed into the room (вошли шеренгой в комнату). "The fire looks very seasonable (огонь /в камине/ выглядит очень по сезону) in this weather (в эту погоду). You look cold (выглядите озябшим), Mr. Ryder. Pray take the basket-chair (садитесь в плетеное кресло; basket — корзина). I will just put on my slippers (я только надену мои комнатные туфли) before we settle (прежде чем мы уладим) this little matter of yours. Now, then! You want to know what became of those geese (что стало с этими гусями)?"

cheerily ['[email protected]], seasonable ['si:[email protected]@bl], weather ['[email protected]]

"Yes, sir."

"Or rather (вернее), I fancy, of that goose (с тем гусем). It was one bird, I imagine (мне кажется), in which you were interested — white, with a black bar across the tail (белый, с черной полоской на хвосте)."

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