Деньги, рынок, капитал. Краткая история экономики - Лэй Эндрю
15. Akerlof George. The market for lemons: Quality uncertainty and the market mechanism // Quarterly Journal of Economics. 1970. 84 (3): 488–500.
16. Card David and DellaVigna Stefano. Nine facts about top journals in economics // Journal of Economic Literature. 2013. 51 (1): 144–161.
17. Coggan, 2020. P. 234–235.
18. Подсчеты автора на основе Bolt and Luiten van Zanden, 2020.
19. Yaffe Helen. Che Guevara: The Economics of Revolution. L.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. P. 21.
20. Gordon Corera. India: The economy. BBC, 3 December 1998.
21. Colagrossi Marco, Rossignoli Domenico and Maggioni Mario A. Does democracy cause growth? A meta-analysis (of 2000 regressions) // European Journal of Political Economy, 2020. 61: 101824.
22. Mitra Aniruddha, Bang James T. and Biswas Arnab. Gender equality and economic growth: Is it equality of opportunity or equality of outcomes? // Feminist Economics. 2015. 21 (1): 110–135.
23. Maddison Angus. The World Economy. Paris: OECD, 2006. P. 178.
24. Подсчеты автора на основе Bolt and Luiten van Zanden, 2020.
25. Ó Gráda Cormac. Making famine history // Journal of Economic Literature. 2007. 45 (1): 5–38.
Рынки, рынки, всюду рынки1. Ke Wang. Xiaogang Village, birthplace of rural reform, moves on // China.org.cn. 2008. 15 December.
2. Изложено в основном по: Kestenbaum David and Goldstein Jacob. The secret document that transformed China // Planet Money. 2012. 20 January.
3. Lardy Nicholas. The changing role of the private sector in China // Day Iris and Simon John (eds.). Structural Change in China: Implications for Australia and the World. Sydney: Reserve Bank of Australia, 2016. P. 37–50.
4. Yao Shujie. Economic development and poverty reduction in China over 20 years of reforms // Economic Development and Cultural Change. 2000. 48 (3): 447–474.
5. Simon Julia and Malone Kenny. Looking back on when President Reagan fired the air traffic controllers // NPR Morning Edition. 2021. 2021. 5 August.
6. Niskanen William A. Reaganomics: An Insider’s Account of the Policies and the People. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1988.
7. Carney Mark. Value(s): Building a Better World for All. L.: William Collins, 2021. P. 173.
8. Megginson William L. and Netter Jeffry M. From state to market: A survey of empirical studies on privatization // Journal of Economic Literature. 2001. 39 (2): 321–389.
9. Porter Michael. How competitive forces shape strategy // Harvard Business Review. 1979. 57: 137–145.
10. Hamermesh Daniel. Beauty Pays: Why Attractive People Are More Successful. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2011.
Таргетирование инфляции и неравенство1. Coggan, 2020. P. 224.
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3. Coggan, 2020. P. 258.
4. Джеральд Буи, управляющий Банка Канады, выступление в 1982 г.
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8. Alvaredo Facundo, Chancel Lucas, Piketty Thomas, Saez Emmanuel and Zucman Gabriel. World Inequality Report 2018. Paris: Paris School of Economics, 2017. P. 123–130.
9. World Bank, Doing Business project, доступен по адресу: www.worldbank.org/en/programs/business-enabling-environment/doing-business-legacy (Проект был закрыт в 2021 г.)
10. Irwin Douglas. The trade reform wave of 1985-1995 // AEA Papers and Proceedings. 2022. 112: 244–251.
11. Bown Chad and Irwin Douglas. The GATT’s starting point: Tariff levels circa 1947 // NBER Working Paper 21782, 2015; World Bank. Tariff rate, applied, weighted mean, all products (%), см.: data.worldbank.org/indicator/TM.TAX.MRCH.WM.AR.ZS
12. Bolt and Luiten van Zanden, 2020.
13. См., например: Yifu Lin Justin. New structural economics: The third generation of development economics // GEGI Working Paper 27. Boston: Global Development Policy Center, Boston University, 2019.
14. Mazzucato Mariana. The Entrepreneurial State: Debunking Public vs. Private Myths in Risk and Innovation. L.: Anthem Press, 2013. (Маццукато Мариана. Предпринимательское государство: развеем мифы о государстве и частном секторе / Пер. с англ. М. Добряковой. М.: Издательский Дом ВШЭ, 2023.)
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16. United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division. World Population Prospects 2022. N. Y.: United Nations, 2022.
17. Ritter Steven. The Haber – Bosch reaction: An early chemical impact on sustainability // Chemical and Engineering News. 2008. 86 (33): 55.
18. Smyth Stuart. The human health benefits from GM crops // Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2020. 18 (4): 887–888.
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20. Alvaredo Facundo, Chancel Lucas, Piketty Thomas, Saez Emmanuel and Zucman Gabriel. World Inequality Report 2018. Paris: Paris School of Economics, 2017. P. 113–122.
21. Развернутую дискуссию на эту тему см. в: Gans and Leigh, 2019.
22. Kissick William. Medicine’s Dilemmas: Infinite Needs Versus Finite Resources. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1994.
23. Эти примеры из: Cutler David and McClellan Mark. Is technological change in medicine worth it? // Health Affairs, 2001. 20 (5): 11–29.
24. Galbraith John Kenneth The Affluent Society. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1958. (Гэлбрейт Дж. К. Общество изобилия / Пер. с англ. Г. И. Агафонова и др.; науч. ред. Д. Б. Бодрунов. М.: Олимп-Бизнес, 2018.)
25. The Business Research Company. Sports Global Market Report 2023. L.: The Business Research Company, 2023.
26. Price Joseph and Wolfers Justin. Racial discrimination among NBA referees // Quarterly Journal of Economics. 2010. 125 (4): 1859–1887.
27. Fischer Kai, Reade J. James and Schmal W. Benedikt. What cannot be cured must be endured: The long-lasting effect of a COVID-19 infection on workplace productivity // Labour Economics. 2022. 79. 102281.
28. Kendall Graham and Lenten Liam. When sports rules go awry // European Journal of Operational Research. 2017. 257 (2): 377–394.
Горячие рынки, раскаленная планета1. См.: www.internetworldstats.com/emarketing.htm
2. За последние годы отмечено в среднем около 600 000 смертей от малярии (по данным World Health Organization World Malaria Report), в то время как акулы стали причиной около 70 смертей (Florida Museum of Natural History’s International Shark Attack File). Число погибших в ДТП составило около 1,3 миллиона (World Health Organization), в то время как число погибших в авиакатастрофах составило около 300 человек (Aviation Safety Network).
3. Kahneman Daniel. Thinking, Fast and Slow. N. Y.: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2011. (Канеман Д. Думай медленно… решай быстро / Пер. с англ. А. Андреева и др. М.: АСТ, 2016.)
4. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. HM 1.2 House Prices. OECD Affordable Housing Database. Paris: OECD, 2022.
5. Симулятор американских горок Шиллера (2007) можно увидеть здесь: www.youtube.com/watch?vkUldGc06S3U
6. Lewis Michael. The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine. N. Y.: WW Norton, 2010. (Льюис Майкл. Большая игра на понижение: тайные пружины финансовой катастрофы / Пер. с англ. Е. Бакушевой, В. Ионова, М.: Альпина Паблишер, 2011.)