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Struggle: The Path to Power - Владимир Андерсон

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The second route. And getting to the second route takes three times as much effort as if we were to transport on the surface… Can we expect any assistance in this direction?

— You want your problems solved by our hands…" Cobra grinned.

— Yes. — Gora knew that unconventional and direct answers were the most striking, and with such people you can deal only in such a way: direct and unconventional. — And I won't be in debt.

— Ha ha! — Cobra laughed again. — You really are what they say you are. Fucking iron! We wanted to get even with the local Maquis ourselves. I won't hide it… But remember we helped you. Soon the time will come, and we will ask for your help. — And you will have it. — replied the prefect firmly. — Just get the poppies out of my way.

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