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Стратегическое партнерство государства и бизнеса: особенности, формы, принципы взаимодействия участников - Олег Федорович Шахов

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tools such as clusters, special economic zones, territories of priority development; partnership in the strategic planning associated with the development of strategies for socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, subjects of the Russian Federation, state economic policy in a variety of species. Proposed substantial characteristic of these forms of strategic partnership of government and business. The author's approach to the interpretation of the principles of interaction between the state and business as participants of strategic partnership is offered. These principles are defined as rules, following which is necessary for the formation and sustainable reproduction of relations between the state and business, ensuring the effective achievement of the goals of strategic partnership. It is proved that objectively existing variety of forms of strategic partnership of the state and business causes existence not only the General, but also private (in relation to each form) principles of interaction of its participants. The author's version of the system of principles of interaction of the state and business having two levels is offered and meaningfully opened. On the first — the General principles of interaction of partners, which are invariant for all forms of strategic partnership, are highlighted. On the second — particular principles that take into account the specifics of its forms.

Key words : strategic partnership between, state, business, form strategic partnerships, collaboration principles.

For citation: Shakhov O. F. The strategic partnership of the state and business: features, forms, principles interaction between the participants. Proceedings of the Southwest State University. Series: Economics, Sociology and Managment, 2018, vol. 8, no. 1(26), pp. 38–46 (in Russ.).

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