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In what, how and for what liberty is acting? - Юрий Низовцев

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Anyway, it is clear that reasonable formation from another measurement can be retained in our measurement only by means of creation of our world, for example, in the form of symbiosis of a high-organized animal and field formation of the unknown to us type which we call soul. Thereby the eternal soul and a finite body are united temporarily, forming the person.

Apparently, other options, besides, that liberty belongs to mind, consciousness, is not available. It existed, exists and will exist, how long there is mind as its inalienable state which is capable to model a violation of any order without admission of chaos and, thereby, to promote development. Liberty as the everlasting dissatisfaction of consciousness also is valuable because liberty does not allow mind to fall to stagnation, calm and wellbeing. Liberty does not allow falling asleep to mind, does not allow for mind to become despondent and it always finds space for a output from any situation for mind.

It is possible to tell also that liberty is ability of soul as particles of Supreme Mind which external manifestation is consciousness, to counteract any circumstances. Degree of this rebelliousness to circumstances in planning of the actions and success of these actions depends on a level of development of concrete consciousness.

It seems by the cursory examination that the liberty of the individual fluctuates between two extremes: necessity and arbitrariness. If to understand as necessity any external order which is not entering into structure of consciousness, but which is reflected in it, and arbitrariness as the chaos, it is represented that liberty has to reckon with existing order and not reach chaos.

However, as we showed above, it is only an upper part of iceberg.

There are a lot of sides of liberty as a state of consciousness of the person, but existence of a similar state means that the person is capable to counteract anything, breaking any current order for the sake of acquisition of the new knowledge, new feelings, opening of the new horizons, without reckoning with any conventionalities of beingness.

Liberty for ordinary individual behavior is represented to the person as opportunity to do anything that soul will wish, to be free, as a wind. This representation is polar to common schedule of life where even the idler is compelled to eat, to drink, to put on, to consider desires and reasons of those who looks after him etc., i.e. the life schedule forces the person to do absolutely not that he would like in this moment.

Hence the idea of liberty arose as the dreams that, here, if was allowed to me, I would make such … And further the thought does not go. The person in the depth of consciousness understands that even if to allow emergence of a similar situation, he will be lost: he will not know plainly that to do or will start doing nonsenses.

Common life for the person is some bog and liberty for him is flight. But if he in a bog together with others can potter about somehow, he is not able to fly independently. However limitation in actions does not mean absence of liberty for the person. It always is with him, in his consciousness, time he makes decisions consciously and these decisions at all are not always dictated by this or that necessity, and makes actions according to them. The person does not understand that liberty is in his consciousness. Therefore there is an expression: to strive to liberty as to something external whereas, in practice, the external is only a means for return of the person to itself, to own soul.

For activity in society, for daily work liberty is represented to the person as space where he could act on own understanding, without pressure from outside, choosing that is pleasant and, doing it so as it turns out. But it won't work for anyone.

Therefore the person during life realizes in practice that liberty as something the external which he could receive and in which he could live, does not exist, in difference, for example, from bread, shout, bustle, in general, – of time and space.

On the other hand, the person does not produce liberty as a yarn, liberty, in fact, immediately does not depend on his actions, on the contrary, his actions, substantially, are compelled by circumstances up to his grave.

It is visible from here that liberty can be only by a state of consciousness, liberty depends on its level and it is changed together with consciousness. The high level of consciousness means high degree of probability of overcoming by the person of any obstacles, high degree of his liberty, ability to development, and low – its passivity, humility as well as desire simply "to go down stream".

All these reasoning and life realities allow to define liberty which is manifested in actions of the person in life, as the state of a dissatisfaction of consciousness by itself which is realized into development of ways of own change by means of exposure on existing beingness taking into account counteraction of beingness.

In other words, the everlasting dissatisfaction of consciousness with itself evokes its aspiration to be changed into own existence in the conditions of the resisting environment.

If living conditions do not allow the person to dominate completely over circumstances, nobody and nothing prevents him to strive for this: the approximation to an ideal is too, in a sense, finding of larger liberty.

Known expression: "At last I broke loose" means transition of the person to rough activity, i.e. being available dissatisfaction, blocked aspirations start being implemented. It is not necessary to think that liberty can be outside, round you. If there are no aspirations, be all to your services around, but anything it will not be necessary for you. The rich idlers who are quickly tired from life know about it well.

If the person, generally, does not show displeasure by life and to anything does not aspire, such passivity means temporary blocking its own aspirations by itself because of, as a rule, external pressure that is characteristic for "weak" consciousness. As a result, these aspirations, without finding itself a way out as there is no completely satisfied person, except the insane, latently destroy consciousness of the person and lead him to mental diseases.

Not the term "liberty" in this regard could be more precise, and the term "release" because consciousness does not wait for liberty, and always itself seeks to be released from the former, anyway to destroy it, to replace own shell, to be expressed in a new way. I.e. liberty as process of release is means for development of consciousness, development and represents the true purpose of consciousness, soul. There are no aspirations – there is no liberty also, there is no development also. The person in a similar state is not needed to own soul any more. She does not want to remain in him. And he gets sick and dies if he “will not revive the spirit".

Therefore, intuitively understanding that liberty is release, destruction of the existing order in which, perhaps, it was quite cozy to someone, liberty is so respected, feared, and philosophers are not able to understand from the standpoint of logic, what it is. And really: have something to fear.

After all, actually, liberty in practical life is not a state of pure reflection which can be about anything, not creation of abstract designs, and a state of model operation of ways of removal of obstacles on a way to exercise of specific projects available while only on paper or in the head. In other words, it is a path to the release from fetters of the present, whatever it was fine outside and inside, for the sake of finding new.

This is required still to undeveloped soul in our suffering world.

It is visible from this that liberty, or release provides possibility of fight against any circumstances.

Actions of consciousness for creating favorable conditions on the achievement of objectives, being put everyday by the person, can be reduced to routine planning and statement of tasks. Nevertheless, it is too no other as release of a path for receiving conceived.

Liberty is a core of the consciousness expressing invariable dissatisfaction with itself. Therefore any consciousness always tries to think up something unusual, new, interesting, maybe, even the useful, and, at the same time, always tries to ponder, as though for this interesting to clear away a place from already made and therefore not so interesting.

Here link between the term "liberty" and a verb "to release" is traced (its analogs: to break, to liquidate, to destroy, to bypass and to permeate).

It is known that extremes meet: and in case of achievement of the purpose, when receiving the necessary result occur together creative, collecting power of consciousness with his destructive, releasing force. Really, adequate planning by consciousness of the person of own actions, leading him, despite all difficulties of a way to achievement of the purpose, implementation of the conceived project, causes in him sometimes such degree of satisfaction that he remembers these moments as the happiest in life.

However, after achievement of the purpose right old, unresolved problems appear immediately, arise new, and process is resumed.

So liberty belongs to consciousness, and her mission – ensuring continuous development of consciousness, and actually, soul as particles of Supreme Mind. [1]

Consciousness in the human can be manifested only at his immediate contact with other consciousnesses. Therefore children from the earliest age attentively listen and give heed by all other organs by any information coming to them, especially from relatives. Quickly enough they start telling and carrying out a conscious activity. All this was investigated well by physiologists and psychologists.

The main thing in this process is that in intercourse of one consciousness with others or people, collective consciousness is formed. It starts functioning like individual consciousness and in it the main features of individual consciousness are manifested and, in particular, a state of liberty. Its degree with development of a civilization grows. It is necessary for exercise of planning of various works, numerous transformations, innovations and etc.

The principles of manifestation of this state are similar to the main manifestations of individual consciousness: there is an internal state of liberty which is generally expressed in culture of a nationality, and an external, "working" state which substantially in antagonistic society is exposed to deformation both in work, and in public life.

The overwhelming majority of people is compelled to sell own labor to survive, in every possible way to adapt to life. Also it is big luck if the person finds work on temper and abilities in which he can just show the aspirations to new, i.e. realize the liberty.

People won only rather recently the liberty of speech, meetings, opportunities to create these or those democratic institutes in public life. However all this is perverted because in the society of total consumption any information, any institutes are used for preservation of this society stagnating in public consciousness, blocking developments of the person. That is a civilization now, having achieved the considerable success in technological development, turned the person into a slave not even his desires, but actions of Moloch of a kingdom of consumption who crushed under itself even culture, having made it mass, low-standard and apoplexy. The free people are not necessary to such society, and obedient consumers of any rubbish are required to it.

Thus, if the individual consciousness in the case of certain efforts can preserve the inner peace, own internal liberty, it becomes more difficult to do to any collective consciousness. Blocking of free aspirations both in public life, and in the personal can become so strong and effective that development of consciousness practically will stop everywhere and, in fact, the similar civilization will be unnecessary. It or will be scattered in ashes, or will pass into the long-lived state of stagnation on the basis of equilibrium small formations like kibbutzim of Israel. [1, 2]

Consciousness – not the computer intelligence and not an instinct from which as it is considered, intuition develops. Consciousness is indivisible on parts. It has the mixed structure in the human and consciousness is only part of soul: all natural, unconscious and conscious is mixed in it. The result of this is that a person, knowing that he does a stupidity, anyway it does. And it, as it is paradoxical, is very good because does to the person not by any robot but by living creation which is capable to make mistakes, but which is capable both to grieve over this and correcting the error.

Liberty as a state of any consciousness is given to everybody, and not just to the elite. Therefore any person is capable to creativity. Preponderance for conscious activity in different people, depending on the level of development of a particular consciousness can be either in the direction of intellectual and sensual sides in the direction of activities. That is obviously manifested respectively in scientists and in artists. Creativity as such, may be anywhere because it is transformation of any known in some new that is manifested in rationalization and in finding of new properties, combinations of various subjects and phenomena that may be and for the shoemaker, and for the perfumer, and for the baker.

As for intuition, manifestation of links, images, relations which were not earlier unknown can be only by the reinforced preparation of consciousness for the corresponding process in the form of studying of background of a problem, various approaches to it and attempts of penetration into an essence of the studied process. Only then, but not from the first, something will turn out. Sometimes it takes a whole life. Question is only in object of consideration, in level of consciousness of the person, in properties of his natural character, for example, in persistence, determination, diligence, these or those abilities, skills. Apparent suddenness of inspiration actually is based for the most part by distant time of previous corresponding work of consciousness – nothing will grow except weeds on empty place. Intuition actually is as though momentary setting of the whole image of an unknown whereas before there were only its separate parts in consciousness. Only release of the corresponding part of consciousness from all the stereotypes in free niche which is fitted and adjacent to each other all seemingly unrelated before facts, feelings and thoughts may be by the trigger to "accretion" of dead parts into live and new image.

It is impossible and the occurrence of genius without such a process, but, in contrast to usual intuitive godsends, there is some kind of resonance found by him of the external and the ripened internal in sight of a desired objective at particular mood and preparation. As a result, deep, enormous force and expressiveness images, schemes, imaginations which he wishes but which in his consciousness are not present, not out of consciousness as top layer of soul, and from within the soul, he can get at this moment of his life through the blocking cutting off soul from its external manifestation – consciousness. Treasures of any soul which has passed through many lives, and bound to other souls are immeasurably in comparison with any human consciousness. But even at geniuses such breakthroughs happen seldom, as it is visible on their unequal creativity.

And the melancholy seeming causeless, being rolled suddenly on the person, is an echo of his unfulfilled aspirations, a regret on unfulfilled that was wished so by his consciousness and that he did not manage to execute. In other words, it is awareness by him of the inefficiency using liberty what is manifested always in anguish despite the fact that the person always has liberty.

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