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The Before Short Story Series. Part 1 - Иван Перепелятник

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limitless fossil resources in our hands, given mining processes that we carry on outside our planet. A network of meteorological satellites monitors the Earth, obviously, round the clock. We have already launched prototypes of weather satellites with specialized units capable of electromagnetic and thermal effects exerted on certain atmospheric areas of the planet, having a direct impact on the climate. This impact is provided in conjunction with a network of ground-based receiving and transmitting meteorological stations. We are able to carry out water desalination. Fundamentally, we know how and are already capable of changing the climate according to our needs and tasks. There’s only one little thing left—all this now needs to be scaled up.

This story, of course, would have been impossible were it not for the computing capabilities of the PAX, as well as without the energy potential of the ITER thermonuclear installations. Well, where does it leave us? Intelligence plus energy hints humanity of the next level of existence for our species.

So, if everything goes according to plan, we have a chance to drink champagne, friends, at the top…’ Igor looked at the communicator, which has been silent for the time being, ‘at the headquarters of the United Federation of Nations in New York. However, we should be patient— we’ll have to wait just for about a hundred years.’

‘Well, I think we already have invitations from you. The place is secured.’

‘Of course it is, Ed. Sure. There’s something I wanted to ask you. Rather, ask for.’

‘Okay. Go on.’

‘The oceanarium in Odessa is one of the best in the world, am I right?’

‘I would rather say, Igor, the best in the world. Oddly enough, given its location on the coastline of the Black Sea. But possibly it’s the case when something is despite of, not because.’

‘This is your domain, are you in contact with them?’

‘Well, not exactly. We do joint programs. I’m familiar with them, of course. We’re working… Well, why? What is it about?’

‘Could you check if there is an opportunity to get Robin in there for some training…’

The communicator rang and vibrated, abruptly interrupting the conversation and notifying the owner of an incoming video call request from the local rescue service. The three people at the table fixed their eyes on him.

Igor picked up the communicator and pressed the Reply button:

‘Speaking, Officer Roshan.’

Before: The Moon

Off we go! (Poyekhali!)—a landmark, which 200 years ago manifested the beginning of a new era in the development of mankind. The first words uttered by a man of the world—Yuri Gagarin—opened a new page in space research.

Yuri Gagarin is the first cosmonaut of the planet Earth.

Sergey Korolev is a scientist, a rocket engineer and spacecraft designer, who determined the vector of space exploration development for decades.

Valentina Tereshkova and Alexey Leonov are the first female cosmonaut and the first cosmonaut to go into outer space.

Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin are the first representatives of humanity to land on the Moon.

Elon Musk is an entrepreneur and an engineer who has laid the foundation for the Mars program.

Today 8,934 people are working at the Lunar base.

Today 1,021 people are working at the Martian base.

19,576: the number of cosmonauts and astronauts, scientists and space tourists who have been beyond the Earth in space, on the Moon and on Mars by 2163.

0.00016%: so small is the fraction of lucky representatives of our home planet who have been outside of it to date.

You can write your name in the history of mankind!

Learn more about the program of your space trip to the Moon!

For over an hour Lewis has been carefully studying information on the website of the New Horizons company, offering space travel services. Detailed video clips, the training program and the flight itself, the Lunar base visits program, cross-surface riding trips on the satellite, reviews by space tourists who had decided to travel—everything on the website of the travel agency was convincing you of the simplicity and affordability of space travel. Your dream is one step away from realization—just click the Buy button.

‘Well, yes, of course, everything is quick, straightforward and extremely interesting. One can hardly expect the interested party to be objective. The question is, what is this company and its program really like…’ Lewis was pondering.

‘Show me some reviews on the New Horizons company related to flights to the lunar base in 2163, Don,’ Lewis turned to his digital assistant.

‘Here you are, Lewis. I chose several reviews about trips to the Moon with the most number of views,’ Don responded immediately, displaying the requested information on the tablet.

It was worth the mad money I paid for this voyage! If you haven’t been to space, if you haven’t been to the Moon—consider you have not lived at all! As soon as you get your 100K bucks, go ahead, guys, to the Moon! Ha-ha-ha … If you want to learn more about my journey, send me a private message, I’ll be glad to share my experience! —Robin White, Oklahoma, U.S.

We decided to go to the Moon on our honeymoon! Oh my God, I’m absolutely thrilled! Our Earth is a beauty when you look at it from the Moon! A ‘Blue Marble’—how correct poetically said! Words fail me. And besides, gravity is 6 times weaker on the Moon… women, I think, will understand me :) Everyone fly to the Moon!!! I want to go there again! —Ira Baki, UAE.

A day on the road. The entertainment program on the satellite takes three days. One day on the way home. As for me, this dusty lump of dirt is not worth the money paid. It’s boring, gray, there’s nowhere to put your eyes on. The people who work there are strange or something… I don’t know, I was bored. I will not recommend this to anyone. One would better to

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