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Английский язык: самоучитель - Денис Шевчук

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Waiter: Good evening, sir. This is our menu, please.

Customer: Thank you. …I’d like to order now. Could I have some Chicken Shakuti?

Waiter: Yes, please. Would you like some vegetables?

Customer: Yes, I think. What is Bombay Aloo?

Waiter: It’s potato with hot spices.

Customer: It sounds good.

Waiter: Anything else?

Customer: A little plain water, please.

Waiter: Of course, sir. Here is your bill, sir.

Customer: Thank you.

6. Read the dialogue. Fill in the missing words.

Прочитайте диалог. Вставьте пропущенные слова.

Portions, pass, tomatoes, enough, order, meal, delicious, vegetable

Julia: Is this your first meal at the Indian restaurant?

John: Yes. Could you help me? What’s this? Lamb Rogan Gosht.

Julia: Lamb with…………..and yoghurt. Excuse me. We would like to…………….now, please.

Waiter: Yes, madam.

Julia: We’d like Chicken Shakuti and Lamb Rogan Gosht.

John: And a………………….. curry.

Waiter: Yes, sir.

Julia: Oh, yes. We’d like two……………..of rice.

Waiter: Anything else?

John: Yes, please. Could you bring us some Indian bread?

Waiter: Yes, sir. Just a moment. …Enjoy your meal!

Julia: Do you like it?

John: I like this lamb. It’s………………. But the chicken…Phew! Sorry. No. I don’t like it.

Julia: Oh. Would you like some more lamb, then?

John: No, thanks. This is………….. Could you………………the bread, please? …Thank you.

Waiter: How was your…………………., madam?

Julia: Very good.

Waiter: Sir?

John: Great! My first Indian meal. But not my last.

7. Read this text.

Прочитайте текст.

A Retired Teacher

Billie worked as a school teacher for thirty-four years in the United States. She is now a retired teacher. Billie tells us about her personal life and the life of the people at the beginning of the twentieth century.

She was born on a farm near Millville, Minnesota, in 1916. They had no electricity on the farm. She went to school in Millville. The school looked like a big, square house. And there were four grades. The smaller people were downstairs – those who were six, seven, eight and nine years old. These were all ages in the same room. One teacher taught all the subjects to these four grades.

When Billie was small a woman became a nurse, a secretary or a teacher or got married. The teacher was her choice. Women didn’t have many choices when she was small.

She started teaching in Millville, in the same school. She started teaching again the six-, seven-, eight– and nine-year-olds.

She enjoyed teaching very much. It was rewarding, extremely rewarding because she saw how the children developed.

Are the sentences true or false?

Верны или не верны данные предложения?

1. Billie was born in the twenty-first century.

2. Billie left the farm to study in school.

3. The small children studied together.

4. Billie was first a secretary and then a teacher.

5. She started teaching in her own school.

6. She liked teaching because she got a lot of money.

Lesson 10. Directions


1. Answer the questions about yourself.

Ответьте на вопросы о себе.

1. How do you get to your office?

2. Where do you keep your car?

3. Is your town attractive for tourists?

4. What sights can tourists see in your town?

5. Are you fond of traveling?

6. Where are the shopping centers in your town?

7. Where can tourists stay?

8. Do you know the way to the hospital?

9. Which is the shortest way to the market?

10. Is it easy to use a car in your town?

2. Make up some true sentences about your town. Use the adjectives given.

Составьте несколько предложений о своем городе. Используйте данные прилагательные.

Bigger, more interesting, very useful, the most expensive, more attractive, worse, easier, the best, the most delicious, the smallest, older, more beautiful, comfortable, more modern.

Example: The supermarket in Pushkin Street is bigger than the one in Gorky Street.

3. Complete the story. Use all the verbs given in their past forms.

Закончитерассказ. Используйтеглаголыto buy, to see, to speak, to come, to eat, to take, to meet, to get, to think, to tell, to sell в форме прошедшего времени.

A Tourist in London

It was her first visit to London. She read so much about this city. She learnt to speak the language of the people who lived there. But what she saw with her own eyes was really great!

Anita left Victoria Station and went to the city centre, the so-called Square Mile…

4. Ask Special Questions.

Составьте специальные вопросы к следующим предложениям.

1. She left the secondary school when she was sixteen.

2. We are studying this subject at the moment.

3. Her choice was extremely rewarding.

4. He got a diploma in business management.

5. He serves his clients very well.

6. They ordered roast meat in the restaurant.


Активный словарь


1. pub – пивная, трактир

2. museum – музей

3. souvenir – сувенир, подарок на память

4. accommodation – помещение, жилье

5. atmosphere – атмосфера, обстановка

6. cost – цена, стоимость

7. leaflet – тонкая брошюра

8. officer – служащий, инспектор

9. timetable – расписание, график работы

10. visit – посещение, визит

11. size – размер

12. appointment – условленная встреча, назначение

13. future – будущее

Future plans – планы на будущее

14. tomorrow – завтра

15. message – послание

16. pardon – извинение


1. international – международный

2. busy – занятой

3. so-so – так себе, сносный

4. effective – эффективный

5. enjoyable – приятный, доставляющий наслаждение

6. full – полный (чего-либо)

Full of water – полный воды

7. hectic – энергичный, нервный

8. impossible – невозможный

9. possible – возможный

10. fast-paced – быстротечный

Fast paced life – Быстротечная жизнь

11. attractive – привлекательный

12. double – двойной

13. peaceful – мирный, спокойный

14. spoilt – испорченный

15. unspoilt – не испорченный


1. show – показывать

2. follow – следовать (за, по)

Follow me – Следуйте за мной

3. turn – поворачивать, свернуть

Turn right/left – сворачивать направо/налево

4. forget (forgot) – забывать

5. ski – кататься на лыжах

6. call – звать, называть

7. confirm – утверждать, подтверждать

8. plan – планировать


1. again – снова

2. completely – полностью

3. below – ниже

4. indeed – в действительности

5. mainly – в основном

6. nowadays – в настоящее время

7. probably – вероятно

Word Combinations

1. petrol station – авто заправка

2. traffic light – светофор

3. railway bridge – мост через железнодорожные пути

4. you can’t miss it – Вы это не пропустите

5. business estate – бизнес-центр

6. guest house – гостиница

7. in fact – фактически, в действительности

8. make sure – убедиться

9. I’m afraid that… – Боюсь, что…

10. tomorrow evening – завтра вечером

11. go over – перечитывать, изучать в деталях

12. work out – разрабатывать, вырабатывать

1. Match the word with the translation.

Найдите соответствие между словом и переводом.

2. Make word combinations.

Составьте словосочетания.

3. Make up sentences using the words. Ask a question to it with the word given below.

Составьте утвердительные предложения, используя данные слова. Задайте к каждому предложению по одному вопросу со словом, указанным ниже.

Example: message, effective


Your message was not effective. Was the message effective or full of strange information?

1. to forget, visit


2. to plan, cost


3. officer, to turn


4. traffic light, attractive

to show

5. hectic, busy


6. to miss, to ski


7. cost, to confirm


8. possible, to go over

to call

4. Translate into English.

Переведите на английский язык.

1. Прошлый год был самый эффективный для нашей международной организации.

2. Когда вы подтвердили свою встречу с этим инспектором?

3. Мы сейчас планируем возможные цены и вырабатываем график работы.

4. Наш визит в этот музей был очень приятным.

5. Жизнь быстротечна в настоящее время.

6. Тот железнодорожный мост, фактически, самый современный.

7. Следуйте за мной. Там несколько спокойных, привлекательных гостиниц.

Language focus 1

Making Appointments

Договариваясь о встрече

5. Complete the dialogues.

Дополните диалоги.


Julia: …

Secretary: I'm afraid she is in a meeting …

Julia: No, thank you. I think I can call back later.



Secretary: Next Monday … I’m sorry, but she is busy.

James: …

Secretary: Tuesday afternoon is OK.


Julia: Good morning. Could I speak to Mr. Brown, please?

Secretary: …

Julia: It's Julia Marsh.

Secretary: Yes, thank you. ….

Julia: How about next Thursday?

Secretary: …

Julia: Next Thursday.

Secretary: Oh, yes. Next Thursday is fine.


Julia: …

James: Great idea! What time?

Julia: At six. And after that would you like to have lunch together?

James: …

6. Complete the sentences.

Дополните предложения.

Could I …………………… to Mr. Smith?

I’d like to …………………… an appointment.

I’m…………………… you can’t see him.

Could I leave a …………………………?

Who is ……………………………?

………………… meet near the cinema.

Great ………………!

Can you………………… me his telephone number?

Can he………………… me this afternoon?

Can you say your name …………………, please?

7. Make up your own dialogues.

Составьте свои диалоги.

A. You want to make an appointment to see your doctor.

B. You want to meet your boss to discuss the new costs.

C. You would like to meet your friend after work.

Language focus 2

Asking and giving directions

Как спросить или показать дорогу

Asking for directions

Giving directions

8. Match the questions and the answers.

Подберите подходящий ответ.

A. How do I get to the hospital?

B. Could you tell me the way to the town centre?

C. Is there a park near here?

1. Go straight ahead at the crossroads.

2. Turn right at the crossroads.

3. Turn left at the crossroads.

9. Complete the dialogue.

Дополните диалог.

A: Could ………………… the souvenir shop in Ford Street, please?

B: Yes, take ……………. Ford Street is …………. The souvenir shop is ……………….

A: Excuse me, how …………. North Street is ……………… The school is about a hundred metres …………

10. Give directions about your town.

Объясните, как пройти в Вашем городе.

A: Excuse me, how do I get to the police station?

B: Could you tell me the way to the nearest supermarket?

C: Is there a park near here?

D: Is this the way to the railway station?

E: How do I get to the book shop?


Активная грамматика

Language focus 1

Questions with there is/there are (more practice)

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