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Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка - В. Каушанская

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1. С тех пор как вы мне капельки дали... Митя спит хорошо. (Тургенев)2. Как только Нежданов вошел в переднюю, Сипягин, который уже искал его..., представил его жене. (Тургенев)^. Базаров вдруг раскрыл глаза. «Что ты сказал?» — «Я говорю, что Анна Сергеевна Одинцова здесь и привезла к тебе доктора». (Тургенев)4. А от нее он узнал, что она выросла в Петербурге, но вышла замуж в С, где живет уже два года... (Чехов)5. «А где же Аркадий Николаевич?» — спросила хозяйка и, узнав, что он не показывался уже более часа, послала за ним. (Тургенев)6....дядя Саша куда-то уехал как раз в то время, когда она [Таня] сдавала экзамены... (Слепухин)7. Горячие слезы закапали на подбородок Александрова... «О чем вы плачете, Зина?» — «От счастья, Алеша». (Куприн) 8. «А с бароном вы давно знакомы?» — «Я нынешней зимой с ним в Москве встретился». (Тургенев)9. «К сожалению, сударыня, вы не ошиблись... Мальчик, действительно, слеп»... —«Я знала давно», —сказала она [мать] тихо. (Короленко) 10. «Надо идти!» — подумала она [Лиза], как только узнала о приезде Лаврецкой. (Тургенев)11. Крошка Эмили преодолела свою застенчивость и сидела рядом с Давидом. 12. Старик машинально взял рюмку, но руки его тряслись и, прежде чем он донес ее к губам, он расплескал половину. (Достоевский) 13. Давид кончил завтрак и отодвинул свой стул, когда мистер Мердстон остановил его. 14. Наташа подошла ко мне и молча протянула мне руку. Три недели как мы не видались. Я глядел на нее с недоумением и страхом. Как переменилась она в эти три недели! (Достоевский) 15. Я прожил за границей, главным образом во Франции и Италии, около пятидесяти лет. (Сухомлин) 16....Алехин надел плащ и вышел на улицу. Было уже темно... Ветер усилился, стало еще морознее, но Алехин не чувствовал ни порывов ветра, ни холода. (Котов) 17. Он [ Берсенев 1 вернулся и взялся за книгу. Раумера уж он давно кончил: он теперь изучал Грота. (Тургенев)18. Солнце уже давно встало, когда Рудин пришел к Авдюхину пруду. (Тургенев)19. Рудин подошел к ней и остановился. Такого выражения он еще не замечал на ее лице. (Тургенев)20. Небо почти все очистилось, когда Наталья пошла в сад. (Тургенев)21. Я уже заканчивал наброски своего выступления, когда в комнату просунула голову бабка Настасья. (Тендряков)22. «Послушай, Аня, — спросил Максим у сестры по возвращении домой,—не знаешь ли ты, что случилось во время нашей поездки? Я вижу, что мальчик изменился именно с этого дня». (Короленко) 23. «Вы поете?» — промолвила Варвара Павловна. (Тургенев)24. Она [Оля] здесь не живет почти два года... Она жила здесь раньше, почти два года тому назад. (Чаковский)25. Девочка перестала плакать и только по временам еще всхлипывала. (Короленко) 26. Екатерина Зашеина... начинает понимать, что царь принес и приносит много' зла своему народу. (Пермяк)27. Ей, Наде, было уже двадцать три года; с шестнадцати лет она страстно мечтала о замужестве, и теперь* наконец, она была невестой Андрея Андреича. (Чехов)28. Он [аист] прилетел на днях из далеких краев и строит гнездо на старом месте. (Короленко) 29. «Вы меня мучите, княжна! — говорил Грушницкий: — вы ужасно изменились с тех пор, как я вас не видал». (Лермонтов)30. «А Валя давно приехал?» — «Уже час беседуем», — ответил Волянский. (Котов)31. Когда он вялый, неудовлетворенный, вернулся домой... Егор Семенович и Таня сидели на ступеньках террасы и пили чай. Они о чем-то говорили, но, увидев Коврина, вдруг замолчали, и он заключил по их лицам, что разговор у них шел о нем. (Чехов)32. Когда вошли з залу, там уже садились ужинать. (Чехов)33. Несколько секунд молча стояли они друг против друга. (Котов)34. «Солнышко село», — произнесла она. (Короленко) 35. «А давно мы вас не видали», — наивно заметила Леночка. (Тургенев)36. Мне удалось узнать адрес учреждения, в котором она [Миронова] работала шесть лет назад. (Чаковский)37....если вы увидите Иванова, он вам все подробно расскажет. (Чаковский)38. Волынцев встал и подозрительно посмотрел на Лежнева и сестру. Он похудел в последнее время. (Тургенев)39. Лицо ее было бледно; слегка раскрытые губы тоже побледнели. (Тургенев)40. «Вы давно ее знаете?» — «С детства!» — отвечал Печорин. — «Я также ее когдато знала». (Лермонтов)41. Я давно хотел поговорить с вами, но опасался, что этот разговор будет вам неприятен. (Рыбаков) 42. Я рада, что вы пришли. (Тургенев)43. Я забыла снегирю корму насыпать. (Тургенев)44. «Видели вы Нежданова?» — спросил наконец Остродумов. — «Видела; он сейчас придет. Книги в библиотеку понес». (Тургенев)45. Вы давно видели Сашу? Как ок выглядит? (Котов)46. Вы были у меня во вторник, поздно вечером; на другое утро он [Алеша] заезжал ко мне..., и с тех пор я его не видела... (Достоевский) 47. Шубин поднял голову. Слезы блестели на его щеках. (Тургенев)


Exercise 1. Insert the required tense (Passive Voice).

1. "I don't want to hear another word. I __ never __ so __ in my whole life, (to insult) (/. Shaw)2. But what shall I do if you __ ? (to kill) (Shaw)3. Godfrey waited, before he spoke again, until the ale __ and the door __ (to bring, to close) (Eliot)4. In whatever spare time he could find, he read the current research journals, trying to understand the implications of the experiments which __ throughout the world, (to perform) (Wilson) 5. Merriman, order the dog-cart at once. Mr. Ernest __ suddenly to town, (to call back) (Wilde)6. Upon the Doctor and the widow the eyes of both Mr. Tuprnan and his companion __ for some time, when the stranger broke silence, (to fix) (Dickens)7. In 1834, the Houses of Parliament, with the exception of Westminster Hall __ by fire. They __ '. by Sir Charles Barry, (to destroy, to rebuild) 8. "I'm afraid that we're going to have to move," he said. "This lab won't be big enough for us after all. But there's a double room on the eleventh floor that __ " (to use — negative) (Wilson) 9. Lanny noticed that he __ by three white men from the coffee stall on the other side of the road, (to watch) 10. It was past eleven o'clock — a late hour for the little village of Cobham — when Mr. Pickwick retired to the bedroom which __ for his reception, (to prepare) (Dickens)11. We __. if we __, but never mind, (to scold, to see) (Ch. Bronte)12. The Nobel Prize __ to him in 1924 when the advent of wave mechanics had revealed the importance of his work, ten years after his famous experiment __ (to give, to perform) (Wilson)13. The camp of peace will not allow the outbreak of a new war that __ by the imperialists. (to prepare) 14. I called... to ask if a diamond brooch of mine __ (to find) (Wilde)15. The tea-things __ scarcely ___ when the London coach deposited Mr. Weller, senior, at the door, (to put away) (Dickens)16. Annette's most valuable stone was ruby, which __ to her when she was twelve by an Indian prince who was in love with her mother, (to give) (Murdoch)17. He [Jim] put down his pail... and bent over the toe with absorbing interest while the bandage __ (to unwind) (Twain)18. He carefully examined the contents of his case, and did not speak again until the beer __ and he had paid for it. (to bring) (Priestley) 19. The little patient — and __, and now lay composed in her crib, (to examine, to soothe) (Ch. Bronte)20. It was an idea that __ at that moment __ by Colonel Melchett and Colonel Bantry. (to discuss) (Christie)21. Lanny __ cruelly, heartlessly in the way Sara __ When he __, the barking of a dog __ It __ by hurried footsteps, (to beat, to beat, to beat, to hear, to follow) 22. H« [Arthur] went up to his room. Nothing in it __ since his arrest, (to change) (Voynich)23. You can feel when you __. (to watch] (Hilton) 24. The oldest of London's present-day theatres is th(Theatre Royal, Drury Lane, which __ in 1663 and __ since __ several times, (to open, to reconstruct) 25. Below decks the atmosphere was close. Many cigarettes __, and __. (to smoke to smoke) (Clark)26. She kept an eye on the Leanharn people to see that her action __ duly ___ (to notice) (Maugham)27. Rumania is a Balkan State which __ long __ for its mineral springs. (to know) (Maugham)28. After a few routine questions __ and __, Dr. Lord leant back in his chair and smiled at his patient, (to ask, to answer) (Christie)29. Ettore was twenty-three. He __ by an uncle in San Francisco and was visiting his father and mother in Torino when war __ (to bring up, to declare) (Hemingway)30. He strode up to the front door of the forlorn house and rang the bell like one who __ there for weeks, (to expect) (Priestley) 31. After lunch, we heard that Charles Lenton __ for. (to send) (Snow) 32. Breakfast __ scarcely ___ when a waiter brought in Mr. Dowler's card, (to clear away) (Dickens)33. One could not walk or drive about Philadelphia without seeing or being impressed with the general tendency toward a more cultivated and selective social life. Many excellent and expensive houses __ (to erect) (Dreiser) 34. I __ constantly __ in the street. I like it. It gives an amusement to the dullest walk, (to follow) (Maugham)35. A minute earlier, a small boy with a partly deflated red balloon had run out into the cleared forbidden street. He __ just __ and __ back to the curb by his father... (to capture, to drag) (Salinger) 36....the railway __ at all at that time, (to use — negitive) (Shute) 37. Ant on i a: Thank you. Thank you. Martin: What __ I __ for? (to thank) (Murdoch and Priestley) 38. The gentleman was so startled that he took the night train for the Continent and __ never __ of since, (to hear) (Maugham)

Exercise 2. State where the combination to be + Participle II is a simple predicate and where it is a compound nominal predicate.

1. Mr. Dorrit's rooms were reached . Candles were lighted . The attendants withdrew. (Dickens)2. The door was instantly opened . (Ch. Bronte)3. I have been treated and respected as a gentleman universally. (Dickens)4. About noon, I was summoned to dress madame. (Ch. Bronte)5. My boxes are locked, strapped and labelled; I hate being hurried. (Collins)6. This brisk little affair was all settled before breakfast. (Ch. Bronte)7. He was like a man who had been separated from one he loved for many years... (Greene)8. I stopped at a barber shop and was shaved and went home to the 'hospital. (Hemingway)9. We shall have time to-morrow, when my packing is finished .(Voynich)10. My wife and daughters were charmed with her. (Collins)11. The purchase was completed within a month. (Dickens)12. You are deceived . (Hardy)13. the door was opened by a girl. (Priestley) 14. I' ll be dressed in a minute. (Hemingway)15. The small room was lit only by a dying fire and one candle with a shade over it. (Eliot)16. A short bridge over a canal was blown up but we climbed across on what was left of the span. (Hemingway)17. The chambermaid's curiosity was aroused at once. (Priestley) 18. Was your novel ever published ? (Wilde)19. He has not been well educated up to now. (Clark)20. Huckleberry was filled with admiration of Tom's facility in writing and the sublimity of his language. (Twain)21. The beds, which for years had been neglected , now were trim with the abominations of carpet bedding. (Maugham)22. A whisper goes about the house that Mr. Dombey's hair is curled . (Dickens)23. He was in the house when the diamond was lost . (Collins)24. When at last the notes were finished , I typed them out... (Hilton) 25. Penn was fascinated and troubled by this suggestion. (Murdoch)26. The big brightly lit stone-flagged kitchen was silent... The shutters were closed and barred . (Murdoch)27. Red carpet was laid down for the occasion; hothouse plants and evergreens were arranged in bowers at the extremities and in every recess of the gallery. (Eliot)28....perhaps you know that Mirah's brother is found . (Eliot)29. Another half-hour and all doors would be locked — all lights extinguished . (Ch. Bronte)30. Sam's body was twisted and deformed . But he had not been, born like that... Early one morning farm laborers on their way to work from Stilleveld had come upon a twisted heap lying in the open. It had turned out to be Sam... The right side of his head had been crushed in , as though by a boot. Most of the ribs in the right side of his chest were broken . His right arm was broken in many places. (Abrahams)31. The scoop, under the ranger's fence, cannily selected for his sleepingplace, was overhung by branches. (Galsworthy)32. My things are all packed . (Hemingway)33. Two doors opened out of it [the passage] to the left and to the right. One of these had obviously been closed for many weeks. (Conan Doyle)34. In the front room the bricks of the floor were being tumbled aside by the shoots from old tree-roots. (Lessing)35. She realized that the old life was gone and done with . (Maugham)

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