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Английский язык: самоучитель - Денис Шевчук

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There are five computers in the office. Are there five computers in the office? There aren’t five computers in the office.

В офисе 5 компьютеров. В офисе 5 компьютеров? В офисе нет пяти компьютеров.

There is a chair behind each desk.

There is a video recorder in that department.

There are some sockets in the office.

There are three clients in the reception.

There are telephone lines in almost all the rooms.

There is some milk and some coffee in the fridge.

7. Look around. Answer the questions.

Посмотрите вокруг себя. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Are there any sockets in your room?

2. Is there any paper on your table?

3. What is there next to the window?

4. How many drawers are there in your desk?

5. Are there any children in the room?

6. Where are your books?

7. Where is your food?

8. There is an extra word in each sentence. Find it.

Найдите лишнее слово в каждом из данных предложений.

1. There are not no drawers in the desk.

2. There is a some fax-machine in our department.

3. There is not some any paper in the laser printer.

4. Are there any an airline tickets in the reception?

5. There is not a any juice in the glass.

6. How many rooms are there are in this department?

7. Are there any not letters for our tenants?


1. Answer the questions.

Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What do you usually do at work?

2. What do you especially enjoy/are bored with/hate doing?

3. What are you doing now?

4. What are your secretaries/managers doing now?

5. What equipment is there in your office?

6. How many departments are there in your office?

7. How often do you organize meetings/discuss your problems/send letters/sign the documents?

8. How many people are there in the office today?

9. Who is using a phone now?

10. Who regularly brings new information to the office?

2. Complete the questions in The Present Continuous and Present Simple tenses with the words from the Active Vocabulary.

Дополните вопросы в Настоящем продолженном и Настоящем простом временах, используя слова Активного Словаря.

1. Are you………………………………………………………….?

2. What is he………………………………………………………?

3. Am I……………………………………………………………?

4. Where is he……………………………………………………..?

5. Why are the doctors……………………………………………..?

6. Does she…………………………………………………………?

7. When does he……………………………………………………?

8. Who……………………………………………………………….?

9. Why do they………………………………………………………?

3. Read the dialogue and try to learn it.

Прочитайте диалог и постарайтесь его запомнить.

Boris: Julia, could you help me, please?

Julia: Yes, Boris. What is wrong?

Boris: Well. I would like Alice to type a letter. But there aren’t any secretaries in the department now.

Julia: I see. Can you type?

Boris: Yes. I think so.

Julia: There is a word processor on Alice ’s desk. Can you use a word processor?

Boris: Yes. And where is the disk?

Julia: It is in the top drawer of the desk.

Boris: Julia, there isn’t a dollar sign!

Julia: Yes, there is.

Boris: Well, I can’t see it.

Julia: Oh. Boris. That’s terrible. Would you like me to help you?

Boris: Oh, thanks. Can you read my writing?

Julia: Yes. I think so!

4. Complete the dialogue with the words from the Word Box.

Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова.

already, prepare, hobby, a wide variety of, exhibition, reading

A: Alice! It is seven o’clock! And you are still working!

B: No, I am not working. I’m…………………….

A: What are you reading? Is it a business document?

B: No, it isn’t. It is a German book. I’m leaning German.

A: Is German for work or is it a………………?

B: It’s for work. I want to ……………… some transparences in German. For our international…………….

A: Are you keen on learning languages?

B: Yes, I like learning them. I ………………… know four.

A: Oh. And I can speak just two.

B: Well. Never mind. You can do …………… other things.

5. You are very angry. What will you say? Find the proper response.

Вы не в духе. Как бы Вы отреагировали? Найдите подходящую реплику.

1. The children don’t want to get up. It is time to go to school.

2 The cat is eating your breakfast.

3. Your wife wants to have a holiday without you.

4. Your son is not eating his dinner. He is watching TV.

5. Your secretary doesn’t have transparencies.

6. Your fridge is empty. You have no food to eat. And your 16-year-old son is playing computer games.

7. Your husband doesn’t want to give you the money he gets at work.

8. Your children don’t want to show you their school results.

9. It is very cold. The window is open.

10. Your baby is drawing on your documents.

A. Don’t go without me, please!

B. Don’t watch TV! Eat your dinner!

C. Alec! Go to the shop! Now!

D. Show me your record books, please. I want to see them.

E. Get up immediately!

F. Ruby! Close the window!

G. Don’t eat my sausage!

H. Oh! Jimmy! What are you doing! Don’t draw here!

I. Go and buy them now!

J. Give me the money, please.

6. Read this text.

Прочитайте текст.

At a London Business Centre

A business centre is a place where there are some offices. They are already furnished. There are telephone lines and telephones already in the rooms. A businessman can sign a simple lease and start work here immediately.

There are fifty-six rooms altogether in the centre. There are also two kitchens where the tenants can make coffee. There is a large coffee room where the tenants can relax and watch TV. There are two reception areas where the tenants’ guests can wait for the tenants.

We can do a wide variety of things for our clients. We can type all their letters and prepare their documents. We can send them by e-mail or by post. We can organize couriers and taxis for them. Our secretaries can buy airline tickets. We can organize their meetings and food for those meetings. We can also organize their dry cleaning and send flowers to their wives.

Are the sentences true or false?

Верны или не верны данные предложения?

1. A business centre has one office.

2. Different businessmen can work in this centre if they sign a special document.

3. There is a coffee room there.

4. The tenants’ guests can wait for them in the reception.

5. The business centre can do a lot of things for the businessmen.

6. Its secretaries can discuss important questions with the bosses.

Lesson 8. Now and then


1. Answer the questions about yourself.

Напишите ответы на вопросы о себе.

1. How do you prefer to relax?

2. What do you usually do on holidays?

3. Do you like to organize meetings with your friends on holidays?

4. Which places would you like to visit this summer?

5. Do all people in your department have holidays in summer?

6. Can you take a vacation immediately? Why/Why not?

7. Your children can do a wide variety of things in summer, don't they?

8. How do you prepare for your summer trips?

9. Do you study the area on the map before you go?

10. How much does your trip usually cost altogether?

2. Say what you are doing now, and what-not.

Скажите, чем Вы сейчас занимаетесь, а чем нет.

My wife/husband……………………………………………………………………………………


Our children……………………………………………………………………………………………

3. Make up correct questions.

Составьте вопросительные предложения.

1. She never analyses new information.


2. The tenants are discussing the new department functions.


3. There are some guests in the reception area.


4. The secretary is preparing a simple lease.


5. The clients can't come immediately.


6. There are some telephone lines in the office.


7. She is waiting for you in the next office.


8. There is some paper in the drawer.


9. We often organize dry cleaning for our clients.


10. The courier can't hear you.


4. Say what there is in your office, but isn’t in the next office, and vice versa.

Say what there is in your house, but isn’t in your friend’s house, and vice versa.

Скажите, что есть в Вашем офисе, а в соседнем нет, и наоборот. Скажите, что есть у Вас дома, но нет дома у Вашего друга, и наоборот.


There are three sockets in this office, but there are no sockets in the next office.






There is a whiteboard in my friend's flat, but there isn't any whiteboard in our flat.






Активный словарь


1. match – матч

2. nursery – ясли, детский сад

3. soccer – футбол

Soccer player – футболист

4. zoo – зоопарк

5. swimming pool – бассейн

6. flight – полет, перелет

7. holiday – праздник, отпуск

On holidays – на каникулах

8. journey – путешествие, поездка

9. studio – студия, мастерская

10. water-skis – водные лыжи

11. weather – погода

12. caravan – фургон, дом-автоприцеп

To go caravanning – путешествовать в доме-автоприцепе

13. present – подарок

To give a present – дарить подарок

14. audience – публика, зрители

Audience room – приемная

15. bath – ванна

To take a bath – принять ванну

16. castle – замок

17. century – век

18. fork – вилка

19. spoon – ложка

20. knife-knives – нож-ножи

21. history – история

22. king – король

23. queen – королева

24. monastery – монастырь

25. visitor – посетитель


1. awful – ужасный

2. cold – холодный

to be cold – замерзнуть, зябнуть

3. comfortable – удобный, комфортабельный

4. hot – горячий, жаркий

5. last – прошлый, последний

6. wonderful – чудесный

7. tired – усталый, утомленный

8. wet – мокрый, дождливый

9. old – старый, старинный


11. to add – добавить, присоединить

2. to build – строить


1. yesterday – вчера

2. really – действительно, в самом деле

3. two days ago – два дня назад

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