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Hidden Tibet. History of Independence and Occupation. Sergius L. Kuzmin. 2010. St. Petersburg, Narthang. Tibet is a land of mysteries. They are not only in religion and occultism: its history remains hidden in a large part. This book disproves some erroneous views on history and religion of the Tibetans. Tibet has never been a part of any other state. At the time when China was an inseparable part of Mongolian Yuan Empire and Manchu Qing Empire, Tibet was a separate country but not a part of these empires. It was not a part of Chinese Tang and Ming empires. Statements that Tibet was a part of neighboring empires is related to ancient Chinese conception of the emperor's global power. Its principles are being wrongfully transferred onto a nation state model in post-revolution China. Inclusion of Tibet into the People's Republic of China was not legitimate. Tibet is an occupied country. The book traces history of the Tibetan statehood from ancient times to our days, describes life of the Tibetans at the times of Feudalism and Socialism, coercive inclusion of Tibet into People's Republic of China, suppression of national liberation movement, destruction of civilization of the Tibetans, Cultural Revolution and subsequent reforms. Many pictures and data concerning these events are published for the first time.

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