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863 Transportation/local event inquiries, <www.internationalanswer.org/campaign/ a12transp. html>.

864 “Schroeder attacked over gas post”, BBC News. December 10, 2005. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4515914.stm.

865 “Gerhard Schroeder’s Sellout”, Washington Post. December 13, 2005.

866 Dunphy, Harry (13 June 2007). “Lantos Raps Former European Leaders”, Associated Press, http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2007–06–13–2870151492_x.htm.

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867 Свидетельские показания Джона Ф. Керри перед комитетом сената США по международным отношениям от 22 апреля 1971 года, стр. 2. www.nationalreview.com/script/printpage.asp?ref=document/kerry200404231047.asp.

868 Clifford D. May, “Side Show,” National Review On Line, April 28, 2004.

869 Marvin E. Gettleman, “Vietnam and America: A Documented History”, New York: Grove Press, 1985, p. 54.

870 Joseph Libermann, “Democrats and Our Enemies”, Wall Street Journal, May 21, 2008.

871 David Horowitz, “Stab in the Back”, FrontPage Magazine, February 12, 2004.

872 Doug Donovan, “O’Malley Takes the Heat for Remarks about Bush”, Baltimore Sun, July 1, 2004.

873 “They want four more years of hell,” Teresa Heintz Kerry, responding to a Bush supporter yelling ‘four more years’ at a Democratic rally in Missouri”, TIME, Special Report, August 16, 2004, p.19.

874 Robert Amsterdam, “Obama and McCain Fumble Russian Debate”, October 9, 2008, <http://www.robertamsterdam.com/2008/10/obama_and_mccain_both_ fumble_r.htm>.

875 Stйphane Courtois, “Le Livre Noir du communisme: Crimes, terreur, rйpression”, Ėdition Robert Laffont, Paris, 1997, pp. 258–264.

876 Harry de Quetteville and Andrew Pierce, “Russia threatens nuclear attack on Poland over US missile shield deal”, Telegraph.co.uk, August 15, 2008.

877 Цифры являлись окончанием почтового индекса, а для названия использовалось имя ближайшего крупного города, это была обычная практика присвоения имен закрытым городам.

878 Murray Feshbach, “The Toxic Archipelago in the Former U.S.S.R, An Empire of Deadly Waste,” Washington Post, July 11, 1993, p. C1.

879 http://www.answers.com/topic/reset

880 Gary B. Nash, Julie Roy Jeffrey, John R. Howe, Allen F. Davis, Allan M. Winkler, Charlene Mires, and Carla Gardina Pestana, “The American People, Concise Edition Creating a Nation and a Society”, combined volume, 6th Edition (New York, Longman, 2007).

881 Elizabeth E. Spalding, “The First Cold Warrior: Harry Truman, Containment, and the Remaking of Liberal Internationalism”, 1, University Press of Kentucky, 2006.

882 В 1951 году начал работать «Американский комитет по освобождению народов СССР», и его радиостанция стала известна как «Радио «Свобода». Более подробная информация о радиостанции «Голос Америки» в этот период представлена в издании: David F. Krugler, “The Voice of America and the Domestic Propaganda Battles, 1945–1953”, Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 2000; более подробная информация о радиостанции «Радио «Свободная Европа»/«Радио «Свобода» представлена в издании: Arch Puddington, “Broadcasting Freedom: The Cold War Triumph of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty”, Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky, 2000.

883 Nestor Ratesh, “Radio Free Europe’s Impact in Romania during the Cold War”, prepared for the Conference on Cold War Broadcasting Impact, Stanford, CA, October 13–152004.

884 “War in the Caucasus”, The Wall Street Journal, August 9, 2008, p. A10.

885 “Russian army chief: We’ll use nuclear weapons if threatened”, Associated Press, January 19, 2008.

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886 Denis Woychuk, “KGB Bar – A Brief and Distorted History,” <www.kgbbar.com/bar>.

887 «Американский капитализм кончается плачевно» (“American capitalism gone with a whimper”), «Правда», 27 апреля 2004 года.

888 Jacques Derrida, “From Specters of Marx: What is Ideology?” extracted from “Specters of Marx, the state of the debt, the Work of Mourning, & the New International”, translated by Peggy Kamuf, Routledge, 1994, as published in <http://www.marxists.org/reference/subject/philosophy/ works/fr/derrida.2htm>, pp. 1–3.

889 Edward Marshall, “The War an Economic Disaster,” New York Times, Magazine Section, June 6, 1915, p. SM15.

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890 David S. Broder, “Obama’s Enigma”, Washington Post, July 13, 2008, p. B7.

891 John Barron, “KGB: The Secret Work of Soviet Secret Agents”, New York: Reader’s Digest Books, 1974, reprinted by Bamtam Books, p. 429.

892 Zhores Medvedev, “Gorbachev”, New York: Norton, 1987, p. 37.

893 Mikhail Gorbachev, “Perestroika: New Thinking for Our Country and the World”, New York: Harper & Row, 1987 («Перестройка и новое мышление для нашей страны и для всего мира», М.: Политиздат, 1988), в различных местах.

894 Tom Baldwin, “Schools are still crumbling in corridor of shame’ haunted by the old South”, Timesonline, January 28, 2008.

895 James Joyner, “Obama Che Guevara Flag Scandal”, Outside the Beltway, February 12, 2008, as posted at <www.outsidethebeltway.com/archives/2008/02/ obama_che_guevara_flag_ scandal/>.

896 <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQNkVmdicvA&feature=related>.

897 “How Many Speeches Did Obama Give?”, newswine.com, July 16, 2010, as posted on <http:// joysteele.newswine.com/_news/2010/07/16/4691800-how-many-speeches-did-obama-give>.

898 “Right-Wing Media Fixated On Obama’s “Shamless” Bin Laden Speech,” MEDIAMATTERS, May 3, 2011, <http://mediamatters.org/research/ 201105030031>.

899 George Landrith, “The ‘it’s all about me’ president”, The Daily Caller, May 5, 2011, as posted on <http://dailycaller.com/2011/05/03/the-its-all-about-me-president/>.

900 <http://wiki.answer.com/Q/How_many_speeches_did_Obama_give>.

901 David Jackson, “Obama’s first term by the numbers”, USA Today, January 20, 2013, <http://www.usatoday.com/story/theoval/2013/01/20/obama-first-term-numbers-mark-knoller/1849141/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium= feed& utm_campaign=Feed%3A+usatoday-NewsTopStories+ (News+-+Top+Stories) >.

902 Peter Kinder, “Missourians Reject Obama’s Brand of Radical Liberalism”, Human Events, May 30, 2008, as posted on <http://www.humanevents.com/2008/05/30/missourians-reject-obamas-brand-of-radical-liberalism/>.

903 ABC News video “Joe the Plumber”, October 15, 2008.

904 Jonathon M. Seidl, “Obama Compares Himself To Reagan: Republicans Aren’t Accusing Him Of ‘Being Socialist,’” The Blaze, October 5, 2011, as posted on <http://www.theblaze. com/stories/obama-compares-himself-to-ronald-reagan-republicans-arent-accusing-him-of-being-socialist/>.

905 Alexandra`Petri, Obama is up there with Lincoln, Roosevelt, and Johnson”, Washington Post, December 12, 2011, PostOpinions.

906 David Nakamura, “Obama invokes Teddy Roosevelt in speech attacking GOP policies”, Washington Post, December 6, 2011.

907 Ross Kaminsky, “What Will Obama’s Plans Cost the Nation?”, Human Events, March 17, 2008, online at <http://www.blnz.com/news/2008/05/13/ What_Will_Obamas_Plans_Cost_4036.html>.

908 Там же, стр. 1.

909 “Video of the week: We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it”, The Heritage Foundation, March 10, 2010.

910 Lt. Col. Oliver North, “I Am an Extremist”, FoxNews.com, May 16, 2009, <http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/war-stories/2009/04/16/i-am-extremist>.

911 Doug Mainwaring, “We are all Tea Partiers now”, Washington Times, September 30, 2010, p. 1.

912 “Rep. Maxine Waters has a socialist Freudian slip”, Newsreal, August 1, 2009, posted live voice <http://www.newsrealblog.com/2009/08/01/fox-rep-maxine-waters-has-a-socialist-freudian-slip/>.

913 Lawrence Summers, “Why isn’t capitalism working?”, Reuters, January 9, 2012, <http://blogs.reuters.com/lawrencesummers/2012/01/09/why-isnt-capitalism-working/>.

914 Robert Reich, “Why Obama Should be Attacking Casino Capitalism – Both Romney’s Bain and JPMorgan”, Politico, June 8, 2012, <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/robert-reich/obama-bain-romney_b_1537449. html>.

915 <http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/mitt-romneys-prep-school-classmates-recall-pranks-but-also-troubling-incidents/2012/05/10/gIQA3WOKFU_story. html>.

916 <http://mistermikejones.tumblr.com/post/22792231746/what-happened-to-john-lauber>.

917 <http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/Romney-bully-hair-Lauber/2012/05/11/ id/438800>.

918 <http://mi<http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/Romney-bully-hair-Lauber/2012/05/11/ id/438800>.stermikejones.tumblr.com/post/22792231746/what-happened-to-john-lauber>.

919 Mark Thompson, “Werner Sombart and American Exceptionalism”, Munster, Lit Verlag, ISBN 978–3–8258–5179–5.

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920 Джеймс Уэлш представил автору копии этих документов.

921 Kenneth R. Timmerman, “Arafat Murdered US Diplomats, Could Face DOJ Arrest Warrant”, Insight Magazine, June 4, 2001.

922 Julian Becker, “The PLO: The Rise And Fall Of The Palestine Liberation Organization”, New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1984, p. 41.

923 Suzanne Fields, “The Ghosts of Auschwitz”, townhall.com, December 10, 2001.

924 Christopher Andrew and Oleg Gordievsky, “KGB: The Inside Story”, New York: Harper Collins, 1990, p. 545.

925 К 1969 году на Египет Насера приходилось 43 % всего объема помощи Советского Союза странам третьего мира.

926 Соответствующее совещание на высшем уровне состоялось в Барселоне в апреле 1969 года, данные события описаны в издании: Claire Sterling, “The Terror Network”, New York: Reader’s Digest Press, 1981, p. 115.

927 Michael Freund, “73 % Increase in Israelis killed in 2 Years Since Oslo”, [email protected], September 15, 1995.

928 “Speech of numbers”, Peace for Israel, January 5, 2003.

929 Thomas L. Friedman, “ The New Math”, New York Times, op-ed, January 15, 2002, p. A23.

930 “Clinton’s Praise of Arafat’s ‘Decades’ of PLO Leadership Implicitly Justifies Terrorism”, Zionist Organization of America, October 28, 1998, (интернет-издание), <www.zoa.org/pressrel/1998/1028a.htm>.

931 “Yasser Arafat, Poloniu Poisoning and the Curies”, HUFFPOST, November 27, 2012.

932 “The originator of the acts of terrorism in London was standing near Tony Blair”, UK Indymedia, July 19, 2005, <http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/regions/ london/2005/07/318875.html>.

933 Ludwig De Braeckeleer, “Was Romano Prodi the Top Man in Italy?”, Ohmy News International, November 23, 2006.

934 Ferdinando Imposimato e Sandro Provvisionato, “Doveva morire. Chi ha ucciso Aldo Moro”, Chiarelettere, 2008, Capitolo 9: “La lunga mano del KGB”; Mitrokhin Commission, Wikipedia, December 2012.

935 Philip Wilian, “KGB linked to Prodi’s ghostly insight, The European Commission special Report”, The Guardian, October 20, 1999.

936 Christopher Andrew and Vasily Mitrokhin, “The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archive and the Secret History of the KGB”, New York: Basic Books, 1999, p. 382.

937 Douglas Frantz and James Risen, “A Secret Iran-Arafat Connection Is Seen Fueling the Mideast Fire”, New York Times, March 23, 2002 (интернет-издание).

938 Dan Ephron, “Israel captures 50 tones of Iranian arms”, Washington Times, January 5, 2002 (интернет-издание).

939 “Passover suicide bombing at Park Hotel in Netanya – 27 – March – 2002”, Israel Ministry of Foreign affairs, March 27, 2002.

940 “The ‘Massacre’ In Jenin”, Peace with Realism, as posted on http://peacewithrealism.org/ pdc/jenin.htm.

941 Corky Siemaszko, “13 Slain by Boy Bomber”, Daily News, April 10, 2002 (интернет-издание).

942 Gerald M. Steinberg, “Arafat’s Leninist Strategy”, National Review Online, April 22, 2002.

943 Matt Rees, “The Battle of Jenin”, Time Magazine, May 17, 2002, (интернет-издание).

944 Betsy Pisik and Ben Barber, “Powel finds no proof of Israeli massacre in Jenin”, Washington Times, April 25, 2002, p. 1, (интернет-издание).

945 Joel Mowbray, “Arafat elected?”, National Review Online, April 25, 2002.

946 “Follow-up to the outcome of the Millennium Summit: Note by the Secretary-General”, United Nations, General Assembly, Fifty-ninth session, Agenda item 55, p. 3.

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